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July 6, 1972
S'U<;<r.)LIL \' {AA~'::..
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; -a' bsolute r#fj I
... uction ~ ale
Southold, N. Y. (in rear of
Town Hall'& Dodge Dealer)
Main Road, South old
I SAT., JUL Y 8, 10,:30 AM.5 PM
I Inspection Fri,July 7, 11 AM.? PM I
! Refreshments & Seats
I Complete disposal of. contents 30 yr.
collection to highest bidder without
reserves. Warehouse building having
been sold. 2,000 lots of antiques,
Victorian & Early American furniture
of all kinds. Modern & contemporary
furniture, bed sets, rockers, some bric. t
a-brae, brass beds & pieces. All kinds of
stuff. We are emptying this huge barn I
and selling on a piece by piece basis. '
No numbered lots. Dealers & Auction. !
eers attending, bring trucks. I
L' 1351 West MainSt., Riverhead, N.Y. J'
(516) 727-7144
Subsection C-6-f, for permission
to locate off premises directional
sign on property of John Elak:
Location of property-south side
of Main Road, Cutchogue, New
York,bounded north by Main
Road; east by Dickerson; south
by Elak; and west by School Dis-
trict NO.9 boundary line.
8:50 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap-
plication of Samuel Market, Lee-
ton Drive, Southold, New York,
tor a variance in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar-
ticle III, Section 301, for per-
mission to divide property with
insufficient frontage and area.
Location of property-north side
of. North Bayview Road, South-
old, New York, bounded north
by D. Kart and others; east by
E. Avaletto and others: sout?l by
North Bayview Road; and west
by Markov and Hart.
9:00 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap-
plication of Lillian, Vail, Main
Road, East Marion, for a 'ipecial
exception in accordance WIth the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale
on "ugust 26, 1972; rain date
September 2, 1972. Location of
property-South siae Main Road,
East Marion, New York, bounded
north by Main Road: east by E.
Hawkins; south by Private Road:
and west by Tedeschi.
view Road, Southold, New York,
for a special exception inaccord-
ance wit.h the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300. Subsec-,
tion B-14, for permission to hold
a yard sale on August 12. 1972.
Location of property-north side
of Bayview Road, Southold. New
York, bounded north by Hamil-
ton: east by Ohlman. south by
Bayview Road; and west by
Smith Drive South.
9:45 P. M. (EDST). upon ap-
plication of Spinning Wheel Gal-
leries, 1351 West Main Street.
Riverhead, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance. Ar-
ticle III, Section 300 Subsection
B-14, for permission to hold an
auction sale on premises of
Blaschack. Southold. New York
on July 29 and 30, 1972. Location
of property-south side of Trav-
eler Street Extension, Southold.
New York, bounded north by
Tra veler Street Extension: east
by Saer; south by Main Road:
and west by Burnes and others.
9:50 P. M. (EDSTl. upon ap-
plication of Ruth H. Glasser,
Jackson Street, New Suffolk. for
a special exception in accord-
ance with tIDe Zoning Ordinance.
Article III, Section 300. Subsec-
tion B-14, for permission to hold
a yard sale on July 29, 1972; rain
date September 2.1972. Location
,of property-south side of Jack-
son Street, New Suffolk, New
York, bounded north by Jackson
Street; east by Third Street;
south by Peconic Bay; and west
by Fourth Street.
I 9:55 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Spinning Whet,} Gal-.
leries, 1351 West Main Street.
Riverhead, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinancp Ar-
ticle III, Section 300, Suton
B-14, for permission to .ho1(' an
auction sale on premises of Elsa
Morris on August 12 and 13, 1972;
rain dates August 19 and 20, 1972.
Lpcation of property west side
of Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New
York, bounded north by T.
Smith; south by Sound Avenue;
west by Sound Avenue.
Any pE;rson desiring to be heard
on the above applications should
appear at the time and place
Dated: July 14, 1972
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provisions, of
the Amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New
York, public hearings will be held
by the Zoning Board of Appeals of
the Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, on July 27, 1972, on the
following. appeals:
8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Raymond H.
Deidrick, 346 Murray Hill Drive,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 301, for permission to
divide property with insufficient
side yard on existing cottage.
Location of property: North of
State Highway, Orient, New
York, bounded north by Long
Island Sound; east by Phyllis
Hale; south by Gorwitz and
others; and west by Mearns.
8:20 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Emma
Enterprises, Inc., Main Road,
Mattituck, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection C-6-f, for permission
to locate off premises subdivision
identification sign on property of
Leonard Emma. Location of
property - South side of Peconic
Bay Boulevard, Laurel, New
York, bounded north by Peconic
Bay Boulevard: east hv .1
aDDlication of Isabele
Biddulph, Inlet Lane,
Greenport, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to hold a yard sale on July 29,
1972; rain date A!1gust 5, 1972.
Location of property - west side of
Inlet Lane, Greenport, New
York, bounded north by
Kinscherf; east by Inlet Lane;
south by.K. Rogers; and west by
Thompson and others.
9:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Church of the
Redeemer, Sound Avenue and
Westphalia Road, Mattituck,
New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale on
September 2, 1972. Location of
property - corner of Sound
Avenue and Westphalia Road,
Mattituck, New York.
9:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Laughing Waters
Property Owners Association,
Laughing Waters, Southold, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
.300, SubSection B"14, for
permission to hold a yard sale on
August 19, 1972; rain date August
20, 1972. Location of property -
north side of Minnehaha
Boulevard, Southold, New York,
bounded north bY Corey Creek;
",,~cf. Ih.... -~~~.~._.- '".....'--~.. .
9:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Anne Sparacio,
. Bayview Road, Southold, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale on
August 12, 1972. Location of
property - north side of Bayview
Road, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Hamilton; east
by Ohlman; south by Bayview
Road; and west by Smith Drive
South. ~ Weekiy Times
9:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Spinning Wheel
Galleries, 1351 West Main Street,
Riverhead, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission :.~..............
to hold an auction sale on
premises of Blaschack, Southold,
New York on July 29 and 30, 1972.
Location of property - south side
of Traveler Street Extension,
Southold, New York, bounded
north by Traveler Street ...............
Extension; east by Saer; south
by Main Road; and west by
Burnes and others.
9:50 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Ruth H. Glasser, f
Jackson Street, New Suffolk, for
a special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
t? hold a yard sale on July 29,
,9 duly Sworn.
~nport. in said
~ is a printed
.. . .. ... weeks
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r /
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luly 7. 1971
Spirning Wheel Galleri..
135'1 West Main Street
R1verhead. t.l., N.Y.
It has come to our attention that you are planning an auctl01
sale in leuthold, for lIermatige AntiqueS, at Main. R08.d near the Town llaU
Pleas. be advised that you need a special permit to conduct
an auct10n or aile of that type in the Town or Southold.
4pplicat1on torms enclosed. it takes at least three weeks
to precess an applica.tion, So no -permits can be is f;ued for sales
bef'oreJuly 28 or 29th.
Sales Without !)ermits \-Jill be prosecuted 8.5 a violation or
the ordinance.
Yours truly
1.\' ,
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