HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-75.-5-14.1 2/2019EXISTING AT&T GPS UNIT TO (TYPICAL OF 2) EXISTING AT&T CABLE BRIDGE EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER (BY OTHERS)- EXISTING CHAIN LINK — FENCE (BY OTHERS) SHE ID' : NYNYNY0229 EA# 10074795 ENSTING AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER (SEE DETAIL 2/A-1) EXISTING c NOTES: T -MOBILE EQUIPMENT PAD �Y�✓ 1 ` 1, PROPOSED ANTENNAS TO REPLACE EXISNNG (8Y OTHERS) •' EXISnNG ANTENNAS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY (TYPICAL OF 3 T f't 131'-6"2 HIGH /' TOWER PER SECTOR, 9 TOTAL) (SEE DETAIL 2/A-2). 2. PROPOSED EQUIPMENT AT ANTENNA LOCATION NOT AST r --.LATTICE SHOWN FOR CLARITY (SEE DETAIL 2/A-2). EXISTING c p T -MOBILE EQUIPMENT PAD �Y�✓ 1 ` EXISTING GRAVELCOMPOUND (8Y OTHERS) •' EXISnNG ( i f't 131'-6"2 HIGH /' TOWER r EXISTING PROPANE TANK�� r --.LATTICE (BY OTHERS) MUL 40 02' 29.00' jGFUDE "�'0N -77 27' 30.87' GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ANSI T7.31O FOR TELECOM - DC POWER SYSTEMS -TELECOM, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, AN I TIDIA ,FOR TE FOR ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN SECTIONS OF LISTED CODES AND STANDARDS REGARDING MATERIAL, REQUIRE OF CONSTRUCTION, OR OTHER REQUIREMENTS THE z n EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS i EQUIPMENT SHELTER 1 COMPOUND LAYOUT xAL t.f7: 4 iC AL Aw3E: F .r STING TENreq! 'MPOUND ANP CO'Al SITE INFORMATION: ICK. 5 G-1 EXISTING CSC CABINET --�� EXISTING GRAVELCOMPOUND (8Y OTHERS) ON: EXISTING GENERATOR. i (BV OTHERS) r EXISTING PROPANE TANK�� � (BY OTHERS) MUL EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS i EQUIPMENT SHELTER 1 COMPOUND LAYOUT xAL t.f7: 4 iC AL Aw3E: F .r STING TENreq! 'MPOUND ANP CO'Al SITE INFORMATION: ICK. 5 G-1 14.001 4NG R-80 ON: 075 STAG USE: TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY N USE NO CHANGE 7UND ELEVA110N: 18'E AMSL MUL 40 02' 29.00' jGFUDE "�'0N -77 27' 30.87' CONTACTS: PROJECT CONTACT: BENAA UTILITY CONTACT PSE&G TINIER NFORMAGO,, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 APPLICANT LN'FORMATKIN= NEW CINOULAR WIRELEESS PCS, LLC ONE AT&T WAY BEDMINSTER, NJ 07921 Slr ACO CONSULTANT: VICTORIA BRENNAN - 516-557-2398 DRAWING LIST: T-1 TITLE SHEET, SITE INFORMATION & COMPOUND LAYOUT G-1 GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS SP -1 SITE PLAN A-1ELEVATION & EQUIPMENT PLAN A-2 SECTORS A, P.& C PLANS & DETAILS A-3EQUIPMENT DETAILS A-4 ANTENNA MOUNT DETAILS E-1 SYSTEM DIAGRAM E-2 ELECTRICAL NOTES & GROUNDING DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK: 3C (WCS), 40 (FN) & 5C (850) KEY MAP: REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING ANTENNA MOUNTS (TYPICAL AT EACH SECTOR). INSTALL NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT MOUNTS. REMOVE & REPLACE ANTENNAS ON EXISTING MOUNTS (TYPICAL OF 9, 3 PER SECTOR). INSTAL L NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT MOUNTS. INSTALL NEW RAYCAP DVP TO BE MOUNTED ON EXISTING STRUCTURE. REMOVE & REPLACE 700 RRH WITH 812/14 FRH (TYPICAL OF 3). INSTALL RRH'S ON NEW UNISTRUT FRAME (TYPICAL OF 6, (3) 925 RRH'S AND (3) WCS RRH'S, IEACH PER SECTOR). INSTALL (2) ADDITIONAL DC LINE & FIBER LINE TO NEW RAYCAP GVP IN NEW 2' INNERDUCT INSTALL ADDITIONAL GROUNDING & CABLING AS REQUIRED. INSTALL NEW DC 12 & FIBER MANAGEMENT TRAY ON EXISTING EQUIPMENT RACK WITHIN EXISTING SHELTER AT GRADE. INSTALL (3) NEW CONVERTERS. APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS: Southold Animal Sheller h. A COCA OCARCOCAAIE ?SITE TION' k,.pKk' I— SeiK' SUBCONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODES ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ) FOR THE LOCATION. THE EDITION OF THE AHJ ADOPTED CODES AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THE CONTRACT AWARD SHALL GOVERN THE DESIGN. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE IN COMPUANCE & ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES & STANDARDS AS APPLICABLE: 2015 IBC BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE EXISTING ACCESS GATE 2017 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT OF NEW YORK STATE (BY OTHERS) 20 2015 EORK STATE % SITING BUILDING DENTIAL CODE CCODE EOFYNEW YORK STATE 2015FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2015 PLUMBING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2015 MECHANICAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2015 FUEL GAS CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2015 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE SPECIAL INSPECTION: STRUCTURAL STEEL - HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS LIF.HTN3N[ PD 'NON CODE: NFPA 780-2008 LIGHTNING PROTECTION CODE, SUBCONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE Aiam DES LIS N- G R01-1 F' L i:. 000iiU AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACT) 318, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC). MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, THIRTEENTH EDITION. ANSI/TTA (TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION) 222-H. STRUCTURAL STANDARDS FOR STEEL ANTENNA TOWER AND ANTENNA SUPPORTING STRUCTURES. ACCESS GATE TIA 607. COMMERCIAL BUILDING GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS. INSTITUTE FOR ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS (IEEE) 81, GUIDE FOR MEASURING EARTH RESISTIVITY. �EXISTING (BY OTHERS) GROUND IMPEDANCE, AND EARTH SURFACE POTENTIALS OF A GROUND SYSTEM. CID IEEE 1100 (1999) RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR POWERING AND GROUNDING OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. IEEE C2, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE - LATEST VERSION " GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ANSI T7.31O FOR TELECOM - DC POWER SYSTEMS -TELECOM, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, AN I TIDIA ,FOR TE FOR ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN SECTIONS OF LISTED CODES AND STANDARDS REGARDING MATERIAL, REQUIRE OF CONSTRUCTION, OR OTHER REQUIREMENTS THE z n ENT, MOST RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENT SHALL GOVERN. WHERE THERE IS CONFLICT BETWEEN A GENERAL REQUIREMENT AND A SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT, THE SPECIFIC - REQUIREMENT SHALL GOVERN. 18S2SO04 RAW LAND TITLE SHEET, SITE INFORMATION & COMPOUND LAYOUT 07 L 7 BEFORE YOU Q CALL TOLL FREE NYC & LONG ISLANDlljl�k pll f7 1-800-272-4480 `1 OF9 1. Al CONSTRUCTION, LABOR AND MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE BUILDING CODES, ORDINANCES AND TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF ALL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 2. THE CONTRACTOR MUST VISA 111E SITE AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE A%E BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK, PURCHASE, FABRICATION AND ERECTION 0. ANY MATERIAL 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IN WRITING, OF ANY CONFLICTS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF BIDS OR PERFORMANCE OF WORK, MINOR OMISSIONS OR ERRORS IN THE BID PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OVERALL INTENT OF THESE DRAWINGS. 4. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL CAUSE ONLY A 'DE MINIMUS' INCREASE IN STORM WATER RUNOFF, THEREFOR NO ORANAGE STRUCTURES ARE PROPOSED. 5.NO SMOKE, DUST, OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS FACILITY. S. ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL PERMITS, APPROVALS/INSPECTIONS, & TESTS REQUIRED BY ALL AGENCIES THAT HAVE JURISDICTION HAVE BEEN ARRANGED & PARI FOR. 8. CLIENT SHALL PROVIDE All ITEMS OF LABOR AND MATERIALS, WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFICALLY INDICATED, IF REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION. 1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATE BRACING AND PROTECTING OF ALL WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION TO AVOID DAMAGE, COLLAPSE, DISTORTION, MISALIGNMENT, VOIDING ROOFING GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES, ETC. PROTECTION SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE CODES. STANDARDS AND BEST PRACTICES. ROOF SURFACES SHALL BE RESTORED TO COMPLETE WATER TIGHTNESS WITH THE APPROVED MATERIAL AND AS PRE-APPRGVED BY THE OWNER IN WRITING. 10. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER THE MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 11.DRAWINGS CAN ONLY BE SCALED WHEN VIEWED AT THE S12E NOTED AT EACH DERAIL 12, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTING THE WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. ALL WORK PERFORMED SHALL BE DONE IN A GOOD WORKMANSHIP MANNER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONARY EFFORTS TO PROTECT THE NEW EQUIPMENT DURING THIS INSTALLATION AND APPUCAHON SUCH AS: • THEOCCUPANT EGRESS TO ANO FROM THE BUILDING AND/OR THE SITE. • THE BUILDING'S FIRE SAFETY OR SHALL NOT CREATE ANY FIRE HAZARDS. THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRRY AND SAFETY OF THE BUILDING. • THERE SHALL NOT BE ANY CREATION OF NOISE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL HOURS OF 9 AM TO GPM, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED UPON WITH THE OWNER. • THE BUILDING'S SECURITY SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN ORDER TO PREVENT ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS FROM ENTERING THE PREMISES. • THEBUILDIWS UTILTYS (ELECTRICITY, GAS, WATER AND OTHER UTIUTYS) SHALL NOT BE INTERRUPTED DURING THIS APPLICATION & INSTALLATION. • ALL MASONRY PENETRATIONS SHALL BE DONE USING ROTARY ACTION ONLY (NO HAMMERING ACTION). • ALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE ERE -STOPPED WITH 3M FS 195 WRAP STRIP FIRE -STOP AND CP25 NON -SHRINK PUTTY FIRE BARRIER SEALANT. MAINTAIN THE FIRE RATING OF ALL PENETRATED SURFACES. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SWJI., AT ALL TIMES, KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM ACCLNULATION OF WASTE, CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND RUBBISH. UPON COMPLETION, ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE PREMISES LEFT IN A *BROOM C(.FAN' CONDITION. ALL RUBBISH SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A LEGAL MANNER. 14, THE CONTRACTOR SHAT COORDINATE ALL SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION (EX. NOISY OPERATIONS INTERRUPRONS OF ANY MECHANICAL ANO/OR ELECTRICAL SERVICES, MATERIAL DELNERIES AND/OR STORAGE) WITH THE BUILDING OWNER OR MANAGEMENT PRIOR TO THE START OF THE WORK. 15, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR EXISTING CONDITIONS WHERE DISTURBED BY NEW WORK OR AS REQUIRED BY THE PLANS. ALL EXISTING AREAS OF THE BUILDING DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 16. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN AND CONFORM TO ALL BUILDING CODE AND LOCA. UTILITY'S REQUIREMENTS. 17. THE GENERAL NOTES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE PART OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND ARE TO BE COMPILED WITH IN ALL RESPECTS THE MOST RESTRICTIVE NOTES SPECIFIED ARE TO TAKE PRECEDENCE. FTRUGT�TES' 1. CONTRACTOR MUST SUBMIT PRODUCT DATA OR MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING LABORATORY TEST REPORTS VERIFYING COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. THIS IS TO INCLUDE CERTIFIED COPIES OF MILL REPORTS COVERING CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FOR STEEL AND HIGH STRENGTH BOLT AND NUT DATA 2. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS PREPARED UNDER SUPEFNIS'AN OF A UCENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INCLUDING COMPLETE DETAILS FOR STEEL AND HIGH STRENGTH BOLT AND NUT DATA 3. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT TEST REPORTS ON SHOP AND FIELD BOLTED AND WELDED CONNECTIONS. 4. ALL PROPOSEDHA STRUCTURAL STEEL ST BE FABRICATED AND ERECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASC CODE AND ASTM SPECIFICATIONS, LATEST EDITION. • WIDE RANGE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-992 • MISC. STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-36 • ALL STEEL PIPES STA E CONFORM TO TO ASTM A-501 OR A-53, GRADE S. • CONNECT06 SHAD. BE MADE USING SPECIFIED WELDS OR BOLTS. WELDING ELECTRODES SHALL BE E-70XX AND HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SHALL BE ASTM A325 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BOLT THREADS ARE TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE SHEAR PLANE. 5. ALL SHOP AND FIELD WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY WELDERS QUALIFIED AS DESCRIBED IN THE 'AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY'S STANDARD QUAL KATION PROCEDURE* TO PERFORM THE PROPOSED WORK. 6. ALL STEEL TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION (ONLY EXPOSED TO MOISTURE APPUCARONS) PER ASTM A-123. ALL BE SURFACES, WELDED AREAS AND AUTHORIZED NON -GALVANIZED MEMBERS OR PARTS (NEW OR OLD) SHALL BE PANTED WITH TWO (2) COATS OF END COLD GALVANIZING COMPOUND MANUFACTURED BY ARC CHEMICAL PRODUCTS. 7. WELDING ELECTRODES TO COMPLY WITH AWS CODE 8. PROVUGE HEAVY HEXAGONAL STRUCTURAL BOLTS, HEAVY HEXAGONAL NUTS, AND TEMPERED MEDIUM -CARBON STEEL COMPLYING WITH ASTM A325. 9. USE DIRECT TENSION INDICATORS, ASTMF959 TYPE, AS REQUIRED ON ALL A325 HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS ON CONNECTIONS THAT ARE SUP CRITICAL 10, HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTED CONSTRUCTION TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASC SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL JOINTS USING ASTM A325 OR A490 BOLTS'. 11. NOTIFY ENGINEER AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE OF STRUCTURAL STEEL DELIVERY TO SITE SO THAT ENGINEER MAY BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION. 12. MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS NOT FABRICATED CORRECTLY, DAMAGED OR NON -CONFORMING SHALL BE REPORTED TO CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, ACE AND OWNER PRIOR TO ANY CORRECTIVE ACTON. ALL ACTIONS REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER. CUMSQRUCTON S FETY PLAN, 1. ALL PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF THE OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDING AS WELL AS THE SAFETY OF THE PEDESTRIANS BELOW. 2. BARRICADES WILL BE ERECTED SEPARATING WORKS AREAS FROM ALL PUBLIC SPACES AS NEEDED. 3. ALL FIRE AND OTHER REQUIRED EXITS (WAY OF APPROACH TO EXITS AND WAY OF TRAVEL FROM EXIT TO STREET) SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED FREE FOR UNOBSTRUCTED EGRESS. 4. PROVIDE A PORTABLE BRE EXTINGUISHER(S) WITH A RATING NOT LESS THAN 2-A OR 2-AtOBC WITHIN 75 FEET OF ALL PORTIONS OF WORK AREA S. ADHERE TO HOT WORK PROGRAM AS NECESSARY. 1. ALL NON -SHRINK GENERAL PURPOSE GROUT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2.THE NON -SHRINK GENERAL PURPOSE GROUT SHALL BE MECHANICALLY MIXED FOR A MINIMUM TEN MINUTES. 3. MIX NO MORE GROUT THEN CAN BE PLACED IN 1D TO 15 MINUTES. 4. SURFACES TO RECEIVE THE GROUT SHALL BE FREE OF ANY TYPE OF FOREIGN MATERIAL AND BOND INHIBITING MATERIALS. BE SURE REPAIR AREA IS NOT LESS THAN 1/8' IN DEPTH. 5. THE SUBSTRATE SHALL BE SATURATED SURFACE DRY WITH NO STANDING WATER. MORTAR MUST BE SCRUBBED INTO SUBSTRATE RUING ALL PORES AND VOIDS. 6. TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF THE GROUT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS; - COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (ASTM C-109 MODIFIED) A. 1 DAY: 3500 PSI MIN. 8. 7 DAY: 6000 PSI MIN. C. 28 DAY: 7000 PSI LIN. - FLEXURAL STRENGTH (ASTM C-293) 0 28 DAYS: 2000 PSI - SPITTING TENSILE STRENGTH (ASTM C-495) 0 2B DAYS: BOB PSI - BOND STRENGTH (ASTM C-802 MODIFIED) 0 28 DAYS: 2200 PSI - DENSITY (WET MIX): 132 LBS/CU FT - THE PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR SHALL NOT PRODUCE A VAPOR BARRIER. - PERMEABLTTY - PASHTO T-227 0 28 DAYS: 0 APPROXIMATELY 500 COULOMBS 7. ALL STEEL BEARING PLATES AND MAN SUPPORT STEEL SHALL BE INSTALLED ONCE THE GROUT HAS BEEN LEVEED AND HAS BEEN CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS. THE FULL DESIGN EQUIPMENT LOAD SHALL BE INSTALLED AFTER THE GROUT HAS CURED FOR 48 HOURS. 8, SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR WISH TO PROPOSE AN ALTERNATE GROUT AND METHOD OF WORKING OUTSIDE THESE PARAMETERS. THIS MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE ENGINEER IN WRITING WITH A FULL METHOD STATEMENT, MATERIAL DATA SHEET AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HIS/HER APPROVAL 9. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS SPECIFICATION COULD SERIOUSLY AFFECT THE STABRRY OF THE INSTAU LION. ANTENNA ANO CAgLdNG SYSPEM"s:. MOTIFS: 1. WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PANT ALL NEW ANTENNAS, SHROUD AND RELATED MOUNTING HARDWARE TO MATCH THE EXISTING ADJACENT SURFACES. ALL PANT SHALL BE SHERWIN WIUJAAS OR APPROVED EQUAL THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT USE A METAL BASED PANT ON THE ANTENNAS. ANTENNAS SHALL HAVE ONE PRIMER COAT OF POLANE 2.8 PLUS FIL 061H75 PRIMER IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND THEN APPLY ONE TOP COAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. ALL SURFACES CONEAMINATION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PANTING THE NEW SURFACES. ALL GALVANIZED SURFACES SHALL HAVE ONE COAT OF PERMABOND BONDING AGENT, WHILE STILL WET APPLY ONE COAT OF SHERWIN WILLIAMS RUT LATEX PANE, LET DRY THEN A SECOND COAT OF FIAT LATEX PANT. 2. ALL. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL AND PLUMB. 3. SUPPLY ANTENNA MAKE AND MODEL SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LENGTHS AND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL 5.CABLES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITHOUT SPLICES AND WITH CONNECTORS AT EACH END. B. CAELUS AT EXTERIOR TO BE COVERED WITH A WEATHERPROOF SPLICING KT. 7. CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM NUMBER BENDS. 1P, 2P, & 3P SINGLE POLE, TWO POLE, & THREE POLES S A/C AIR CONDITIONING SW. ADI. ADJUSTABLE SHT AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR SIM. APPROX. APPROXIMATELY SPEC. AS AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING & MATERIALS Sp. AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE SS A. OR AMP. AMPERE STL BLDG. BUILDING STRUCT. BLK. BLOCK SUSP. BMR BASE MOBILE RADIO S.Y. '.,,. B/S BUILDING STANDARD THRU ''... CU. COPPER TING C.O. CIXNDJB ONLY T.O.C. C, CONDUIT SIZE AS NOTED T.O.M. iYP '... C.B. CIRCUIT BREAKER '.. CKT. CIRCUIT �'N' CLO CHUNG UOP 'CUR. CLEAR UGT CONCRETE_ CONST, CONSTRUCTION FNT CONE, CONTINuouS Vr C.F.C.I. CONTRACTOR FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED W DSL DOUBLE W/ CIA, DIAMETER WIN DAG. DIAGDIMENSION OW/o DIM.W. DIV DOWN W.P. DR, DET. OWES DETAIL DRAWING XFMR A DEF DUAL ELEMENT FUSES A E EAST E EA EIGHT 0 EL.. ELEV ELEVATION j ELECT ELECTRICAL EQ. EQUAL EQUIP. EQUIPMENT EW, EACH WAY EXIST, EXISTING EXT EXTERIOR EMT, ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (THIN WALL) E.C. ELECTS CAL CONTRACTOR FEE EQUIPMENT GROUND BUS FIM FINISH FLOUR FEUDRESCENT FAR FLOOR Fr. FOOT 0 DRC. GALVANIZE(D) RIGID CONDUIT G. OR GRD. CA GROUND GAUGE CALV. GALVANIZED GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GWB GYP. BD GYPSUM WALL BOARD GYPSUM BOARD 13 - HARD'WD HARDWOOD HORIZ. HpRIZCNTAL HR HEIR HE HEIGHT HVAC HEATING, VENTING AND AIR CONDITIONING I.D. INSIDE DIA IN. INCH _® INFO INSIL INFORMATION INSULATION CZD INT INTERIOR F• KW KILOWATTS C LB(S) POUND(S) MAX. MAXIMUM RICH MECHANICAL MET, MRL METAL MFR. MANUFACTURER T= MGR MANAGER __- MIN. MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS --'- mCB MAN GROUND BUS MTD. MOUNTED -,-- NEUT. NETRRAL N NORTH NA NOT APPUCABLE NIC NOTIN CONTRACT - NIS NOT TO SCALE -s- O.KC.L OWNER FURNISHED, CONTRACTOR INSTALLED ---K OC, 0/C ON CENTER ------- __ __OD OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER OPO. OPENING Opp OPPOSTE ' OHT/OHP OVERHEAD TELEPHONE/OVERHEAD POWER OHP OVERHEAD POWER OHT OVERHEAD TELEPHONE PVC. PLYWD. SCHEDULE 40 PLASTIC CONDUIT PLYWOOD PR PAR PROP PROP PROTECT PROPERTY IT PRESSURE TREATED REECFF. RECEPTACLE REO'DQ'p REQUIRED RM ROOM GO. ROUGH OPENING SOUTH SWITCH SHEET SIMILAR SPECIFICATION SQUARE STAINLESS 51M STEEL STRUCTURAL SUSPENDED SHEET VINYL THROUGH TINNED TOP OF CONCRETE TOP OF MASONRY TYPICAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED UNIFORM BUILDING CODE UNDERGROUND POWER UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE VERTICAL VERIFY IN FIELD VINYL TILE WEST WITH WINDOW WFHOU WATTS WEATHERPROOF TRANSFORMER AND CENTER LINE PROPERTY UNE AT NUMBER WORK POINT NEW UTILITY POLE EXSING UTILITY PEE RECEPTACLE ELECTRIC METER SAFETY SWITCH ELECTRIC PANEL BOARD ELECTRIC WIRING (TURNING UP) ELECTRIC WIRING (TURNING DOWN) MASTER GROUND BAR INSULATED GROUND BPR UNINSULATED GREEND BAR SECTOR GROUND BAR REVISION MASONRY BRICK CONCRETE EARTH STEEL GRAVEL CENTER LINE PROPERTY LINE LEASE UNE EASEMENT LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE OVERHEAD ELECIRICJTEEPHONE EXISIWB ELECTRIC NEW ELECTRIC NEW UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC EXITING TELEPHONE NEW UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE ELEVATION REFERENCE DETAIL REFERENCE I I D 9§SWR BR OCv C rk� i{A 4IAi Des: (i IE 'S WWR3 A9 DFM DL§FTiTOC.]_ A 'y"�HSNhO A£ H&UMNVR U.`a. ..,DATE: SIBMiSSONS 1 8i: N� IN To o D } of Z U_ F q p Z u d O W N a 't o_ me 299W'z HIS • iEPTSOO4 W RAW LAND GENERAL NOTES, ABBREWAiIONS & SYMBOLS W�m ZONING INFORMATION R-80 ITEM REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED EQUIPMENT MIN. LOT AREA 80,000 S.F. 569,442.17 S.F. NO CHANGE MIN. LOT MOTH 175 FT 539.76 Fr. NO CHANCE MIN. LOT DEPTH 250 FT 1020.47 FT. NO CHANGE MIN. FRONT YARD SETBACK (ANTENNA) TOO FT. 9925 Ff. 992.5 Fr. MIN. FRONT YARD SETBACK (EQUIPMENT) 10D FT. 99715 FT. NO CHANCE MIN. SIDE YARD SETBACK ONE (ANTENNA) TOTAL FT. 45' FT. 6 .83 � FT. 51148 FT 67.83 FT. 511.58 FT. MIN. SIDE YARD SETBACK IONE (EQUIPMENT) ITOTAI 20' FT. 5: - El 25.5 FF. Ff. NO CHANGE N 0 MIN. REAR YARD SETBACK (ANTENNA) B 7 FT. I = (�) I JIMl MIN. REAR YARD SETBACK (EQUIPMENT) 75' FT. 15,13 FT, © NO CHANGE MIN. LANDSCAPE AREA UOT� io MAX. LOT COVERAGE 20% 5.93% 5.93% MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT / STORIES 35 FT. 2 112 131.5 Fr. EXISTING TOWER 132.25 Fr - TOP OF ANTENNA ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMUNICATIONS TOWER, PER TOWNSHIP ARE AS FOLLOWS: CODE ARTICLE XVII, SECRONS 280-67 - 280-81 MAX. HEIGHT (TOP OF WHIP ANTENNAS) 80 FT, 148.83 FT. (g) 131.21 FT. MAX. EQUIPMENT AREA 500 SO. FT. 1 39616 SO. FT. NO CHANGE � KEY: IG) EXISTING NON -CONFORMITY UK: I BLK: 1 LET; 9.1SEC _OT: ,09 BOUNDARY INFORMATION IS TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOWING: THIS PLAN IS BASE) ON A DRAWING BY JOHN GqlACHER, LAND SURVEYOR BATED 10/30/03. - SITE MEASURMENTS TAKEN BY THE MTM DESIGN GROUP UEC, AT SITE MSIL ON 06/06/18. j&17%%k DES I— N- C- R 0 _U P-- EXISTING AT&T EQUIPMENT ml 15 LO T' SHELTER (SEE uErAIL 2/A-1)" , 5'1,. � I ma[ - .5i NC ICE BRIDSE QDiA�; S,`BE` YARD To -EXISTING LATia TcXT N 15 42 20" E A`&T1--1 14 539.76' 3,X5 " (PROPOSED SOE —EXISTING T -V To WYARD Sf,,Ck To PRO EXP"Ll ON TO NE FERTy HER SIDE yft TO "T AT&,, IN j CABN EXISTING FENCED COMPROUND D GENL?MFplR PAD ARK I EXISlNG CHAIND JCS UNd ENCE c SEN. 24ST� G GERIZON WRELE - ESS I I N suffifissms D-Gii PENT SHELTER By - N "0 R [ w 0 z Ri I, NOT14.1, ZONE: MUNICIPAL SEE0 , 10 z 0 0 (.5 NN co IaS2SOO4 RAW LAND SITE PLAN `bC. 3 OF 9 -5 74F 4 '90c W 8, -7 !I. Or W 41.16 SEC -1-1 ELKi 5 LOT j 84,fSEC -1Ir 5 SEE SEC- 75 NT 9 IELK BUK: 1, 00. E UOT� io ___j 777.00'.......... 1121 MAN ROM (EXIST. SCENIC BYWAY) So' W c, 'SE�: 85 SEC 86 aLIC 16 -5 81-4: 1 LOT: R,2 B K 8 SEC: 86 SEC! 86 86 SLK I UK: I BLK: 1 LET; 9.1SEC _OT: ,09 LOT- 9.3 SITE PLA N N 11LE 21�16 1 co IaS2SOO4 RAW LAND SITE PLAN `bC. 3 OF 9 PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO —. e O- CF =' SING WH P ANTEu: 'd OTHERS) NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW ) TC'- u= UNISTRUT MOUNT (BEYOND) (TYPICAL OF 3, j 1 PER SECTOR) jl EXISiNG 700 RRH TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW 812/14 s 0.'S >k ` RRH (TYPICAL OF 3, 1 PER SECTOR) ON NEW ANTENNA PRGROSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME CN NEW ` II i SUPPORT FRAME UNISIRUT (TYPICAL OF 3, 1 PER SECTOR) . h":Aft'u ! OF EXISTING &NEW AT&T ANTENNAS _ j _W ( t32`-3`* ABOUT GRAB ..a> RAW D TO f' EX T W R 8'' O`HERSzPROPOSED EQUIPMENT PLAN tlf�PROPOSED ANTENNAS TO REPLACE PM EXISTING ANTENNAS (TYPICAL OF 3 PER EXISRNG ANTENNAMOUNTS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW SABER C10-957–OOIC SECTOR, 9 TOTAL) (SEE DETAIL 2/A-3) MOUNTS (SEE DETAILSON A-4) t RAYCAP OVP TO BE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME (SEE DETAILS 6&7/A-3) EXISTING AT&T RAYCAP OVP I }_ C.1`.TE'. OF xat f r AvENNAS BY OTHERS)_ a _ _ �T`—k= 0'— ,AECVE I.Fra[ EXISDNI 'AH=.P ANTENNAS (EY .Ay _ 12�f I ,'TEN "dS tB" OTHERS)– _ CT 0.1 ACCaE .'F E _ } L M1i� OF 1 il4 1 7EYNvU i•`5 O'liER5; _ LUCENT EXISTING LATTICE TOWER l ididid – A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING I cTExi T.ruu MONOPOLE WAS COMPLETED ON 09.26.18 BY GPD ��. NoCiA GROUP THE BUSTING POLE & ITS FOUNDARDN i LOAALL PROPOSED, LY DNC A RESERVED EY "., .Ru:s LOADS IS STRUCTURALLY ADEQUATE I I FOktR "�.,.. N' –AMOUNT ANALYSIS OF THE NEW AMENNA + r SUPPORT MOUNT WAS COMPLETED ON 02.01.19.ABN�ET BY GPD GROUP. THE EXISTING MOUNT WITH IXISRNG & RESERVED LOADS IS STRUGNRALLY IS [ ADEWATE �.. ) rl 1 CABLE ' !f LENGTHS NG i Ex -T" (2) NEW DC POWER LINE AND FIBER LINE RAc� f WITHIN NEW 2'INNERDUCTS TO NEW RAYCAP OVP TO BE ROUTED UP TOWER ON EXISTNIG WAVEGUIDE LADDER (T) FOLLOW f I� BETA 180E 7 )• DOERNG CABLE ROUTE) :,/ i GgMIAA 18O t NEW DC12 MOUNTED IN EXISTING 1 EQUIPMENT RACK PER MANUFACTURER i I SPECIFICATIONS (SEE DEFAIL 8/A-3) f :X.SfIN A, 3rCPS JVIT TO REMAIN NEW FIBER MANAGEMENT TRAY MOUNTED J-PICM Ot 2) IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT RACK PER �l MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS (SEE OETANL 9fA-3) EXIST` S 4R L:N% FEN �'By LATHERS . RTES: F EXff TNG AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER 1. MINIMUM NUMBER OF 24Y DC N+1 RECTIFIERS REQUIRED IS 7. 8 EXI67ING, (1) TO BE TURNED OFF. />> (SEE DETAIL 2/A-1) 2. MINIMUM NUMBER OF 48V DC TO 48V N+1 RECTIFIERS REQUIRED IS 0. 0 E)OnNG. I f 3 MINIMUM NUMBER OF 24V DC N+i CONVERTERS REWIRED IS 6. 3 EXISTING, (3) NEW CONVERTERS TO BE ADD D. MINIMUM NUMBER OF 48V DC N+i CONVERTERS REWIRED IS 0. 0 EXISTING. 5. TURN OFF (1) EXISTING RECRIFER FOR A TOTAL OF (7) 24VDC RECMERS (N+1) ON. 6. INSTALL A 24 -TO -48 5 -ROT CONVERTER SHELF INTO EXISTING 24VDCPP AND CONNECT TO EXISTING 5 -ROT CONVERTER SHELF. THERE IS SPACE IN THE 24VDCPP UNDER THE IXISRNG 5 -SLOT CONVERTER n SHELF FOR AN ADDITIONAL 5 -SLOT CONVERTER SHELF. 5 F=ACE - *-r+ - '_ - T _ 7. INSTAL. (3) ADDITIONAL 24 -TO -48 CONERTERS FOR A TOTAL OF (6) CONERTERS (N+1). ©-0 x. A.G.L. —y '" 8. BATTERY UPGRADE NOT REQUIRED. TOWER tLE';IATION EQUIPMENT PLAN I G PklP,N0�9Wkii&._. -7Ga MIND " RIM ammDc' 3 @�dldilWkTt6 kiR 08B lCe pC�?jN'RR40 ArDC9 NOEIATE' STBMSSON'S i RI N m $ 0 z ® Q Z QE m IR 10 U a o Z d 0 CABLE PORTS k' a d OL TELCO RACK AC L S 4C uA AC PAN,; EASTNN "RANFOR SfflTo? 4_TFR zQ,NGEIrE. ."R F:JG s 0.'S >k X ' coR _ 5 3: cu S 5 _ TELCO - (sin . h":Aft'u e 19S2S004 ..a> RAW D ELEVATION & EQUIPMENT PLAN DCo PM . 4 OF 9 3 Cs, k+ tk:STNG Rx Cn "\P — EXISTING TCD RRH ` EASTING !9DC RRH YL SECTOR 240' E LNG 706 RRU SECTOR 0. SECTORS A, B, & C iEx ST N , "CAU, 11 f -0 �N PROPOSED PIODO UNISTRUT MOUNTED TO PIPE MAST WITH 1/2.0 U -BOLTS (MNCAL) PROPOSED WCS RRH, 812/14 RRH, WCS RRH, OR 850 RRH NM 1. MOUNT RRH TO UNISTRUT W/ 3/8'A UNISTRUT BOLTING HARDWARE AND SPRING NUTS. TYPICAL (4) FOUR PER BRACKET. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALLSUPPLY. 2. NO PAINTING OF THE RRH OR SIXAR SHIELD IS ALLOWED. PROPOSED 2' STANDARD WEIGHT (2 1/2' 0.0) PIPE MAST NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FP.AME (T':- ICAL) SECTORS A, B, & C RRH MOUNTING DETAIL FISTING 1900 RRH TO BE RELOCATED z. -0 NEW 61CUNT BASTING 700 RRH TO BE REPLACED WITH - NEW 812/14 RRH ON NEW SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 5/A-3) PROPOSED ANTENNAS TO REPLACE — EXISTING ANTENNAS (TYPICAL OF 3 PER SECTOR, 9 TOTAL) (SEE DETAIL 2/A-3) � E STING RAICAPl4, TO BE RLufiA,.FO NEW VOUNT PROPOSED RAYCAP OVP TO BE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME (SEE DETAILS 6&7/A-3) PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW UNISTRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 4/A-3) SECTOR C' 24D PROPOSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO - NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW UNISTRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 3/A-3) EXISTING ANTENNA MOUNTS TO BE REMOVE AND REPLACED WITH NEW SABER CIO -857-001C MOUNTS (TYPICAL OF 3, 1 AT EACH SECTOR) (SEE DRAWING A-4) E%ISTNG 1900 RR'-' TO BE RELOCATED TO NEW HUNT SECTORS A B & C PROPOSED t'�T AAL 71 7 `F1 -0` SCAL 4x3.. 1 =t- !-` ANIM PROPOSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO D F G I G N - NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW G I2. 0 1-1 P_ - UNISIRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 3/A-3) SECTOR _ •A• P PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO - EXISTING PLATFORM ON NEW UNISTRUT fs MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 4/A-3) -�{.- __— EXIS-'.NG 1900 RRH PRE; ? % NEW 812/14 RRH ON NEW ANTENNA I SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 5/A-3) IP MWt➢@D€Po7IIYf1@5 Cs PROPOSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO BH NW9I TfN 0�IQ1�B95a`a 4 ASUNISIRUT FEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW O N' MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 3/A-3) ~ 10 00 as a EMI IF.'G MI1F.OS4:;YE :'.'',S^I A,.,,:.E TO REMA'N ti W \—Ek.S . C ^O RRH --PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO $�; K Z \� �E%ISTNG AT&T AN1T':N.4 OF 9, 3 PER SECTOR) �\\ ffCTOR V d� O W a �a —EXISTING 700 RRH TO 8E REPLACED WITH s� :..m. i90O RRH Bno"+ SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 5/A-3) NOTE Ek NG AT&TMICROWAVE DISH AV­lE SECTORS A, B, & C iEx ST N , "CAU, 11 f -0 �N PROPOSED PIODO UNISTRUT MOUNTED TO PIPE MAST WITH 1/2.0 U -BOLTS (MNCAL) PROPOSED WCS RRH, 812/14 RRH, WCS RRH, OR 850 RRH NM 1. MOUNT RRH TO UNISTRUT W/ 3/8'A UNISTRUT BOLTING HARDWARE AND SPRING NUTS. TYPICAL (4) FOUR PER BRACKET. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALLSUPPLY. 2. NO PAINTING OF THE RRH OR SIXAR SHIELD IS ALLOWED. PROPOSED 2' STANDARD WEIGHT (2 1/2' 0.0) PIPE MAST NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FP.AME (T':- ICAL) SECTORS A, B, & C RRH MOUNTING DETAIL FISTING 1900 RRH TO BE RELOCATED z. -0 NEW 61CUNT BASTING 700 RRH TO BE REPLACED WITH - NEW 812/14 RRH ON NEW SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 5/A-3) PROPOSED ANTENNAS TO REPLACE — EXISTING ANTENNAS (TYPICAL OF 3 PER SECTOR, 9 TOTAL) (SEE DETAIL 2/A-3) � E STING RAICAPl4, TO BE RLufiA,.FO NEW VOUNT PROPOSED RAYCAP OVP TO BE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME (SEE DETAILS 6&7/A-3) PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW UNISTRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 4/A-3) SECTOR C' 24D PROPOSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO - NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW UNISTRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 3/A-3) EXISTING ANTENNA MOUNTS TO BE REMOVE AND REPLACED WITH NEW SABER CIO -857-001C MOUNTS (TYPICAL OF 3, 1 AT EACH SECTOR) (SEE DRAWING A-4) E%ISTNG 1900 RR'-' TO BE RELOCATED TO NEW HUNT SECTORS A B & C PROPOSED t'�T AAL 71 7 `F1 -0` SCAL 4x3.. 1 =t- !-` ANIM PROPOSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO D F G I G N - NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW G I2. 0 1-1 P_ - UNISIRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 3/A-3) SECTOR _ •A• P PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO - EXISTING PLATFORM ON NEW UNISTRUT fs MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 4/A-3) -�{.- -fir a;z _ CLS. '8 18525004 RAW LAND SECTORS A, 6, & C PLANS & DETAILS I LEXISTING 700 RRH TO BE REPLACED WITH �91MMM NEW 812/14 RRH ON NEW ANTENNA I SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 5/A-3) IP MWt➢@D€Po7IIYf1@5 Cs PROPOSED WCS RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO BH NW9I TfN 0�IQ1�B95a`a 4 ASUNISIRUT FEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW O N' MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 3/A-3) 10 00 tN 0 m EMI IF.'G MI1F.OS4:;YE :'.'',S^I A,.,,:.E TO REMA'N ti W --PROPOSED 850 RRH TO BE MOUNTED TO $�; K Z NEW ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAME ON NEW UNISTRUT MOUNT (SEE DETAIL 4/A-3) O 11 k0 O Z V d� O W a �a —EXISTING 700 RRH TO 8E REPLACED WITH NEW B12/14 RRH ON NEW ANTENNA ®� SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 5/A-3) NOTE 1. REMOVE TEO DIPLE(ER'S ON TOP. -fir a;z _ CLS. '8 18525004 RAW LAND SECTORS A, 6, & C PLANS & DETAILS �DOWNOLT BRACKET (ELSAMNT-1 . ` INCLUDED WITH ANTENNA) NEW ANTENNA TO BE MOUNTED TO DUSTING PIPE MAST PER W14LFACTURER REQUIREMENTS —MOUNTING BRACKET (BSAMNT-1 t INCLUDED WITH ANTENNA) ♦ Er53"#0 PIPE MAST UMP—(S) TO REMOTE RADIO HEAD CRRIN) SIDE AEW MOUNTING DETAIL ANTENNA 1 MOUNTING= DETAIL SCAE 24 36 N.T.S. 15' 75' 9.437' - I SIDE AEW AIRSCALE DUAL RRH PART /: 4T4R 812/14 32OW AHFlB WON, 101.4 LHS DIMENSIONS: 28.75' (H) 05.375' (W) x9.437" (D) ANTENNA RRH DIMENSIONS SCA.E ' SCALE 24 36 1 T S. FRONT AEW SIDE VIEW ROSENBERGER FIBER BOIL PART /: To- SLFCS003 000 OB DIMENSIONS: 17'(W)AII 4I*(D)0.25"(H) FIBER MANAGEMENT % TRAY (RACK MOUNT it F a =,. -._0 5 ASE # 36 1/2"=7 u 19.6° FRONT SIDE ALL SECTORS MANUFACTURER COMRSCOPE MODEL f NNHH-65A-R4 NET WEIGHT: 83.8 IB (38.0 KG) AFACE = 19,15W.1"=1079.96 in2 = 7.49 112 02 ANTENNA DIMENSIONS F-LII'I7 1)4' 1 _C LE £4x36 9.7' {246mm) t� E a PLAN AEW FRONT VEW RAYCAP DC6-48-60-10-8F DC Egg SURGE PROTECTION DG POWER OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTOR (OVP 1 DIMENSIONS scaLE 11,7 --4 I SCALE 2#x36 i, < -� 12.0" ,, 8.7' IiFSTGN GR0i7P- ®_ ®•aye FRONT NEW SIDE VIEW fl20NT VIEW. SIDE VIEW ALGATEL-LUCENT REMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) PART J: RR 4.25 WCS WEIGHT: 70 LBS DIMENSIONS: 31.5"02"x8.7" NRSCALE DUAL RRH PART III: 4T4R B5 16OW AHCA WEIGHT. 16.7 LBS DIMENSIONS: 13.25' (H) x11.6' (W) x6.5" (D) ANTENNA RRH DIMENSIONS CEI 46 i . AAANLLCE S S S OBt?SCC�^ HhiR =A 3-OPfFdNLl 4LiDW� A dIp.xs 45�T➢ fk1; `NTE: 41&8590N5 � Bt: N N N � RAYCAP DC6 OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTOR PATH DOME COVEN0 BACK TO BACK PEE 8Y DOME SECURING SITE PRO1 MODEL RAND �88PM-K2 OR APPROVED EQUAL 19.W" I g_ W r $ D )- y Z vi z < NO ZO o `r a w CLE FOR ATTACHING DC6 (OVP) TO ASSEMBLY (TYP.) PIA MEW RAYCAP SUPPLIED POLE `-- POWER CABLE MOUNTING BRACKETS INGRESS PORTS SSDE VEW 2' MIN. TO a MAX. - RAYCAP SUPPLIED GALVANIZED PIPE BASE ASSEMBLY FRONT NEW CABLE DE BAR PAYCAP.12 SURGE PROTECTION PART III: DC12-48-60-RM WEIGHT: 27.0 LBS CO POWER OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTOR DIMENSIONS: (L) 19.00`x(W) 15.40'x(D) 3.487 (7� (OVP SOLE MOUNT RASEASSEMB! v AL l i.1 D, GC12 DIMENSIONS {RACK MOUNT; _Ac 3 4 <t c SCALE 24 NTENNA SCHEDULE L lixti , 5 A 24x36 A i S. •r—' � 3's x�5 18S2SOD4 Raw LAND EQUIPMENT DETAILS �Di: I.Ew =t ,r 1 s + 1 t e 411 S re fndustrvss' n• -e4 Ex-_;.-e�tcr. _' s' € - {iC 'T NN M A -ha M �Di: I.Ew e =t ,r 1 s + 1 t e e =t ,r 1 + 1 t e LE.ER LE' WL -TI �7'I' f � f f f L31e��Iet G= C I di194a 14A PQtt 4kENl� ,4 A 4f�I33pk?€tI If2 €3F1R X11@ -G E ;iS5kD AS Com^ 9d'� SNBN!15�N5 61':V N IW N rn W 8 0 } Z o tw a tg 6>s _ u� ((� 'V! 1 0— as s ft9W LAND ANTENNA MOUNT DETAILS •nn• PN° 7 O 9 t 1 + 1 t e f � f f f L31e��Iet G= C I di194a 14A PQtt 4kENl� ,4 A 4f�I33pk?€tI If2 €3F1R X11@ -G E ;iS5kD AS Com^ 9d'� SNBN!15�N5 61':V N IW N rn W 8 0 } Z o tw a tg 6>s _ u� ((� 'V! 1 0— as s ft9W LAND ANTENNA MOUNT DETAILS •nn• PN° 7 O 9 NOTE: DIAGRAM FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS MAY VARY. PROPOSED SECTORS A. B. & C im Nom; 1. 111 NUM NEWER OF 24V DC N+i RECTIFIERS REQUIRED IS 7. 8 EXISONG, (1) TO BE TURNED OFF. 2.MNWUM NEWER OF 48V DC TO 48V N+I RECTIFIERS REQUIRED 13 0. 0 EXISTING. 3. MINIMUM NEWER OF 24Y DC N+1 CONVERTERS REQUIRED IS 8. 3 EXISTING, (3) NEW CONVERTERS TO BE ADDED. 4. MINIMUM NUIVBER OF 48V OC N+I CONVERTERS REQUIRED IS 0. 0 EXISTING. 5. TURN OFF (1) DUSTING RECTIFIER FOR A TOTAL OF (7) 24VDC RECTIFIERS R+i) ON. 8. INSTALL A 24 -TO -48 5 -SLOT CONVERTER SHELF INTO IXISDNG 24VDCPP AND CONNECT TO EXISTING 5 -SLOT CONVERTER SHELF. THERE IS SPACE IN THE 24VDCPP UNDER THE EXISTING 5 -SLOT CONVERTER SHELF FOR AN ADDITIONAL 5 -SLOT CONVERTER SHELF. 7.INSTALL (3) ADDITIONAL 24 -TO -48 CONERTERS FOR A TOTAL OF (6) CONERTERS (N+1). 8. BATTERY UPGRADE NOT REQUIRED. .M DESIGN; GROUP I'H.ifRONI€DCe @lai.�AOIkf OGrs NO DAM SUBMISSIONS I BY. N Ln N N n !U $ j z 0z Of X In z 00 �0 a d a tg>e (ski' ona' .y852SOQ4 RAW LAND SYSTEM DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION NOTES (AS APPLICABLE): 1. WIRING, RACEWAY, AND SUPPORT METHODS AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEC AND 7ELCOFAIA 2. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL MODIFY EXISTING CABLE TRAY SYSTEM AS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT RF AND TRANSPORT CABLING TO THE NEW BIS EQUIPMENT. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT MODIFICATIONS TO CONTRACTOR FOR APPROVAL 3. ALL CIRCUITS SHALL BE SEGREGATED AND MAINTAIN MINIMUM CABLE SEPARATION AS REQUIRED BY THE NEC AND TELECORDA 4. CABLES SHALL, NOT BE ROUTED THROUGH ;LADDER -STYLE CABLE TRAY RUNGS. 5. EACH END OF EVERY PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAP E WIITH UV PROTECTION,. GROUNDING, AND TORCENWAL). THDUCTOR E IDENS6ICATTON METHOD SHALL CONFD CABLE SHAUL BE LABELED WITH ORM WIDENED A, OSHA, AND MAINSULATION OR TCH EXISTINTRICAL G INSTALIM LATION 1/2 REQUIREMENTS. 6. POWER PHASE CONDUCTORS (EE HOTS) SHALL. HE LABELED WIT DOLOR -CODED INSULATION OR ELECTRICAL TME IN BRAN, 1/2' PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAPE WOH W PROTECTION, N EOSIAL). PHASE CONDUCTOR COLOR CODES SHALL CONFORM WITH THE NEC & OSHA AND MATCH EXISTING INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 7. ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SHAM BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH ENGRAVED LAAACOID PLASTIC LABL15. ALL EQUIPMENT SHAT BE LABELED WITH THBR VDLTAGE RATING, PHASE CONFIGURATRON, WIRE CONFIGIINATEON. POWER OR AMPACITY RATING, AND BRANCH CIRCUM IN NUMBERS (I.E., PANELBOARD AND CIRCUIT ID'S). B. PANDROAROS QD NUMBERS) AND INtEFyNAI CIRCUIT OWNERS (C9RCUIr 10 NUMBERS) SHALL BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH ENGRAVED LAMACOID PLASTIC LABELS. 9.LET DEED 10. POWER 'CONTROL AND EQUIPMENT GROUND WRING IN TUBING OR CIRCUIT SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (12 AWG OR LARGER), 600 V, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2 GREEN INSULATION, CUSS B RAN STDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90 -C (WET OR DRi) OPERATION; USTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATIONAND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 11. SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING LOCATED INDOORS SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (6 AWG OR LARGER), 600 A OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THAN -2 GREEN INSULATION, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90 'C (WET N DRY) OPERATION; USTFU) OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION AND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING LOCATE) OUTDOORS, OR BELOW GRADE, STALL BE SIDLE CONDUCTOR 2 AND SOLID TINNED COPPER CABLE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 13. POWER WRING, NOT IN TUBING N CONOUT, SHAT BE MULTI-CONOUCrCR, TYPE TO CABLE (12 AWG OR LARGER), BOON, OIL RESISTANT THEN OR TPHI GREEN, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90 'C (WET OR DRY) OPERATION; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION USED, UNLESS 01HERMSE SPECIFIED. 14. ALL POWER AND GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CRIMPED -STYLE, COMPRESSION WIRE LUGS AND WIRENUTS BY THOMAS AND BETTS (OR EQUAL). LUGS AND WIRENUTS SHALL BE RATED FOR OPERATION AT NO LESS TRAIN 75'C (INTO IF AVALABI 15. RACEWAY AND CABLE TPAY SHALL BE LISTED OR LABELED FOR ELECTRICAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEAM, UL, ANS/IEEE, AND NEC. HE RACEWAY OR CABLE THAN WILL MATCH THE EXISTING INSSALIATION WHERE POSSIBLE 17. ELECTRICAL MEFAUUC TUBING (EMT) OR RIGID NONMETALLIC CONDUIT (I.E., RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 40, OR RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 80 FOR LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE) SHALL BE USED FOR EXPOSED INDOOR LOCATIONS. 1E ELECTRICAL METAL Ef LC TUBING (EMF), ELECTRICAL NONMETAUJC TUBING (ENT), OR RIGID NONMEFALUC CONDUIT (RIGID PVC, SCHEDULE 40) SHALL BE USED FOR CONCEALED INDOOR LOCATIONS 19.GALVANIZED STEEL INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT (IAC) OR GALVANIZED STEEL OR ALUMINUM RIGID CONDUIT (RMC) SHALL BE USED FOR OUTDOOR LOCATIONS ABOVE GRADE. 20. RIGID NNMETALUC CONDUIT (I.E., RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 40 OR RIGID PJC SCHEDULE 80) SHALL BE USED UNDERGROUND; DIRECT BURIED, IN AREAS OF OCCASIONAL UGHT VEHICLE TRAFFIC OR BRUSHED IN RONFORCED CONCRETE IN AREAS OF HEAVY VEHICLE TRAFFIC. 21. UQUID-TILIHT FLEXIBLE REBUILD CONDVFF (LIQUID-TfrE FLEX} SHALL BE USED INDOORS AND OUTDOORS, WHERE VIBRATION OCCURS OR FLEXIBILITY IS NEEDED. 22. CONDUIT AND TUBING FITTINGS SHALL BE THREADED OR COMPRESSION -TYPE AND APPROVED FOR THE LOCATION USED. SETSCREW FITTINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 23. CABINETS, BOXES, AN WRREWAYS SHALL BE USED OR LABELED FOR ELECTRICAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEMA, UL, ANI AND NEC. 24. CABINETS, FINES, AND WEREWAYS TO MATCH THE EXISTING INSTALLATION WHERE POSSIBLE 25. WIREWASs SHALL BE EPDXY-COATED (GRAY) AND INC -BE A HINGED COVER, DESIGNED TO SWING OPEN DOWNWARD; SHALL BE PANDUR TYPE E (OR EQUAL); AND RATED NEMA 1 (OR BETTER) INDOORS. OR NEMA 3R (OR BETTER) OUTDOORS. 26. EQUIPMENT CABINETS, TERMINAL BOXES, JUNCTION BDXES, AND PULL BOXES SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR EPDXY-COATED SHEET STEEL, SHALL MEET OR EXCEED UL 50. AND RATED NEMA i (OR BETTER) INDOORS, OR NEMA 3R (OR BETTER) OURDOORS. 27. METAL R`EWTADLE, SWNCH, AND DEVICE PDXES SHALL. BE GA-VANIZEO, EPDXY-COOED, OR NON-CORROBING; SHALL MEET OR EXCEED UL 514A AN NEMA OR 1; AND RATED NEMA i (OR BENDER) NNBEIORI OR WEATHER PROTECTED (WR OR BETTER) OV7DOQR5. 28. ARNM€FAlLiC RECEPTACLE, SWITCH, AND DEVICE BOXES SHALL MEAT OR IXC€AT) MENA OS 2; AND RATE) NEMA 1 (OR BETTER) INDOORS, OR WEATHER PROTECTED (WP OR BETTER) OUTDOORS. 29.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AND OBTAIN NECESSARY AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE COMMENCING WORK N THE AC POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELS. 30. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY TAGGING ON THE BREAKERS, CABLES AND DISTRIBUTION PANELS IN ACOOROANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS TO SAFEGUARD AGAINST THE UFE AND PROPERTY. 31. UQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE NON-METALLIC CONDUIT MAY BE USED WHERE NOTED ON DRAWINGS INDOORS AND OUTDOORS AND WHERE NOT SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE PRESSURE TYPE, NT GLUED. 32. CABLES SHALL BE BUNDLED AND%OR SECURED TO THE CABLE RACK OF EQUIPMENT RACK USING 9 -PLY WAXED POLYESTER TWINE UNLESS PRIOR APPROVAL IS OBTAINED. 33. NYLON CABLE TIES MAY BE USED FOR TEMPORARILY SECURING CABLES DURING THE INSTALLATION. PERMANENT USE OF NYLON CABLE TIES SHALL NOT BE USED UNLESS PRIOR APPROVAL IS OBTAINED FOR SECURING COAXIAL CABLES, OPTICAL FIBER CABLES, BATTERY CABLES AND CABLES TO DISTRIBUTION FRAMES OR ON CABLE RACKS. NLN CABLE N DES MAY BE USED FSECURING GROUNDING CONDUCTORS EXTERIOR TO SHELTERS AND EQUIPMENT RDOMS. 34. NYLON CABLE TIES SHALL BE OF AN ADEQUATE SIZE, TYPE, STRENGTH, TV RESISTANT EEC. FOR THE PARTICULAR APPLICATION. TAILS SHALL BE TRIMMED TO WITHIN 1/32 INCH USING A TOOL SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR TENSIONING AND CURING NYLON CABLE TIES. WIRING METHODS 1. GEN ERAL ALL WIRING IN FINISHED AREAS SHALL BE CONCEALED UNLESS NOTES OTHERWISE IN UNFINISHED AREAS SUCH AS BASEMENTS, MECHANICAL ROOMS, ELECTRICAL CLOSETS, ETC. WIRING SHAT BE ROUTED N THE INIEF OR SURFACE. NO WIRING SHALL BE ROUTED ON THE OUTSIDE SURFACES OF THE BUILDING UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED. ALL NEC AND LOCAL ELECTRIC CODES SWlll BE ADHERED TO. ALL CONDUCTORS SHN.L BE COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. BELOW GRADE EUND^�iGRONO IN EARTH OR FILLT: ALL CONDUITS SHALL WAVE A MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH OF 24'. BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL CONSIST OF PULLED CONDUCTORS IN DIRFCF BURRED SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUDS CONDUITS TINS ARE BURIED UNDER EARTH THAT HAVE HEAVY VEHICLE TRAFFIC MR IT SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE. CONCRETE ENCASEMENT SHALL BE 3' MINIMUM ALL AROUND AND BETWEEN CONDUITS. ALL ELBOWS USED WITH PVC CONDUIT SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC. ALL CONDUIT INSTALLED ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 TRC. PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, A UTILITY MARK OUT SHAT BE DONE TO LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, PICTURES SHALL BE TAKEN OF ALL UNDERGROUND WORK TO BE VIEWED AT THE PUNCHIEST. 3. INUQQRUG JATTIRE" AREAS). ALL FEEDERS SHWA. CONSIST OF PULLED CONDUCTORS IN EMT. All TILL BRANCH CIRCUITS SCONSIST OF PULLED CNONCTOAS IN EMT., EXCEPT 15 AND 20 AMPERE 1 POLL LIGHTING RECEPTACLE, OR MISCELLANEOUS BRANCH CIRCUITS CONCEALED ABOVE SUSPENDED CEILINGS OR WITHIN DRY WAIS SAL CONSIST OF TYPE MC METAL CLAD CABLE IF ALLOWED BY CODE CONNECTIONS TO COMMUNICATION CABINETS AND VIBRATING EQUIPMENT SHALL CONSIST OR PULLED CONDUCTORS IN FLEXIBLE METADJC CONDUR MAXIMUM 6' IN LENGTH. 4. OUTDOORS OR INDOORS CLASS D 'DAMP' OR 'WET LOCATION: ALL FEEDERS AND BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL CONSIST OF PULED CONDUCTORS IN RGS CONDUIT CONNECTIONS TO COMMUNICATION CABINET AND VIBRATING EQUIPMENT SHALL CONSIST OF PULLED CONDUCTORS IN UQUID TIGHT FLEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT, MAXIMUM 6' IN LENGTH. SPECIAL EMPHASIS, CONCERNS, AND UMRATNS COMMUNIfATIN 1, MDA DESIGN GROUP, INC SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY UPON DISCOVERY OF A PROBLEM OR CONFLICT. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY IDENTIFY ONE OR MORE NEW SOLUTIONS BUT SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL SO AUTHORIZED. JIEEAAANT 'T 2. COORDINATE All DISCONNECTIONS AND INTERRUPTIONS OF ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND GROUNDING SYSTEM WITH THE OWNER. A SCHEDULE OF INTERRUPTIONS AND SHUTDOWNS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FOR APPROVAL. THE SCHEDULE OF INTERRUPTIONS SHAT BE SUBMTTED TO THE OWNER A MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO ANY ANTICIPATED INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE AND SALE BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER BEFORE ANY INTERRUPTION IS PERMITTED. CNONACTORS SECURE AND PAY FOR ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND SCULL ARRANGE ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF ALL OTHER CONTRACTORS AND EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS. TRANSPORT T1 LINES: ALL RACEWAY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC, NFPA 70), CHAPTER 8, ALL SPECIFIED MATERIAL FOR EACH LOCATION (E.G., OUTDOORS, INDOORS -OCCUPIED, INDOORS -UNOCCUPIED, PLENUMS, RISER SHAFTS, ETC.) SHALL BE APPROVED, LISTED, OR LABELED AS REQUIRED BY THE NEC. MERTC CONDUIT OR TUBING ED IT LINES SHALL BE BONDED TO GROUND AT BOTH ENDS. FOR NOKIA GSM BTS CABINET ONLY - THE T1 CABLE SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AT 13DTH ENDS WRH A CD EPUTER-PRINTED SELF -LAMINATING POLYESTER WIRE MARKERS (BRADY CORP. OR EQUAL). USE THE 'FROM' LOCATION FOLLOWING TYPICAL 10 NAME AT THE NIU AND AT THE NOKIA DES. SURGE SUPPRESSION NOTE 1, RF SURGE ARRESTOR DEVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL NEW ANTENNA k NEW COAXIAL INSTALLATION REPLACEMENTS AS REQUIRED. 2. AC SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE (SPD) DEVICES FOR AC POWER SMI BE INSTALLED FOR ALL NEW AC PANEL INSTALLATION OR REPLACEMENTS. 3. THE AC SPD SHALL BE COMMON MODE TYPE, MINIMUM RATED 120KA SURGE CURRENT, AND HAVE MONITORING UGHTS WITH FORM C ALARM CONTACTS. THE PC SPD SHALL BE RAY CAP STRKESORB TYPE, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES PTX120 OR OWNER APPROVED EQUAL. RAYCAP STRIKESORB SURGE PROTECTORS SHALL BE FACTORY INSTALLED IN THE PANELBOARD. OTHER MANUFACTURER SPD SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE AC SYSTEM THROUGH A CIRCUIT BREAKER IN THE AC PANEEBOARD AND SHALL BE MOUNTED INTERGAL WISH THE PANEUBOARD OR DIRECTLY ADJACENT. 4. TELCO SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES SHALL RE INSTALLED IN ALL NEW T1 INSTALLATIONS (TYPE AS APPROVED BY AT&T MOBILITY) 5. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE DOSING TELCO SYSTEM FOR PRESENCE OF SURGE PROTECTION AND REPORT FINDINGS TO CONTRACTOR 6. RAYCAP STRIKESORB SPD SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL DO CIRCUITS TO REMOTE RADIO UNITS/HEADS MOUNTED ON TOWER OR ROOFTOPS AND AS REQUIRED BY SITE SPECIFIC DESIGN DRAWINGS. 7. SURGE SUPPRESSION AN PROTECTION DEVICES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) ARTICLE 250, 280, 285, AND CHAPTER K AS APPLICABLE ---NEW 1/8' MIN. ANTENNA 8m - 1 ?,` Sts 1/4' MIN. BELT ATA$ 1/2' MAN.� GROG u:, s s ATT t. P'Lt O,.R .. ShRiNkS I SA h R �t-NEW CORY Jill uY r•ERS t-GF.aUNC BA4 9T =P A k ,.G`W JUMPERS � SHRINK WIRE � NEW RET CABLE NEW RRH NEXT #8 AN' - `t'J N '; 1. OHO BAR' N k 1RP4R 15-8 _TC F T It `0_DNEG l .:- N :'ERS, =)0 NEW FIBER & aT Alt S 5- h A z ANT t " N' L C 7 -� POWER CABLE M TN... . K vINCH- .. A_I_ :H, DAR_ &S T.; a, S: S �, 8 D", LER Orc LARGNR. 42 AN- BAR ANTENNA COPPER RA ND HS' TO MASES NQ B V64 OUa .,ROUND BPR 3. FOR GROUND SONG TO RIFE ONLY: A PRACON..JOTH WASHER IHS>_RTED BETWEEN' WG AND STEEL, ALL SURFACES COATED WITH AN ANT-OXOANr COMPOUND BEFOREE MATINC. FOUIPMENTGRCo? D j ENR (`ANT NNA GROUNDING DETAIi_ (F.) 2 -HOLE LUG L I f- CR -GALE it HIt+NE > d,... ,'.+sa6: ,Nu:E CALF 2' $ aANOE_ CU +.ARE 4xIT.H OREENN, HH,h '}•t S '.DCN. S__ ._ SPEO _E,--------------- - `VO -h0' E L 11 G th BAR S.NG S 1 i ..A ES_ E_hX HA OTTE AND HARDWARE @-HLUG, USED }.Y Z# At; SOLD UNNED CARE CU .'HIRE OR STRANDED C V RISE STU` GREEN SCO HHN/1HW4 I"SUL;TION TO ANTENNA. STRUC URE BIA: "'.iw -UND RING CP BUILDING STEEL r,`� GROU ND WIRE TO GROUND BAR ;7 7tie ANTENNA CABLE- 12i, TO 24• L AEATHERPR`JFINC - - '(:T (SEE NOTE 31 E.y3LE GROUND KIT AWC STRANDED CU WIRE GREEN 500V THAN INSULATION (BEDDING, ,TC GROUND BAR) E_ ,_ NO ES 1 & { j AN- TUNA. CAB LEfTO,' N GINS .CLL CART= GROUND KIT4O: INSTALLED AT A 9Eh0 ALS'. : Y'A"S R EO GROUND BR GROUND VIRE WN R N BA. 7NNIG -S-B E AND RANTRM4AS a___ d. 00WJETUDE n C. VAHU AC LEER. PRGOFNG Ni E E AW_1 PART NUMBER As SUPPUED OR FIE NNE -DE BY aD F NA.'r. F C, NRER. CABLE GROUND KIT CONNLCTION DETAIL .ALE ARM DESIGN GR t7 TJ P` L , D li$,�iRAkBE�BNUWR,WE� a C I 1'.31Gk'FI BI CTki DCa 8 WI 'RI�VBi H9 GIX10IHAISOC� n '}G� AS -TICAL OAT€:: SIIBMISSONS : Bf: A N N IT, m W 'g ID Y K Z o N L O Z d� w o W �a da o- `Raw LAND EL ECTRICA_ NOTES & GROUNDING DETAILS OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MMMOMMIJ To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: Heather M. Lanza, AICP, Planning Director Date: February 28, 2020 AIAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 mrww.southoIdtownny.gov Re: Planning Department Report New Cingular Wireless Modifications and Up -grades SCTM#1 000-75.-5-14.1 165 Peconic Lane, Peconic The Planning Board has found that the requirements of the above -referenced Verizon modifications and up -grades have been completed based on the site inspection mad - N i 020. The improvements, are in compliance with the General Requirements of §2801-70 and the Planning Department report dated April I O, 2019; therefore, we recommend a Certificate of Occupancy be issued for this application. Thank you for your cooperation. Ti FL 1 A) PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MMMOMMIJ To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: Heather M. Lanza, AICP, Planning Director Date: February 28, 2020 AIAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 mrww.southoIdtownny.gov Re: Planning Department Report New Cingular Wireless Modifications and Up -grades SCTM#1 000-75.-5-14.1 165 Peconic Lane, Peconic The Planning Board has found that the requirements of the above -referenced Verizon modifications and up -grades have been completed based on the site inspection mad - N i 020. The improvements, are in compliance with the General Requirements of §2801-70 and the Planning Department report dated April I O, 2019; therefore, we recommend a Certificate of Occupancy be issued for this application. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: Heather M. Lanza, AICP, Planning Director Date: April 10, 2019 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 www. southol dtownny. gov Re: Planning Department Report New Cingular Wireless (AT&T) at the Animal Shelter SCTM#1000-75.-5-14.1 165 Peconic Lane, Peconic The Planning Department has conducted a review of the proposed modification pursuant to §280-74 B.(2), and has received a report from our Wireless Technical Consultant, Cityscape, Inc. (see attached report). We have the following recommendations for this application: 1. The proposed modifications and up -grades are in compliance with the General Requirements of §280-70, therefore, we recommend a Building Permit be issued for this application in accordance with the Structural Analysis Report, dated September 26, 2018. 2. The Building Permit must state the following: a. All of the Applicant's feed lines/cables shall be installed inside the monopole structure; b. All ports shall remain sufficiently sealed to prevent access by birds and other wildlife; c. The facility shall remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel. Thank you for your cooperation. Town of Southold Telecommunications Site Review Equipment Upgrade Application March 14, 2019 Mr. Brian Cummings Planner Town Hall Annex Building 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 ,pw C ON S U L T A N T S 1 N C. 7050 W. Palmetto Park Road #15-652 Boca Raton, FL 33433-3483 Tel: 877.438.2851 Fax: 877.220.4593 RE; Town of Southold / SCTM#1000-75-5-14.1 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 Dear Mr. Cummings, At your request, on behalf of the Town of Southold ("Town"), CityScape Consultants, Inc. ("CityScape") in its capacity as telecommunications consultant for the Town, has considered the merits of the above referenced application submitted by AT&T Mobility ("Applicant") to modify its equipment on an existing one hundred thirty-one foot six inch (13116") lattice tower. There are top mounted antennas which raise the overall height to 148'10". The tower is located at 165 Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York, see Figure 1. ,S tart Structure l ui lrletlt The existing support structure is depicted in Appendix, Exhibit A. The Applicant currently has nine (9) antennas, six (6) RRHs, one (1) surge suppressor and a microwave backhaul dish at the top of the tower (130 -foot level). It is proposed to replace the antenna mounts and all nine (9) antennas. Six (6) new RRHs will be installed and the existing six (6) will be relocated. One (1) new surge suppressor will be installed while the existing one and existing microwave dish will remain, see Appendix, Exhibit B. Two (2) new DC power cables will be added to the existing feed cables. All changes to ground equipment will be within the existing shelter. Town of Southold — SCTM#1000-75-5-14.1 AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 Page 2 t�"lltllral Ana�yi ckyscape C O N S U I. T A N T S, I N C A structural report, prepared by GPD Group, dated September 26, 2018 based on ANSI/EIA/T1A-222-G standards was provided. This analysis indicates that the tower will be loaded to 94.7% and the foundation 80.5%, see Appendix, Exhibit C. The Applicant submitted a complete study indicating compliance with the FCC's Radio Frequency (RF) energy and exposure limits with previous applications. Under the Middle -Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 ("The Act") any personal wireless facility collocation, modification or upgrade may qualify for streamlined processing. Furthermore, under Section 6409(a) it can qualify for administrative approval if the request meets six criteria, most notably (1) it does not increase the structure height by 10% or 20 feet, whichever is greater, (2) it does not increase the structure width by 20 feet and (3) it does not require any excavation outside the existing ground compound or leased area. Section 6409(a) further states that if an application meets the criteria, the application should be approved and not denied. CityScape has determined this application complies with the Act and recommends approval, with the following condition: The facility shall remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel. I certify that to the best of my knowledge all the information included herein is accurate at the time of this report. CityScape only works for public entities and has unbiased opinions. All recommendations are based on technical merits without prejudice per prevailing laws and codes. Respectfully submitted, Jonathan N. Edwards, P.E. CityScape Consultants, Inc. Town of Southold — SCTM# 1000-75-5-14.1 AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 Page 3 CONCRyScape SU LTA N T 5. I N C_ Data use subject to ricensei o DeLomie. DeLomm SbeetAlles USAA 2000. 0 600 1�4ENi _ 1000 +1900 0t a www.debmie.com MN (13.8° W) Dela Zoom 13-2 Figure 1— Site Location Town of Southold — SCTM#1000-75-5-14.1 AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 Page 4 CONSCkyScape U LTA N TS,] NC:. Town of Southold — SCTM#1000-75-5-14.1 CKyscape AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 CONS ULTANTS,I NC� Pages mlm Kv ANIT" %WW FAUF 00 WX tm-ma MOW K100 (TrAm or 1. I PCR Ama DZIM ?M RM TO 01 RUVM WH KW 817/14 X I RX SMA 00 KV MTDM MW %Wol to WW JrPW ME of wi Loamn (rYP%X or 3. 1 F" SELALM I 72 —F"W= WDOAS To KKAZ omm mm -s gom 1pr j, to D50C AMW WWM -4 K WM:*3 00—' 30:3m 9 rAWj m Dm V-4 MUM Im mm M-W-mic m"M on =US CIR A-4) rur= RAM* Do m OK am= ID Xv DcStw-- AFV 'XAVVP ErBD4 v -W CIA 47"M �R% 1L - A 904MAL APKISM CF i0a�zmm Ayv�p= WS CZWX�W Ov M2LIN V WD Gpl3p- PC DWW ME k 63 FOXOPIN WH ALL PQW4MWO. VU571%; k MEOW) Low r. %=Mmil A3mLXX - A W:%W AKM OF Bf 10 ROW 9"m v3XT WG 034AM: CK =Im (m CPO QqW. TW Mac hOLK We 025D4 * mmm Wqm is smx"Aw ts AXDAqL sm'm tw (2) WN cc PC'" LW. 00 mm LKUNM il�q To W's ALPFA W1 vIIIVmXWrI EP W"'94 E=TW JAWZ= LAM (M FMUM DM1W CAELE ADM -±M—rt DCSTpc AI*4 I WS L@4zr '3 AEWAIN ,,rrncn cc v Ev3WG C.IA rA L9,K FENCE W ONVIS; < CCSW AW DXMM 9*11IR I- ",K fM OET- 31PI) mm Exhibit A — Support Structure Town of Southold — SCTM#1000-75-5-14.1 AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 Page 6 CONckyscape SU LTA N T S, I N C DaSTNG 1960 RRH TO 9E RaOW..ED-,•.,...,., 0 ,. 1 TO PC - 10 TO " VOUNT -... POS., , MURM wrw fRAW OR TEEM X���r°..^.". PAS S^ ) DISIM8 700 ft TO BE AFPIM.ED 'WN— SFLTOR IEM 917/14 PM DN WED 91PPORT (SEE w'"x', DETAIL 51") PROD B60 WM TD BE WMAR D TO PKPM MTows TO wytgx.._— �� DISI KAVO + 09 MEM LKSW USTMO N(TDkM "M OF 3 Put ,,,.�' MW (SEE DET- 4/A-3) SEGM 9 TOW/ (SEE DEIAL 2/A-3) FM PTM1 1 ..a^. "'._.. -.. �„1 ... ^ -r1a nV41 19010 RDI 10 BE w • *1001aTO NEM W"T EIISTNG RATA? OW TO t£., ...... .,,.'•..:,.`.,.`.•'"^- •.•) RE:OCATE3 TO HEWVOLNT ,�-^-"""" _,,,„,.....� p RAYCAP OW 7D BE 1WOLWIID «....._....:.. p 1D NEM MM3M 9LPP'OW FAWE (SEE � .. /IPOS .. DEFA[S 6t7/A-3) PROP , .. 960 RIM TO BE WOUNT O .. V146TAU7 HURT ($EE DETAIL 4/1-3 PM 'WN 042114 WH OR WN AHMM UPPORT (SEE OEUL S/Aa) F _~WN, POS MM.VA FAME ON WW SECTOR /° tsuwMil" (SEE. OEdaMIL. ,1;/Nr3) 1r. f 24U VM XM TO BE M1WEO TO— -, ENfRO1A�E 0.91 ABO4 lO ,E K0 AMEM% %"w TAME OM HLV PEW," ," .„” *STRA MMMT ('.E.E TE'TAW, 3/A-31 P ». = F1ME TO BE YOIMW TD T TS To 6 REV ..d.e.... .-w..-... NEWFAME ON NEW AA 'dIE1 U STRUT WJNT (9E DETAIL 4/A-3) CIO -M7 -01c 1uPA.Mts Q'1PRaL OF .L T PCS SECTOR -.. N �•—,•..._fXS1k#. 700 RW 10 BE RERACED B0N 120' 9AM 612p4OM NEW j To' 1000 RRv 10 BE IiEDG1�.� .. .�1-......`.��, (SEE M• S/A-3) . TD NEN YJlA1T Exhibit B — Proposed Equipment t-onngurauoo Town of Southold — SCTM#1000-75-5-14.1 AT&T Mobility / NYNYNY0229 Page 7 Shore 2 Shore Wireless, Inc, 124 Amaya Dr Folsom, CA 95630 (9161467-7694 RIGOROUS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT CONCkysicape SU L 'I° A N "1- S, I N C GPD GROUP. Kevin Fraleigh 520 South Main Street, Suite 7531 Akron, Ohio 44311 (330) 572-2191 kfraleigh*gtdgroup.com GPDO 2018720.46 September 26, 2018 PROJECT DESIGNATION: Site USID: NYNYNY0229 6678) Site IA: 10074795 Site Name: SOUTHOLD ANALYSIS CRITERIA: Codes: TIA-222-G, 2015 ISC, & 2016 NYSUC 134-nO Ultimate (3 -Second Gust) with 0' Ice 104 -mph Nominal (}Second Gust) with 0" ice SO -mph (3 -Second Gust) with 314" ice 414 05 Route 25, Peconic, NY 11958, Suffolk County SITE DATA: Lat(bude 41' 2' 28.784' N, Longitude 72" 27' 31.568' W 130' Modified FWT Self Support Tower Ms. Jackie Mancusi, GPD is pleased 10 sutxrnit lh45 Rngorous S"uclural Analyses Repon to determine the struclural integrity of the. afar xenticKled ta--r. The purpose of the analysks is to dktermine the suitsbn(ity of the tower with The existing and prolaod loading ctsnfiguration detailed in the analysis report. Analysis Results Tower Stress Level with Proposed Equipment: 94.7% Pass Foundation Ratio with Proposed Equipment: 80.5% Pass We at C#Vr) appreciate the opwwiunity of providing our continuing processional services to you and Shore 2 5hrre Wireless, Inc. If you have any questions or need further assistance on this or any other projects please do not hesitate to call Respectfully submitted, Christopher I. Scheks, P.F New York 0: 093566-1 �S if NEW rs C"wr a 7w r" t; r Exhibit U— Ntructurai analysis 'lullilt.aly From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jessica, Here is another AT&T site. Pat O'Rourke <patrick@brennanshore.com> Monday, January 27, 2020 10:46 AM Michaelis, Jessica; 'Peter Nenadich' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 165 Peconic Lane, Southold, AT&T site NYNYNY0229, Building Permit 43643 0229 Building Permit 4-16-19.pdf AT&T completed the proposed work for the attached building permit, 43643. We'd like to schedule a close out inspection, what do you need from me? Thank you, Patrick O'Rourke Shore 2 Shore Wireless 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 516-263-8817- cell 516-557-2398- office 516-557-2397- fax Kew ar-\.0ay 2020RM V Ilaunnn2 i"o&d From: Bunch, Connie [mailto:Connie.Bunch @town.southold.ny. us] Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 1:05 PM To:'Pat-Optonline' <connoror@optonline.net> Subject: FW: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 9245 Main Road, East Marion & 165 Peconic Lane, Southold, AT&T sites NYCENY1017 & NYNYNY0229 That permit has been written and just needs to be processed. You can ride out Monday to pay and pick them both up. Best Regards, Connie From: Michaelis, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 1:00 PM To: Pat-Optonline < onnoror°qfltog ine.net>; Cummings, Brian A. <bri��ar�.cuniiiiin s r town.soarthold.n .us>; Bunch, Connie <Connie.Bunch @town.southo1.d.n r�us> Cc: 'Eric Gentile' <eric@brennanshore.com> Subject: RE: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 9245 Main Road, East Marion & 165 Peconic Lane, Southold, AT&T sites NYCENY1017 & NYNYNY0229 Hello Pat, I have copied Connie Bunch from the building department. She can answer your question. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis From: Pat-Optonline[rnailto.,cor�noror@optonlinemet] Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:43 PM To: Michaelis, Jessica <`I Nc ITNn Pisoutholdtown .n.y. ov>; Cummings, Brian A. <Brian.currrmirigs towri.soutkiold.x°ny.us> Cc: 'Eric Gentile' <erict br t11-ish�ore corn> Subject: RE: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 9245 Main Road, East Marion & 165 Peconic Lane, Southold, AT&T sites NYCENY1017 & NYNYNY0229 Jessica, My office got a call that 9245 Main Road, East Marion building permit was ready for pick up. Any news on 165 Peconic Lane, Southold? I'd love to be able to pick them both up in one trip, Let me know and have a nice weekend. Thank you, Patrick O'Rourke Shore 2 Shore Wireless 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 516-263-8817- cell 516-557-2398- office 516-557-2397- fax ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Permit #: 43643 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD,NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permission is hereby granted to: Town of Southold Attn: DPW 53095 Route 25 Southold NY 11971 Date: 4/12/2019 To: make upgardes and modifications (co -location - new Cingular) to an existing wireless communications tower. At premises located at: 165 Peconic Ln, Peconic SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot # 75.-5-14.1 Building Inspector Shore 2 Shore Wireless, Inc 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 516-557-2398 Office February 20, 2019 BY HAND Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Brian Cummings - Town Planner RECEIVED 211 2 0 C Suthic)1 ' 6 n RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (AT&T) — Building Permit Application AT&T site NYNYNY0229 Premises: 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Section 75, Block 5, Lot 14.1 To whom it may concern:. Our office represents New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (AT&T) with respect to its Application to modify its existing public utility wireless telecommunication facility at the subject premises. The proposed modification is part of AT&T's "LTE Upgrade" project which will allow AT&T to provide better service to the Town of Southold. As shown in the plans submitted to the Town, the upgrade requires only minor modifications to the existing facility. With respect to the Building Permit Application, the following are enclosed in this submittal package, 1) Building Permit Application & Applicant Consent form 2) Four (4) set of signed and sealed construction drawings, prepared by MTM Design Group and dated February 6, 2019, including site plans and elevations 3) One (1) Structural Analysis performed by GDP Group and dated September 26, 2018 4) One (1) Mount Analysis performed by GPD Group and dated February 1, 2019 4) A check for $8,500 (#2749) as a consultant review Escrow fee. 5) Certificates of Insurance from the contractor 6) Application for Certificate of Occupancy form Thank you for your time on this matter, let me know how to proceed.. Patrick O'Rourke Site Acquisition Manager on Behalf of AT&T 516-263-8817 patrick@brennanshore.com 11101 !"Alo-MVINTOROMAR"lu"T W"J" TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 Southoldtownny.gov 9 Approved . ........... . ­ ­ � . . . ......... -20 Disapproved a/c; ­­­ . . ................ ..... Expiration —,20. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the Follovving, before applying? Board of I lealth 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board upinov;it­ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Forryi— N ),S T) E C Trustees C.O. Application_ Flood Permit t Single & Separate., Truss Identification For-rn, Storm -Water Assessment Form Contact: Mail to: c(ZEDVIEBuilding Inspector FEB 2 0 2019 9PPLICA'I'lON FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 20 INSTRUCTIONS TOWN OF SOLYMOLD a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c: 'The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. IV6,J &;V614A A s, LC (/i r, -r) (Signature ofapplicant or name, if a corporation) STS -6 MERA bic Jqd, jog, 5 a 4636 111A SJ-APFQtA) /I . ............... (Mailing address (if applicant) Statp,whetl)Xowner essd . agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder lir -�6 1) , Name of owner of premises pk4� I'l I (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If ficant i's a corporati gnature of duly authorized o [11i c - r '1 9 ame an' Title of corporate off iter) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. A/ Electricians License No, Other Trade's License No. ru "to Im County Tax Map No. 1000 Section- 7 Lot-..-- Subdivision Filed Map No._,_ Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of pre jse:s and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy 4je, b. Intended use and occupancy- MC 413M; 3. Nature of work (check which applicable), New BuildingAddition . ....... Repair Removal Demolilion Other Work_ff Esc �rir ri 1) t i on) f -&j i I 4. Estimated Cos1­,j.­dL-5 066 Fee . ............... (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling unitsAX Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Tr r /71'9 11 we 19 4tft b QUio+6?,TA1zt,'4 )V'd Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Depth Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front --,,,,.—Rear —Depth Height _,,, Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front Rear 10. Date of Purchase 7 i -Name of Former Owner Depth o Lb Am M- 6 Xt6c, bogr /P. h YPI- L AO 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 14 �)Cflrl-m,,,-...D 19— 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO V 13. Will lot be re -graded? YES—, NO --Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES— NO ojw "er -Y, 14. Names of Owner of Addrcss-51��qg�'f A��L..Phonc No. 631- 7tr, 1960 Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor---.... Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY ly REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES—, NO • IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey, 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES— NO IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. jej STATE OF NEW ) SS: COUNTY OF 4 t � � . ....... . being duly swom, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (NaM of indiVidual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the, ...... — - - - — --------- ... �(C.a�i�,, Agent, Corporate Officer,"etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this applicationbest of his knowledge and belief, and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the app'114�� , 6 , Sworn to before me this day of GAA--rl- o T, 'tATf- Notary Public 0 SignatuWof ApPT111"'UV utown km, 6-1 M -TM n -.- ral M V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x In the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER At the premises: 41405 Route 25 Peconic, NY Section 75, Block 5, Lot 14.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- x STATE OF NEW YORK SS,: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Patrick O'Rotirke, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the APPLICANT in fee of the premises known as Section 75, Block 5, Lot 14.1 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do hereby authorize New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC ('AT&T' hereafter), and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as AT&T may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with AT&T and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. By: . .............. Sworn to before me this LIT" day of -mi-ex .. . ........ . 2018 ETER A NEN'ADICH JR, Notary Public, State of New York NO 02NE6125360 J-BLIC11 QualiPed in Qu,.ens County AR NO'l' Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage -disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non -conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing' land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and 't,inusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $50.00, Additions to dwelling $50.00, Alterations to dwelling $50.00, Swinuning pool $50.00, Accessory building $50.00, Additions to accessory building $50.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. �.....m -existing Building: (check one) New Construction: Old or Pre -.. - '' Hamlet l...... ....2 I 1 Location ofPro e .. .._ House No. Street Owner or Owners of Property:�"� .._ h '09._ ............_ ..�� � ..�7 .... ....._. Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Block Lot Subdivision Permit No. Health Dept. Approvals Planning Board Approval: Date of Permit. Request for: Temporary Certificate Filed Map. Applicant: Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate Lot: (check one) Fee Submitted: $ Applica..........S nt Signature _OR NEW Compensation workers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE rµr Board DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1. To be completed by .... Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Carrier or Licensed Insurance Agentent of that Carrier 1a. Legal Name &Address of Insured (use street address s only) 1b. Business Telephone Number of_-� Insured (973) 244-1323 KMM TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4051 N HWY 121 STE 400 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 Work Location of Insured (only required if coverage is specifically limited to 1 c. Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured certain locations in New York State, i.e., Wrap-Up Policy) or Social Security Number 93-1088391 2. Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMAPANY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 3b. Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box "l a" 54375 ROUTE 25 GS-700398-311 PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 3c. Policy effective period 0610312018 to 06101/2019 4. Policy provides the following benefits: ❑X A. Both disability and paid family leave benefits. ❑ B. Disability benefits only. ❑ C. Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: Q A. All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. ❑ B. Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. 02/11/2019t4 Date Signed ..._.__._..—., By .........._. ....._. (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number (860) 547.7192 Name and Title AANAL BHATTS, TATUTORY SERVICE SPECIALIST IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier, this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder, If Box 4B, 4C or 5B is checked, this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd. 8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be mailed for completion to the Workers' Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2. To be completed b the NYS Workers' Compensation Board (only if Box 4C or 56 of Part 1 has been checked) .... P ee Y p � d) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers' Compensation Board, the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law with respect to all of his/her employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers' Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note: Only insurance carriers ....'.. licennsese .. ...... d to write NYS disability andrid ins paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1. Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. D13-120.1 (10-17) III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DB-120.1 (10-17) DATE (MMIDD—YY) iRi, �C,.+� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE �. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER ON rAC'r AON Insurance Office of America, Inc. 67 678 -919-1151 XO 919 1150 100 Galleria Parkway �NI E Mi�IL Suite 600 ADDRESS: Atlanta GA 30339 INSURERS) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # EACH OCCURRENCE INSURER A: Depositors Insurance Company ., 42587 ............ ..... .............. KMM0000-01 .... ,�.... ... INSURED INSURED INSURER B Allred„ p y &Casualty Insurance Company 42579 Y- KMM Telecommunications, Inc. - INSURER West Chester FI re Insurance Company 10030 1900 Lakeview Drive .._.__ .Suite 100 INSURER D Lewisville TX 75057 INSURER E: INSURER F: CnVFRArFs CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 2109806996 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ..... ... �. .....�. - .F .._.�......... �- INSR ........... .�.���pADOL SII �i�R POLICY EFF POLICY EXP lMWDDIYYYY --- .... ... .....___ --- LIMITS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MMIDDfYYYY W. B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y ACPGLP03008826504 6/27/2018 6/27/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,.000„000 iI)P1B IIYL�7 _ CLAIMS -MADE OCCURPRLlwdl al a.(.(; 7,cr";Vi u,(y, ,)...... $300000 _._.-..... ...................�........,.__. MED EXP (Any one person) $10,000 .. .. _.- PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1„000„000 . GEN1 ______ ......... AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2000,000 1r . �-OlI12 PR POLICY 7 IrCpIJ- � LOC PRODUCTS- COMP/OP $2,000„000 m $ B � AUTOMOBILE TOLIABILITY Y Y ACPBAP300882€i504 . 6!27/2018 6!27/2019 (:,'Ct+AnINC,LN?Slld)�I�("iIMB L raaccid�ant $ X... ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ _ ALLOWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ X AUTOS _ AUTOS X NON -OWNED PPeaccidankROPERTY DAMAGE $ .... HIRED AUTOS AUTOS ----- A X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR Y 'Y ACPCAD3008826504 6/2712016 6/27/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10 000 000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE -AGGREGATE $ 10.,000„000__ X. DFGJ RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION $TATlJ7E J LkV 1 AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY YIN E.., ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNEREXECUTIVE LEACH ACCIDENT m $ ,,,, ,,,,,,__— OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? i N / A (Mandatory In NH) E EA EMPLOYEE $ ___ If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E POLICY LIMIT E.L DISEASE C Professional Liability G2368004A006 1/29/2019 1/29Y2020 Per Occur/ Aggregate $2,000,000 B Leased/Rented Equip ACPCIMP3008826504 6/27/2018 6/27/2019 Limit $250,000 - v_._...... ... .... .......... _... .........�..�..... DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached it more space Is required) Pollu'l�Ion Liability Polac'y Effective 6127!2018 to 612,812019 Illinois Union Insurance Company , Policy #CPY 3468/0375 002 $5;000,000 Pel, Pollution Condition or Site Environmental Condition $5,000,000 Aggregate Limit for all Pollution Conditions and Site Environmental Conditions $25,000 Deductible Per Pollution Condition or Site Environmental Condition Installation Floater: See Attached... CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold 54375 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE al-!� -;�� (9) 1 986-109 4 ACUKL) GUKVUKA I JUIN. All rlgnis reservau. ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD YORK Workers' CERTIFICATE OF TA��TE Com Boarynsation NYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE 1a. Legal Name & Address of Insured (use street address only) 1b Business Telephone Number �- p of Insured ADP TotalSource FL XVII, Inc. 73) 244-1323 10200 Sunset Drive Miami, FL 33173 L/C/F 1 c. NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number of KMM Telecommunications Insured 4051 N HWY 121 STE 400 45045108 Grapevine, TX 76051 1 d. Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security Work Location of Insured (Only required if coverage is specifically limited to Number certain locations in New York State, i.e., a Wrap -Up Policy) 931088391 2. Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) New Hampshire Ins Co Town of Southold 3b. Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box "l a" 54375 Route 25 WC 047032053 PO Box 1179 3c. Policy effective period Southold, NY 11971 07/01/2018 to 07/01/2019 3d. The Proprietor, Partners or Executive Officers are N included. (Only check box if all partners/officers included) ❑ all excluded or certain partners/officers excluded. ie carrier indicated above in box "3" insures the business referenced above in box "la" for workers' compensation under This certifies that the insurance w p der the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. (To use this form, New York (NY) must be listed under Item 3A on the INFORMATION PAGE of the workers' compensation insurance policy). The Insurance Carrier or its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the certificate holder in box "2'° The insurance carrier must notify the above certificate holder and the Workers' Compensation Board within 10 days IF a policy is canceled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the insured from the coverage indicated on this Certificate. (These notices may be sent by regular mail.) Otherwise, this Certificate is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent, or until the policy expiration date listed in box "30, whichever is earlier. This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed, nor does it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in the referenced policy. This certificate may be used as evidence of a Workers' Compensation contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Note: Upon cancellation of the workers' compensation policy indicated on this form, if the business continues to be named on a permit, license or contract issued by a certificate holder, the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Workers' Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the New York State Workers' Compensation Law. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am an authorized representative n^crn d urrt of #I+ i+rassas+eu xs w^acs referenced above and that the named insured has the coverage as depicted on this form. Approved by: driana Sanchez name orairtfhoyrized wpl I M e carrier) Approved by: 2/14/2019.... rifle. Account Specialist II Telephone Number of authorized representative ori #Aten*I f,, r 4 01 i�hsuatrr e rc a �a�,a 800-743-8130 Please Note: Only insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2. Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue it. C-105.2 (9-17) www.wcb.ny.gov RIGOROUS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT PROJIGCI DIESIGNAUION: Site L)SIID: NYNYNY0229 (5678) Site 16 A: '10074795 Siete Name: SOt ffl-110II...Ii.1 GPD GROUP® Galas, Pyle, Schumer, Burns B DeH-en, Inc. Kevin Fraleigh 520 South Main Street, Suite 2531 Akron, Ohio 44311 (330) 572-2191 kfraleighagpdgroup.com GPD# 2018720.46 September 26, 2018 ANALYSIS CRITERIA: Codes: TIA-222-G, 2015 IBC, & 2016 NYSUC 134 -mph Ultimate (3 -Second Gust) with 0" ice 104 -mph Nominal (3 -Second Gust) with 0" ice 50 -mph (3 -Second Gust) with 3/4" ice SITE DATA: 414 05 Route 25, Peconic, NY 11958, Suffolk County Latitude 41' 2'28.78411 N, Longitude 721 27'31.568" W 130' Modified FWT Self Support Tower Ms. Jackie Mancusi, GPD is pleased to submit this Rigorous Structural Analysis Report to determine the structural integrity of the aforementioned tower. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the suitability of the tower with the existing and proposed loading configuration detailed in the analysis report. Analysis Results Tower Stress Level with Proposed Equipment: 94.7% Pass Foundation Ratio with Proposed Equipment: 80.5% Pass We at GPD appreciate the opportunity of providing our continuing professional services to you and Shore 2 Shore Wireless, Inc. If you have any questions or need further assistance on this or any other projects please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Christopher J. Scheks, P.E. New York #: 093566-1 ff fa i"..,L m � y o Akwrnu^� U�,* �....___ —W_____.�__.__..___ ._.__._.....�. WWW 520 South Main Street. Suite 2531. Akron, Ohio 44311 . 330-572-2100. Fax 330-572-2101 . www.GPDGroup.com Glaus Pyle Schomer Burns and DeHaven, Inc.. 130 Ft. Self Su000rt Tower -Structural Evaluation SUMMARY & RESULTS The purpose of this analysis was to verify whether the existing structure is capable of carrying the proposed loading configuration as specified by AT&T Mobility to Shore 2 Shore Wireless, Inc. This report was commissioned by Ms. Jackie Mancusi of Shore 2 Shore Wireless, Inc. Seismic loads were considered using a substantiated analysis utilizing the TIA-222-G standard. The wind effects were found to control the tower loading. The proposed coax shall be installed on Face A in order for the analysis results to be valid. See Appendix C for the coax layout. TOWER SUMMARY AND RESULTS Member I Capacity F Results Legs 62.0% Pass Diagonals60.0% Not Provided Pass Secondary Horizontals _......... 3 I 3.1 Pass Top Guts I .w..�.. mm 12.0% Pass Bolt Checks 94.7% Pass AnchorRods 52.2% Pass Foundati.o.n...... 8.0..5% .....................Pass....................................... .................. ANALYSIS METHOD tnxTower (Version, a commercially available software program, was used to create a three-dimensional model of the tower and calculate primary member stresses for various dead, live, wind and seismic load cases. Selected output from the analysis is included in Appendix B. The following table details the information provided to complete this structural analysis. This analysis is solely based on this information and is being provided without the benefit of a detailed site visit. DOCUMENTS PROVIDED Document I Remarks I Source Radio Frequency Data Sheet RFDS Name: NYNYNY0229 , dated 4/24/2018 S2S Tower Design Not Provided N/A Foundation Design Geotechnical Report Tectonic WO #: 756.229.1.3, dated 5/2/1991 Tectonic WO #: 756.229.1.3, dated 3/6/1991 AT&T AT&T Construction Drawings Bechtel Job #: 25736 -415 -LS dated 2/2/2015 AT&T Previous Structural Analysis Modification Drawings Post Modification Inspection GPD Project #: 2015700.03.5678.03, dated 5/28/2015 GPD Project #: 2015700.03.5678.03, dated 5/28/2015 GPD Project #: 2017723.03.5678.05 Rev. 1, dated 3/20/2017 AT&T AT&T AT&T 9/26/2018 Page 2 of 4 130 Ft. Self Sur) Dort Tower - Structural Evaluation AT&T USID: 5678 This rigorous structural analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and is not a condition assessment of the tower. This analysis is from information supplied, and therefore, its results are based on and are as accurate as that supplied data. GPD has made no independent determination, nor is it required to, of its accuracy. The following assumptions were made for this structural analysis. 1. The tower member sizes and shapes are considered accurate as supplied. The material grade is as per data supplied and/or as assumed and as stated in the materials section. 2. The antenna configuration is as supplied and/or as modeled in the analysis. It is assumed to be complete and accurate. All antennas, mounts, coax and waveguides are assumed to be properly installed and supported as per manufacturer requirements. 3. Some assumptions are made regarding antennas and mount sizes and their projected areas based on best interpretation of data supplied and of best knowledge of antenna type and industry practice. 4. All mounts, if applicable, are considered adequate to support the loading. No actual analysis of the mount(s) is performed. This analysis is limited to analyzing the tower only. 5. The soil parameters are as per data supplied or as assumed and stated in the calculations. 6. Foundations are properly designed and constructed to resist the original design loads indicated in the documents provided. 7. The tower and structures have been properly maintained in accordance with TIA Standards and/or with manufacturer's specifications. 8. All welds and connections are assumed to develop at least the member capacity unless determined otherwise and explicitly stated in this report. 9. All prior structural modifications are assumed to be as per data supplied/available and to have been properly installed. 10. The azimuth of Leg A is assumed to be at 10 degrees based on the tower mapping by GPD (2013723.15.137009.01, dated 2/14/2014). 11. All existing loading was obtained from the previous structural analysis by GPD (Project #: 2015700.03.5678.03, dated 5/28/2015), the provided RF Data Sheet and site photos, and is assumed to be accurate. 12. The proposed coax shall be installed in two rows on Face A in order for the analysis results to be valid. See Appendix C for the coax layout. If any of these assumptions are not valid or have been made in error, this analysis may be affected, and GPD Group should be allowed to review any new information to determine its effect on the structural integrity of the tower. 9/26/2018 Page 3 of 4 130 Et, Sdf Support Tower - Structural Evaluation AT&T USICD: 5676 GPD has not performed a site visit to the tower to verify the member sizes or antenna/coax loading. If the existing conditions are not as represented on the tower elevation contained in this report, we should be contacted immediately to evaluate the significance of the discrepancy. This is not a condition assessment of the tower or foundation. This report does not replace a full tower inspection. The tower and foundations are assumed to have been properly fabricated, erected, maintained, in good condition, twist free, and plumb. The engineering services rendered by GPD in connection with this Rigorous Structural Analysis are limited to a computer analysis of the tower structure and theoretical capacity of its main structural members. All tower components have been assumed to only resist dead loads when no other loads are applied. No allowance was made for any damaged, bent, missing, loose, or rusted members (above and below ground). No allowance was made for loose bolts or cracked welds. GPD does not analyze the fabrication of the structure (including welding). It is not possible to have all the very detailed information needed to perform a thorough analysis of every structural sub -component and connection of an existing tower. GPD provides a limited scope of service in that we cannot verify the adequacy of every weld, plate connection detail, etc. The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility of adding appurtenances usually accompanied by transmission lines to the structure. It is the owner's responsibility to determine the amount of ice accumulation in excess of the specified code recommended amount, if any, that should be considered in the structural analysis. The attached sketches are a schematic representation of the analyzed tower. If any material is fabricated from these sketches, the contractor shall be responsible for field verifying the existing conditions, proper fit, and clearance in the field. Any mentions of structural modifications are reasonable estimates and should not be used as a precise construction document. Precise modification drawings are obtainable from GPD, but are beyond the scope of this report. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, etc., have not been designed or detailed as a part of our work. We recommend that material of adequate size and strength be purchased from a reputable tower manufacturer. GPD makes no warranties, expressed and/or implied, in connection with this report and disclaims any liability arising from material, fabrication, and erection of this tower. GPD will not be responsible whatsoever for, or on account of, consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, firm, or organization as a result of any data or conclusions contained in this report. The maximum liability of GPD pursuant to this report will be limited to the total fee received for preparation of this report. 9/26/2078 Page 4 of 4 130 Ft. Self Support Tower -Structural Evaluation APPENDIX A Tower Analysis Summary Form 9/26/2018 AT&T USID: 5678 I owe- Ana_Vs s Summary �N mbar A N mbar 16nay'a n t- NYNY P229'S6T8j ]P 45 9!E 4.8 �Wa - T—,We Des.4;j nType pa- UPI i3 ,- � d -€lave, eanakimt .. -... ­HekTh1(Up of11.1AGl.) 19P' oration d To (C.My, Stale) Manulecturer =WF Bast WIM Speed (mph) Model NA ce Thkknass (in) TDeslgn ICA Sbuclum Class81raeon (I, II, IIP f--- ,, Doelgn Twianic Vr'D a: ±sSr s,`:.9 s21e91 .' :y Roped ,« -: a 3H1991 DraMnp b"_fit o --2I =015 GPD P.alacl €: 2415700N.S579.M 5 /2 812 01 5 �3eat Y1P��3rE.:�=1 {ks The information contained in this summary report is poi. to be used independently from the PE stamped tower analysis. Ztea�Ois$ r rv+a€FSA Antenna Amar F'.e,^sxt�rn, _ "' --lily Type Man,1weirer Model ( Azimuth 1. Quantity I Manufacturer IType ouanllN I Model I Sae Mw' AmOveit Raaul� Fkaatass�;kiea{..P W IN a t0. i3 ,- � d -€lave, eanakimt .. Design Code Uead .1E ssuc T 1 1 oration d To (C.My, Stale) Se9faik, s_Yerk T,'x � N Bast WIM Speed (mph) Jt :.=as:aa' Eial €' 1.`:1 ce Thkknass (in) 0_'+5 T s1g -,n asG;r €'. i Sbuclum Class81raeon (I, II, IIP 1i . -. - u- fapestlm CatVM (8, C, D) C Topoeaehk Calegov (1 1051 1 ]0 Antenna Amar F'.e,^sxt�rn, _ "' --lily Type Man,1weirer Model ( Azimuth 1. Quantity I Manufacturer IType ouanllN I Model I Sae Mw' xr'sz�ais T W IN = Typo a ManulacWrer i i Model .... Azimuth Guently ..140 `drat Typo Ouanlh Mudd Spo a Ailechmbnl - Eap:.336 -€ .o€ -n .E -x,au1 ='6 O-� the SantaTant . -. - u- iP'Ff " lie ]0 A € M bill, 1qPU (4caa i 1 OWA C Cn `w Setae Fo..nt Yn 4 t '- ll ro'n 17 r AT&TM h.i}' 80 9 1 i P'a- IGeN.ate L 3 '-Jn ha _ ,t t9 U.* - `6 531 AT&T b iti 1_0 i V d w. )<3.i�cn i 02 D, € 4S `Jn he M t Fba 11-' '�A A T faN 80 3 3 -a. ]A ov . 8a, t UA D;1 4c 0n IMS d CC. near A_&TM Uh .30 3 s .awl '', §.k.ax BX. .E .SA S2-0 Cniiu a..eM Ln P.E. i, _ A A T ci 7_:k' 0 131 :i 'Olen qs3 am�:as ]iii +� ^n IM S.M.> 111t A.&T. _ay .30 39 TMA?aose i25- .8c3i1A 7n the S.ma Mo,l+t AT€T'#:ob3 [t} 'i3`: 3 RRx Aica?al tueeni RRH2x60-':e A -4R A.�: vae':T €5w 1r3P Si59 1'e qts A=.aea ,.� ant ,� H3 sONATL pn C,a Same -ieur. 4 &T.., .�y -s3i` ,3i �_` Dipkxar Cam. co... SCD �.t8°1 W-82 - S. nt S M A€Tdo_aL,y-0 D.p:axsr C'aa.co... C:De-56a-'rr-RZ t�P t. AT&TM.bil ka 1. 0 3 - q_ Ra S_pReasso }3ay=av U_i-?€6R-'iSdr _ - Cn ltta S _ b �. i -Maim <j ') ?'ax ArCraw _.MR"51&T2M ;Arco-aao : t c a'ne 24 VI ,— 8 T -M o; _� �f95 3> �z Pana. PtS ARX'SPt-tePV: ;A..utiaa 1I -:x S.Trs 4au-. 1<-ztae� .E`j FscoR r-af uh K. `- 19 T .kA it ._,e»r MA 0.--: tw S.M. M-., xwvm a00 t?mni ' 2J ©"-: - 2 F-• a,•e _ wws: 3 :u 3' 9 C k lel 308 t+ C..:i L,?t 8 D. 3Asa.t p, "a Sexfa.iio4` i P:J ?J 8 1 hi,a.c $. §."Y9n'd Cb w 3niM Ss,.A Mc,W 93 U. ,o P8" Va C - 300 '>m 'g P 7 A,tet S.h1.:8g08CF ;Agss-lee ."`.n i he S.M. Mou.i V1- 1,00 ':m sg OM14ser U FDO, 3aJPA_i C -3L flnthe Sa:-.:a :+Duni Do' 00 i, Tegi dix-o:on Ty L'n lha S.M. M.,M L>#^ntrr: Ef3- e c ,f rD3 5 0g Sy S Do tta S.M.M ,i iD8 ' 4 ni x,_ 20,Q ni , 10 -ate ..ox, t taya (__ As _ Y •n €G 050: e_ eu ... !n_n[n, EP".'•r.a-1_ S2 k -.8 Unx.o� ;:kwY.n £' 0n 1 €_.k.ot ;?z ._ Unk:mn,=. 3'SlA: sofa It Antenna Amar F'.e,^sxt�rn, _ "' --lily Type Man,1weirer Model ( Azimuth 1. Quantity I Manufacturer IType ouanllN I Model I Sae AmWna DanarwM__au..ry> P 4 am N Type Mode e Matata�us.eat.e - esaFu. lt, fluty Maulxlurvwe ModelSlze A- 1N[Aani0nl AY& . `a .i .. ;t<k?ihSa4Ra [[ the SantaTant T& M 6 lie OCP.[ V =' A A € M bill, 1qPU (4caa i 1 OWA C Cn `w Setae Fo..nt T@ M lg '- 31 q. U �Ai-.RRii3 4. ta-mg P AT«,'.;..: =;.3 -a,Y �i It Jr -a Salta .,o_ti A. @T.i p t. 1 _ S i3.3 q t: {Nokro FF3._is` �t,al R 5 9 X'= Cr the Sane M.- T&rMaoisbt Ea; 531 ? z:..aeS aroaeo FRati ➢ t'm'�- Ont'>„S.M..- Antenna Amar F'.e,^sxt�rn, _ "' --lily Type Man,1weirer Model ( Azimuth 1. Quantity I Manufacturer IType ouanllN I Model I Sae 130 Ft. Self Support Tower- Structural Evaluation APPENDIX B tnxTower Output File m AT&T USID: 5678 Job Page MxTower NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 1 of 7 GPX Project Date 52.0 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018720.46 09:30:46 09/26/18 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (555) 555-1234 S2S Wireless FAX: (555) 555-1235 edoan Tower Input Data The main tower is a 3x free standing tower with an overall height of 130.00 ft above the ground line. The base of the tower is set at an elevation of 0.00 ft above the ground line. The face width of the tower is 4.00 ft at the top and 17.00 ft at the base. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County, New York. Basic wind speed of 104 mph. Structure Class II. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pc£ A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50 °F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in tower member design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed line supports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Description Peace AIloav Component Placement Face Lateral 4 # Clear Width or Perimeter Weight or Shield Type Offset Offset Per Spacing Diameter a IloLI, in in Ira Climbing C No Af (CaAa) 130.00 - 8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 3.8400 :3.8400 ..._... 4.81 Ladder (Af) Safety Line C No Ar (CaAa) 13000-8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 0,3750 0,3750 0,22 (3/8") Feedline A No Af (CaAa) 13000 - 8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 840 Ladder (Af) LDF5-50A A No Ar (CaAa) 130,00 - 8.00 0.0000 0.02 18 18 1.0900 10900 033 (7/8 FOAM) 3/8" Fiber A No Ar (CaAa) 130,00-800 0.0000 0.08 2. 2 0,3750 03750 0,10 Cable 7/8" DC A No Ar (CaAa) 130.00-800 0.0000 0,09 4 4 0,8750 0.8750 0.60 Power Cable RET Cable A No Ar (CaAa) 130.00 - 8.00 0.0000 0.1 2. 2 0,4400 0.4400 0,08 Feedline B No Af (CaAa) 130,00 - 8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 8.40 Ladder (At) 1,DF4-50A B No Ar (CaAa) 13000-800 0.0000 0.03 2 2 0.6300 06300 0.15 (1/2 FOAM) LDF5-50A B No Ar (CaAa) 91.00 - 8.00 0.0000 0.01 1 1 1.0900 1.0900 033 (7/8 FOAM) 3/4" feedline B No Ar (CaAa) 38.00 - 8.00 00000 0.03 1 1 07500 0,7500 0.25 Feedline B No Af (CaAa) 115.00 - 8 00 -1.0000 -0,33 1 1 3,0000 3,0000 8.40 Ladder (At) LDF6-50A B No Ar (CaAa) 115.00-800 -60000 -0.33 2.4 8 1.5500 1.5500 0.66 (1-1/4 FOAM) InxTower Job Page NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 2 of 7 (SPD Project Date 520 Soaath Main Street Suite 2531 2018720.46 09:30:46 09/26/18 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (555) 555-1234 S2S Wireless FAX: (555) 555-1235 edoan -7 1 mm Uescrip€ion Face Allow Component Placement � face WLateral W 4 # W W WClear W W W Width or Perimeter W�W Weight or or Shield Type Offset Offset Side Per Spacing Diameter Lateral 1t in {I sr't.:.Xl)......__ ll'o rr Fri IN LDF1-50A f3 No Ar (CaAa) 115.00 - 8 00 -1 0000 0,39 ... 1 .....ll, I ........ 0,3500 _ 0,3.500 0.06 (1/4 FOAM) ft" x ft Feedline 13 No Af (CaAa) 88.00 - 8.00 0,0000 0.25 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 8.40 Ladder (Af) None 0 ,0000 130.00 No Ice 26.69 26,69 1,40 LDF7-50A I3 No Ar (CaAa) 88,00 - 8.00 0,0000 0.2.5 12 6 1.9800 1.9800 0,82. (1-5/8 FOAM) 1" Ice 47.69 47.69 2.00 6' Standoff- Round (GPD) A From Leg 3,00 0.0000 130,00 No Ice LDFI-50A F3 No Ar (CaAa) 88,00 - 8.00 0.0000 0.3 n 1 0.3500 0.3500 0.06 (1/4 FOAM) 000 1" Ice 2.44 6 14 0,13 6' Standoff- Round (CTPD) Feed.line C No Af (CaAa) 10000-8,00 0,0000 0.:3 1 1 3.0000 3,0000 8,40 Ladder (A0 112" Ice 1 79 4.64 0,10 0.00 I.DF5-50A C No Ar (CaAa) 128,00 - 8.00 0,0000 0.1 3 1 1.0900 1.0900 0.33 (7/8 FOAM) 3.14 0.07 0.00 112" Ice 1.79 4.64 LDF5-50A C No Ar (CaAa) 10000-800 0.0000 0.3 19 15 1.0900 1.0900 0,33 (7/8 FOAM). From 600 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 1.43 143 003 Discrete Tower Loads IOescriptlon Prsce Offset Off aath Placement €"rA�I,i C:a+l,;u Weight or Tyre Herm Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert P ft 1t" ft" x ft fd ....................... ... 10' Platform w/ Raiis C None 0 ,0000 130.00 No Ice 26.69 26,69 1,40 1/2" Ice 37.19 37.19 1.70 1" Ice 47.69 47.69 2.00 6' Standoff- Round (GPD) A From Leg 3,00 0.0000 130,00 No Ice 1 14 3 14 0.07 000 1/2", Ice 1 79 4,64 0,10 000 1" Ice 2.44 6 14 0,13 6' Standoff- Round (CTPD) I3 From Leg 3.00 00000 130.00 No Ice 1 14 3.14 0.07 0.00 112" Ice 1 79 4.64 0,10 0.00 1" Ice 2.44 6.14 0,13 6' Standoff - Round (CPPD) C From Leg 300 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 1.14 3.14 0.07 0.00 112" Ice 1.79 4.64 0.10 0,00 P Ice 2.44 6,14 0,13 (2) Pipe Mount 6'x2,375" A From 600 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 1.43 143 003 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" fee 1.92 192 004 ce 000 P Ice 2,29 229 0.05 (2) Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" F3 From 600 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 1.43 143 0.03 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" fee 1,92 192 0,04 cc 0,00 1"" Ice 2.29 229 0,05 (2) Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" C From 600 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 143 1.43 003 Centroid -Fa 0,00 1/2" Ice 1 92 1 92. 0.04 cc 0.00 1" Ice 2,29 2.29 0.05 16" Omni C From 4.00 H000 130.00 No Ice 5 11 5.11 0,06 Centroid -Fa 0,00 1/2" Ice 7.18 7.18 0.10 cc 800 1" Ice 8 83 8.83 0.15 6' Omni F3 From 4.00 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 1.77 177 0.03 Centroid -Fa 000 1/2" Ice 2 13 2.13 0.04 cc 3.00 1" Ice 2..50 2.50 0.06 NNF111-65A-R4 / Mount A From 4.00 0.0000 130,00 No Ice 9.34 5.51 010 Pipe Centroid -Fa 0.00 112" Ice 9.82 6.27 0,18 cc 1.00 1" Ice 10.29 6.97 0.25 NNF1I1-65A-R4 w/ Mount S From 4.00 0.0000 13000 No Ice 9.34 551 0.10 Pipe Centroid -Fa 000 1/2" Ice 9.82 627 018 cc 1.00 1'" Ice 10.29 6,97 0.25 NNFIH-65A-R4 w/ Mount C From 4.00 0.0000 130,00 No Ice 934 5.5I 0.10 Pipe Centroid -Fa 0.00 112" Ice 9.82 6.27 0.18 Job Page tnxTower NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 3 of 7 GPD Project _ Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018720.46 09:30:46 09/26/18 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (555) 555-1234 S2S Wireless L] FAX: (555) 555-1235 edoan Description Face lff, et Offsets: &imuth .. Placement .......... l<a�,a Cada Weight or 7)qv Hor- Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ft fF fr~ K ft t ... ..... �025�� . __............... -a rw _..... �...� � ..�_� ce I ,t1dl 1"Ice 10.29 6.97��� (2) NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount A From Leg 6.00 00000 1.30.00 No Ice 9.34 5.51 0,10 Pipe 0,00 1/2" Ice 982 6.27 0.18 1 00 1" Ice 10.29 6.97 0,25 (2) NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount B From Leg 6.00 00000 130.00 No Ice 9,34 5.51 0 10 Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 982 6.27 0.18 I.00 1" Ice 10.29 6.97 025 (2) NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount C From Leg 6,00 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 9.34 5.51 0.10 Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.82 627 0.18 1,00 1" Ice 10.29 6.97 0,25 AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R A From 4,00 0.0000 13000 No Ice 3,67 2.30 0.05 B 12/14 320W AHLBA Centroid -Fa 000 1/2" Ice 3.92 251 0.08 ce 1,00 V Ice 4.18 2.73 0.11 AirScale Dual RRE 4T4R B From 4,00 0.0000 130,00 No Ice 3.67 2.30 0,05 B12/14 320W AHLBA Centroid -Fa 000 1/2" Ice 392 151 0,08 ce 100 1" Ice 4 18 2.73 0 11 AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R C From 4,00 00000 130.00 No Ice 3,67 2.30 0,05 B12/14 320W AHLBA Centroid -Fa 0,00 1/2" Ice 3.92 2.51 0,08 ce 1,00 V Ice 4 18 2.73 0.11 AIRSCALE RRH 4'I'4R B5 A From 4,00 0.0000 13000 No Ice 1,29 0.72 0.04 160W Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 1,43 0.83 0,05 ce 1.00 1" Ice 1,58 0.96 0.06 AIRSCALE RRH 4T4R B5 B From 4.00 0.0000 130,00 No Ice 1,29 0.72 0,04 160W Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.43 0,83 0,05 ce 1.00 1" Ice 1.58 0.96 0.06 AIRSCALE RRH 4T4R B5 C From 400 0.0000 13000 No Ice 1.29 0,72 0.04 160W Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.43 0.83 0.05 ce 100 1" Ice 1,58 0.96 0.06 B25 R 4x30 -4R A From 4,00 00000 130,00 No Ice 2 14 1.31 005 Centroid -Fa 0,00 1/2" Ice 2.33 1.46 0.07 ce 1.00 V Ice 2,53 1.63 0.09 B25 RRH4x30-4R B From 400 0,0000 130,00 No Ice 2 14 1.31 0.05 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 2,33 1.46 0.07 ce 1.00 V Ice 2.53 1.63 0,09 B25 14x30 -4R C From 400 00000 130.00 No Ice 2 14 1.31 0.05 Centrom-Fa 000 1/2" Ice 233 1,46 007 ce 100 V Ice 2.53 1.63 0.09 RRH4x25-WCS-4R A From 400 0.0000 130,00 No Ice 3.16 2.38 0,07 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 140 2.60 0,10 ce 1,00 V Ice 3,65 2.82 0,13 H4x25-WCS-4R B From 4,00 00000 13000 No Ice 3 16 2.38 007 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 340 2.60 0 10 ce I.00 V Ice 3.65 2,82 0,13 RRH4x25-WCS-4R C From 4.00 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 3.16 238 0,07 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 340 2.60 0.10 cc 1.00 V Ice 3,65 2,82 0,13 (2) Fiber Box B From 4.00 00000 13000 No Ice 029 0,26 0.01 Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 037 0,33 0.01 ce 1.00 V Ice 0,46 0.42 0.01 DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge A From 4.00 0,0000 130,00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Suppression Unit Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice L46 1.46 0.04 cc 1,00 1" Ice L64 1,64 0.06 DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge C From 4,00 0.0000 130.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Suppression Unit Centroid -Fa 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.46 1,46 0.04 ce 1,00 1" Ice 164 L64 006 Pirod 12'1' nockdown A From Leg 1,00 %0000 115.00 No Ice 976 7.05 0,28 T -Frame 173 1/2" Ice 13,67 10.13 0,41 Mx1lower Job Page NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 4 of 7 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018720.46 09:30:46 09126/18 Akron, Ohio 44.311 Client Designed by Phone: (555).55.5-1234 S2S Wireless FAX -(55'5) 555-1235 edoan w.waDescrij)fion face Offs et Offset g: Azimuth Placement . .......................... C,,A-.j . . .... CAA1 , ................. ", -. Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ft 12 f ft.'s K Jill . ......... . ....... .--L 0,00 1" Ice i758 13.21 0.54 Pirod 12' Knockdown B From Leg 1.00 60.0000 115.00 No Ice 936 7.05 0.28 T -Frame 1.73 1/2" Ice 1167 10.13 0.41 000 V Ice 17.58 13.21 0.54 Pirod 12' Knockdown C From Leg 1.00 60.0000 11500 No Ice 936 7.05 0.28 T -Frame 1.73 1/2" Ice 1167 10.13 0.41 0,00 V Ice 17.58 13.21 0.54 'rMBXX.6516-R2M w/ A From Leg 100 60.0000 115.00 No Ice 5.84 4.71 0.06 Mount Pipe 3,46 1/2" Ice 6.32 5.53 0.11 000 V Ice 6.78 6.23 017 TMBX-X.6516.P,2Mw/ B From Leg 100 600000 115.00 No Ice 5.84 4.71 0.06 Mount Pipe 3.46 1/2" Ice 6.32 5.53 0.11 0.00 V Ice 638 6.23 0.17 TMBXX-6516-R2M w/ C From Leg 2.00 600000 11500 No Ice 5.84 4.71 0.06 Mount Pipe 3.46 1/2" fee 6.32 5.53 0.11 000 V Ice 678 6.23 0.17 APX16PV-16PVL w/ Mount A From Leg 2.00 60.0000 115.00 No Ice 6.17 3.05 0.06 Pipe 346 1/2" Ice 6.53 3.65 0.11 000 P Ice 6.90 4.27 0.16 APX I 6PV- 16PVL W/ Mount B From Leg 200 600000 11500 No Ice 617 3.05 0.06 Pipe 346 1/2" Ice 653 3.65 0.11 Ho I" Ice 6,90 4.27 0.16 APX I 6PV- I 6PVL w/ Mount C From Leg 100 60,0000 115,00 No Ice 6,17 3,05 0.06 Pipe 3.46 1/2" Ice 6.5.3 3,65 0.11 0,00 1" Ice 690 4.27 0.16 TMA (Tower Mounted A From Leg 200 60.0000 115.00 No Ice 1.20 0.60 0.01 Amplifier) 346 1/2" Ice 1,34 0.70 0.02 0.00 P Ice 1.48 0,81 0.03 TMA (Tower Mounted B From Leg 2,00 60.0000 115,00 No Ice 1.20 0.60 0.01 Amplifier) 3.46 1/2" Ice 1.34 0.70 0.02 000 V Ice 148 081 0.03 TMA (Tower Mounted C From Leg 200 600000 115.00 No Ice 120 0.60 0.01 Amplifier) 3.46 1/2" Ice 1,34 0.70 0.02 0.00 V Ice 1.48 0.81 0.03 Pirod 12' Knockdown A From Leg 1.73 30,0000 100,00 No Ice 9.76 7.05 028 T -Frame 1.00 1/2" Ice 1167 10.13 0.41 0.00 V Ice 1758 13.21 0.54 Pirod 12' Knockdown B From Leg 173 300000 100,00 No Ice 976 7.05 028 T' -Frame 100 1/2" Ice 13,67 10.13 0,41 000 P Ice 17 58 1321 0.54 Pirod 12' Knockdown C From Leg 1 '73 300000 100.00 No Ice 9.76 7.05 028 T-Fraine 100 1/2" Ice 13,67 10.13 0.41 000 V Ice IT58 13.21 0,54 (2) 20' Omni A From Leg 346 0,0000 100.00 No Ice 4,00 4.00 0.04 200 1/2" Ice 6,03 6.03 0.07 1000 V Ice 8,07 8.07 Oil 18' Omni C From Leg 346 0,0000 ]Koo No Ice 540 5,40 002 200 1/2" Ice 7.2.3 7.23 006 900 1" Ice 9.08 9,08 0,11 (2) BXA-70090/4CF w/ A From Leg 3.46 30.0000 100,00 No Ice 4,47 4.72 0,05 Mount Pipe 100 1/2" Ice 503 5.60 0.10 000 V Ice 5,52 634 US (2) BXA-'70090/4CF w/ B From Leg 146 30,0000 100,00 No Ice 4,47 432 0.05 Mount Pipe 2.00 1/2" Ice 5.03 560 010 0,00 V Ice 5.52 6,34 015 (2) BXA-70090/4CF w/ C From Leg 146 30.0000 100,00 No Ice 4,47 4,72 005 Mount Pipe 2.00 1/2" Ice 5�03 560 010 MxTower Job Page NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 5 of 7 . .......... GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018720.46 09:30:46 09/26/18 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (555) 555-1234 S2S Wireless FAX.- (555) 555-1235 edoan ........... Fes,,ipfion Face Offset Offsets: Z;Qh Placement C Ar C AA.R Ivelgill or 7J pe Hors Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral vert ft 0 ft f,2 f? K ft /i . .......... . . ..... 00 V lee 5.52 6 34 015 BXA- I 71090/8CF w/Mount A From Leg 3,46 300000 10000 No lee 363 3.80 0.04 Pipe 200 1/2" lee 4,25 483 0,07 000 V Ice 475 5.57 0.12 BXA- I 71090/8CF w/Mount B From Leg 346 300000 10000 No Ice 363 3 80 0,04 Pipe 200 1/2" Ice 4.25 483 007 0,00 P lee 475 5,57 0.12 BXA-171090/8CF w[Mount C From Leg 3.46 30.0000 100,00 No lee 3.63 3,80 0,04 Pipe 2.00 1/2" Ice 4,25 4,83 0,07 0.00 V lee 475 5,57 0.12 (2) FD9R6004/IC-3L A From Leg 3.46 300000 100.00 No lee 0,31 0,08 0,00 2.00 1/2" lee 0.39 0 12 0,00 0,00 P lee 047 0.17 0.01 (2) FD9R6004/1C-3L B From Leg 346 30,0000 100,00 No lee 031 0,08 0,00 200 1/2" Ice 0.39 0 12 0.00 0,00 P lee 0,47 0A7 001 (2) FD9R6004/IC-3L C From Leg 346 30,0000 100,00 No Ice 031 0.08 0.00 2-00 1/2" Ice 039 0 12 0,00 0,00 V Ice 0.47 0 17 0,01 8'Yagi C From Leg 3,46 0,0000 100,00 No Ice 1.60 160 0.04 2,00 1J2" Ice 142 242 0.05 0.00 V lee 3.24 3,24 0.07 GPS C From Leg 3.46 00000 100,00 No Ice 0 11 0 11 0,00 2.00 l/2" lee 021 0,21 0,00 000 1" lee 0.28 0.28 001 (2) 20' Omni B From Leg 346 0,0000 10000 No lee 400 4.00 0.04 200 1/2" lee 603 6.03 0,07 -10.00 1" Ice 8.07 8,07 0,11 2' S idearrn - Flat (GPD) B From Leg 100 0.0000 93,00 No Ice 0,80 160 003 000 1/2" Ice I.05 2,00 0.04 000 V lee 1.30 240 005 6'Yagi A From Leg 000 HOW 91.00 No Ice 1.20 120 0,03 0,00 1/2" lee 1.80 1,80 004 000 1" Ice 2.17 2 17 005 Pirod 10° ockdown A From Leg 100 00000 88.00 No Ice 8.83 7,05 0.27 T -Frame 0,00 1/2" Ice 12,37 10,13 0,39 0,00 1" lee 15,91 1121 0,51 Pirod 10' Knockdown B From Leg Loo 0.0000 88,00 No Ice 8.83 7,05 0.27 T -Frame 0.00 1/2" Ice 12,37 10,13 0,39 000 V fee 15,91 1121 0,51 Pirod 10' Knockdown C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 88.00 No Ice 8.83 7,05 0,27 T -Frame 0.00 1/2" Ice 1237 10,13 039 000 V lee 1591 1321 Mi (2) 5'x6"x3" Panel A From Leg 200 0.0000 88,00 No lee 3.75 229 001 000 1/2" lee 4.13 265 003 0,00 V lee 4.51 102 0,06 (2) 5'x6"x3" Panel B From Leg 200 00000 8800 No lee 3.75 2.29 0,01 0,00 1/2" lee 4.13 265 0,03 000 V lee 4,51 302 0,06 (2) 5'x6"x3" Panel C From Leg 2.00 00000 8800 No lee 3.75 229 0,01 000 1/2" lee 4.13 2-65 0.03 000 V lee 4.51 302 0.06 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) B From Leg 100 0,0000 78,00 No lee 080 160 0,03 0,00 1/2" Ice 1.05 200 0,04 000 P lee 1.30 240 005 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) B From Leg 1.00 00000 7100 No lee 080 160 0.03 000 1/2" Ice 1.05 2.00 004 InwTower Job NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD Page 6 of 7 . ........... ................. GPD Project Date 520,3outh MainStreeiSidie 25.31 2018720.46 09:30:46 09/26/18 Akron, Ohio 44.311 Client Designed by Phone: (555) 55.5-1234 S2S Wireless FAX: (55.5) 555-1235 edoan 1 Description Face .. . ......... Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement Weight C A,3 C'Af weigill Iforz Adjustment Beam or Type Hori Adjustment Cum& fironi Side Load Ratio Leg 2 5' Dj�'dl Lateral Vert 0,0895 0 0 147 548936 115.00 Pirod 1.2' Knockdown T-Frarne 39 1..255 00852 Vert 182978 2.5' Dish B llarabolokl w/o From 4,00 HOW 128.00 2,50 No Ice d 9l 004 9100 fil Centrind ft 0,0740 f? P2 K 6' Yagi Face 200 fP 1" lee 5.57 0,06 88.00 Pirod 10'Knockdown T -Frame 39 0.785 0.0710 0.01 14 96857 78.00 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 39 0,633 0.0648 0.0097 1.02177 7100 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 39 0.00 0.0609 0.0087 V lee 1,30 2.40 0.05 3' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) B From Leg 1.50 0.0000 3&00 No Ice 0,80 2.40 0.04 0.00 1/2" lee 1.05 3.00 0.06 110 Leg A325N 0.00 6 11.49 V lee 1.30 3.60 0,07 6' Omni B From Leg 3.00 0.0000 38.00 Na Ice 1.77 1.77 0.03 Bolt Shear T3 90 0.00 A325N 0.7500 1/2" Ice 113 2.13 0,04 1 Bolt Tension 3.00 Diagonal A325N 1" fee 2,50 2.50 0.06 Dishes .Description Face Dish Offset Offsets: Azimuth 3 dB Elevation Outside Aperture Weight or Type Type Iforz Adjustment Beam Diameter Area Curvature Leg Cum& Lateral Width o Load Ratio 130,00 2 5' Dj�'dl 39 Vert 0,0895 0 0 147 548936 115.00 Pirod 1.2' Knockdown T-Frarne 39 1..255 00852 0.0149 182978 2.5' Dish B llarabolokl w/o From 4,00 HOW 128.00 2,50 No Ice d 9l 004 9100 Radome Centrind 100 0,0740 1/2" lee 5.24 0,05 91.00 6' Yagi Face 200 0,0728 1" lee 5.57 0,06 ................... ....... . Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevation . .. . Appurtenance ....... "I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'ll"m,m,m,ml---�I Croy. . ..... Dqflection Till Twisl Radius of Allowable Ratio Load Criteria NO. Curvature Grade Cum& in o Load Ratio 130,00 2 5' Dj�'dl 39 .539 0,0895 0 0 147 548936 115.00 Pirod 1.2' Knockdown T-Frarne 39 1..255 00852 0.0149 182978 1000 Pirod 12' Knockdown T. -Frame 39 0,984 0,0782 0,0134 112987 9100 2' Sidearm Flat (GPD) 39 0.866 0,0740 0.0122 100209 91.00 6' Yagi 39 0.833 0,0728 0.0119 97822 88.00 Pirod 10'Knockdown T -Frame 39 0.785 0.0710 0.01 14 96857 78.00 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 39 0,633 0.0648 0.0097 1.02177 7100 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 39 0,547 0.0609 0.0087 104783 38.00 3' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 39 0.167 -------------- 0.0328 " - ................. U036 65542 ............._._Bolt ...........Bolt Design Data Section e7a 7,on Comp on e n�; i;Tt Bolt Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria NO. Type Grade Qf Load Load Load Ratio ft in Bolls perBoft per Bolt 71 v 5b -h -a K . . TI .. . ...... . 130 Leg A325N 07500 6 4.90 29.82 1 Bolt Tension 0.164 Diagonal A325N 0.6250 1 4,57 1243 0.367 1 Bolt Shear Top Girt A325N 0.6250 1 097 7.50 0.129 1 Member Block shears T2 110 Leg A325N 0.7500 6 11.49 29.82 0.385 6/ 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325K 0,6250 1 7.84 12.43 0.631 I Bolt Shear T3 90 Leg A325N 0.7500 6 19,91 29.82 0.664 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 06250 1 9.53 12.43 0.767 1 Bolt Shear MxTower Job Page NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 7 of 7 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018720.46 09:30:46 09/26/18 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (555) 555-1234 S2S Wireless edoan TAX: (555) 555-1235 Section Elevation Component Boll Bolt Sire Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria NO. Type Grade Of Load Load Load Ratio ft in Bolls per Boli per Boll Allowable K K T4 70 eg A325N 07500 6 —' 82 0.947 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 0.6250 1 10,65 1143 0.857 Bolt Shear 'I'S 50 Diagonal A325N 0.6250 1 13,18 24,85 0,530 Bolt Shear Secondary A325N 0,6250 1 429 10-44 0,411 f Member Bearing Horizontal T6 30 Diagonal A325N 06250 1 13,88 2485 0558 Bolt Shear Secondary A325N 0.6250 1 5 11 10.44 0.490 Member Bearing Horizontal '1'7 10 Leg A325N 20000 6 47.34 21106 0223 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 0,6250 1 13.99 24.85Bolt 0,563 Shear Secondary A325N 0.6250 1 555 1044 0532 Member Bearing Horizontal Section Capacity Table ...... . .......... ........ SCL'PZOPiElevation . . . . ...... ..... Component . ................ . .. . . . . .. .............. size Critical P IsP,91— . . ........ . . . ............................ .... . — Pass No ft 7pe Element K K Capacity Fail Tl 130-110 Leg 3 1 -35 17 19890 I7.7 Pass T2 110-90 Leg 3 1/2 31 -79,29 23448 33,8 Pass T3 90-70 Leg 4 52 -13459 353.60 38,1 Pass T4 70-50 Leg 4 73 -19051 353.60 53,9 Pass Ts 50-30 Leg 4 94 -240.73 424,98 56,6 Pass T6 30- 10 Leg 45/16 115 -294V 51542 572 Pass T7 10-0 Leg 45/16 136 -32007 51643 62,0 Pass T'1 130-110 Diagonal L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4 12 -4.57 23,41 195 Pass '12 110-90 Diagonal L2 1/2)c2 1/2x1/4 39 -784 17,72 44.2 Pass '13 90-70 Diagonal L3x3xl/4 60 -9,53 22,61 411 Pass T4 70-50 Diagonal L3x3xl/4 81 -1062 18.26 582 Pass TS 50-30 Diagonal 2L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4 102 -13 18 30.51 412 Pass T6 30- 10 Diagonal 2L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4 123 -13.88 2549 544 Pass T7 10-0 Diagonal 2L21/2x21/2x1/4 144 -1399 23,32 600 Pass T5 50-30 Secondary Horizontal L2 I/W 1/2xl/4 103 -4,29 2216 194 Pass T6 30- 10 Secondary Horizontal L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4 124 -5 it 18.52 276 Pass T7 10-0 Secondary Horizontal L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4 145 -5.55 1676 33A Pass TI 130-110 Top Girt L2xl 1/2x3/16 5 -1 00 8,30 120 Pass Summary ELC: Proposed Leg (T7) 62,0 Pass Diagonal 600 Pass (T7) Secondary 33.1 Pass Horizontal (T7) Top Girt 110 Pass (TI) Bolt Checks 94.7 Pass Rating = 947 Pass 130 Ft. Self Support Tower -Structural Evaluation APPENDIX C Tower Elevation Drawing UAWJW, DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING - ----........... TYPE -.................................. -.................................. .. ELEVATION . ..... TYPE 1111. ELEVATION 10' Platform w/ Rails 130 TMBXX-6516-R2M w/ Mount Pipe 11� 5 6' Standoff - Round {GPD) ......... ...... .�.�.�. �1 130.0 It „..__,.. 6' Standoff - Round (GPD) . ........ 115 ...-1111.. 6' Standoff- Round (GPD) ......... �. ,���..__— (2j Pipe Mount fi'X2.375 1130 APXi6PV-16PVLwl Mount Pie Q,.m 115 .. (?)Pipe Mouni6'x2.375" .....11.11.. ................. ........ 130 ®... TMA(rower Mounted Amplifier) a (2) Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" 130 TMA (rower Mounted Amplifier) 115 16'Omni 130 Ile W 115 6' Omni 130 Pirod 12' Knockdown T Frame 115 NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount Pipe o ...................... Pirod 12' Knockdown T -Frame 100 NNHH 65A: R4 w/ Mount pipe 130 Pirod 12' Knockdown T Frame a _— NNHH-65A-R4"w/ Mount Pipe 130 (2) 20' Omni 100 (2) NNHH-65A R4 w/ Mount Pipe 130 18,Omni I 1� 2 NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount Pipe {) 130 (2) BXA 7009014CF wl Mount Pipe 100 pH -65A -R4 wl Mount Pie „e (2). p 130 ............. (2) BXA 70090/4CF wl Mount Pipe 100 ........1....... — .. AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R B12114 130 ft ............._ ., . BXA-171090/8CFw/MountPipe.......................10....,._.,.,.,.,.,.....—__ AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R 812114 130 ......,... 320W AHLBA 171090I8CF wlMaunt Pipe 100 ...... 11111.. ............ (2) FD9R600411G3L 100 Arl$oale Dun] RRH 4T4R 812/14 ,110.0 320W AHLBA .......,�....,,.�._..,.., - 1111. AIRS6CE RRH 4T4R BS 160Vt/ 13�0 (2) FD9R600411 C -3L 100 (2,) FD9R600411 C -3L 100 AIRSCALE RRH 4T4R 135 160W 1 AL.n..,.,.1111..................n�...,,,- _- _ RSCALE RRH 4T4R B5 160W 130 6668 Yagi 100 p -1111..-- - ••..............•....--- .GPS.................................�..,..�.......____ _ ...........,......_.... ����,,,, ,.,, 100 ...... ' 1325 RRH4x304R N ........ 2 Omm 100 °B 825 RRH4x30�R ; ._ 30 n T Frame 100 Pirod 12'Knockdown 2' Sidearm- Flat (GPD) 93 91 RRH4x25-WCS4R 130 RRH4x25-WCS4R 130 U) .......""" 130 Pirod 10 Knockdown T Frame 86 .w. Pirod 10 Knockdown T Frame 88 (2) 5x6 x3 Panel 88 1111.. �................. ....1111.. '••• (2) Fiber Box 130 DC6-48110-18-8F Surge Suppression 130 — Unit (2) 5'x6'k3" Panel 88 .....,..._____-_..........._w.. ..._._... 8�. -- DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge Suppression �130 Unit �._�.......-.,............-.-.-.-.,�.......................... Piro 10Knockdown T-Frame 25,Dish 128 ____ 1 ....._._�____ ?Sidearm-Flat(GPD) r 78 __ ....... I 1111.____ Pirod 12' Knockdown T -Frame 115 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 72 � Prod 12' Knockdown T -Frame 115 6' Omni 3� 8 .......... ........, 1111 ... ........ ... TMBXX 6516-R2M w/ Mount Pipe 115 ...,.,,.,,,.. 3 Sidearm Flal (GPD) 38 MATERIALSTRENGTH e GRADE .........�...._ Fu ........ GRADE F Fu ,.2 -so i()Fy _- A k 65 ksi v 70.0 ft c e a g z 50.0 ft 30,O.ft N L O J a 10.0 ft — 1111..,. 00 I v N % m rn m ry a U g m N A 0 0 DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING - ----........... TYPE -.................................. -.................................. .. ELEVATION . ..... TYPE 1111. ELEVATION 10' Platform w/ Rails 130 TMBXX-6516-R2M w/ Mount Pipe 11� 5 6' Standoff - Round {GPD) ......... ...... .�.�.�. �1 1111. � ............. .....�...�..e-- TMB XX-6516-R2M w/ Mount Pipe 1111... 115 6' Standoff - Round (GPD) 130 APX16PV-16PVLw/ Mount Pipe 115 ...-1111.. 6' Standoff- Round (GPD) ......... 130 --.._ APXI6PV-16PVLw/ Mount Pipe 115 (2j Pipe Mount fi'X2.375 1130 APXi6PV-16PVLwl Mount Pie Q,.m 115 .. (?)Pipe Mouni6'x2.375" .....11.11.. ................. ........ 130 ®... TMA(rower Mounted Amplifier) (2) Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" 130 TMA (rower Mounted Amplifier) 115 16'Omni 130 TMA (tower Mounted Amplifier) 115 6' Omni 130 Pirod 12' Knockdown T Frame 115 NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount Pipe 130 ...................... Pirod 12' Knockdown T -Frame 100 NNHH 65A: R4 w/ Mount pipe 130 Pirod 12' Knockdown T Frame 100 _ _— NNHH-65A-R4"w/ Mount Pipe 130 (2) 20' Omni 100 (2) NNHH-65A R4 w/ Mount Pipe 130 18,Omni I 1� 2 NNHH-65A-R4 w/ Mount Pipe {) 130 (2) BXA 7009014CF wl Mount Pipe 100 pH -65A -R4 wl Mount Pie „e (2). p 130 ............. (2) BXA 70090/4CF wl Mount Pipe 100 ........1....... — .. AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R B12114 130 (2) BXA-70090/4CF w/ Mount Pipe 100 820W AHLBA............................................e..e...._........,.__................................... ., . BXA-171090/8CFw/MountPipe.......................10....,._.,.,.,.,.,.....—__ AirScale Dual RRH 4T4R 812114 130 _ BRA i" i "" '"" "' 171090/8CF w/ Mount P'ipe...��. _ .100 ... I 320W AHLBA 171090I8CF wlMaunt Pipe 100 ...... 11111.. ............ (2) FD9R600411G3L 100 Arl$oale Dun] RRH 4T4R 812/14 130 320W AHLBA .......,�....,,.�._..,.., - 1111. AIRS6CE RRH 4T4R BS 160Vt/ 13�0 (2) FD9R600411 C -3L 100 (2,) FD9R600411 C -3L 100 AIRSCALE RRH 4T4R 135 160W 1 AL.n..,.,.1111..................n�...,,,- _- _ RSCALE RRH 4T4R B5 160W 130 6668 Yagi 100 p -1111..-- - ••..............•....--- .GPS.................................�..,..�.......____ _ ...........,......_.... ����,,,, ,.,, 100 ...... ' 1325 RRH4x304R 130 ........ 2 Omm 100 °B 825 RRH4x30�R ; ._ 30 n T Frame 100 Pirod 12'Knockdown 2' Sidearm- Flat (GPD) 93 91 RRH4x25-WCS4R 130 RRH4x25-WCS4R 130 RRH4x25-WCS4R .......""" 130 Pirod 10 Knockdown T Frame 86 .w. Pirod 10 Knockdown T Frame 88 (2) 5x6 x3 Panel 88 1111.. �................. ....1111.. '••• (2) Fiber Box 130 DC6-48110-18-8F Surge Suppression 130 — Unit (2) 5'x6'k3" Panel 88 .....,..._____-_..........._w.. ..._._... 8�. -- DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge Suppression �130 Unit �._�.......-.,............-.-.-.-.,�.......................... Piro 10Knockdown T-Frame 25,Dish 128 ____ 1 ....._._�____ ?Sidearm-Flat(GPD) r 78 __ ....... I 1111.____ Pirod 12' Knockdown T -Frame 115 2' Sidearm - Flat (GPD) 72 � Prod 12' Knockdown T -Frame 115 6' Omni 3� 8 .......... ........, 1111 ... ........ ... TMBXX 6516-R2M w/ Mount Pipe 115 ...,.,,.,,,.. 3 Sidearm Flal (GPD) 38 MATERIALSTRENGTH GRADE .........�...._ Fu ........ GRADE F Fu ,.2 -so i()Fy _- A k 65 ksi A3fi 36 ksi 58 ks TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1, Tower is located in Suffolk County, New York. ALL RE2. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G Standard. ARE F)3. Tower designed for a 104 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard, 4. Tower is also designed for a 50 mph basic wind with 0.75 in ice. Ice is considered to MAX. COfincrease in thickness with height. D065. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. SHq. Tower Structure Class II. i. Topoqraphic Cateqory 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 ft UPL8. TOWER RATING: 94.7% SHEAR: 34 K AXIAL /126 KK SHEAR' \ MOMENT 16 K %%% ___iii i 1264 kip -ft TORQUE 5 kip -ft 50 mph WIND - 0.7500 in ICE AXIAL 49 K SHE MOMENT 62 K i 4660 kip -ft TORQUE 28 kip -ft REACTIONS - 104 mph WIND GPD °° NYNYN'Y02'29 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Pm*"� 2018720.46 Akron, Ohio 44311 cr'e113'. S2S Wireless Phone: (555) 555-1234 0111"' TIA-222-G FAX: 15554 555-1235 Pretl Tamx , T.sr amiomxaama: r « r 09/26/18 Round Flat Feed Line Distribution Chart 0'- 130' App In Face App Out Face . .... .., Truss Leg B M-00 110,00 Face A Face C F� 7019 ................ 0 115.00 100.00 1 50.00 115.00 IM00 < - -- - -- - - - - 0 ry 91.00 D < 'ICY U0 - - - - - - - ..._..0 -- 4! I 91 0 < 01 0< 0 Em �9qo Us. A 38.00 > Lu li0 1 O LL O - - - - - - - - - - - 38.00 B mmmmM _1.8.00 E L J, M-00 110,00 Face C 7019 ................ 0 115.00 100.00 1 50.00 < 0 ry D < B E 4! I 91 0 < 01 Em 38.00 mmmmM _1.8.00 E L J, GPD "'NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 P'oject: 2018720.46 Akron, Ohio 44311 6 Fle�i sS -6mwn 'Wedoan Appd ' Scale cod"e": TIA-222-G Dale: 09/26/1 : NTS Phone: (555) 555-1234 do FAX: (555) 555-1235 Path: TtAT-dTVM78kO62018720AOS2SMM.MAkTNXIM78,.I 6wgfo- E-7 M-00 110,00 7019 0 1 50.00 GPD "'NYNYNY0229 (5678) SOUTHOLD 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 P'oject: 2018720.46 Akron, Ohio 44311 6 Fle�i sS -6mwn 'Wedoan Appd ' Scale cod"e": TIA-222-G Dale: 09/26/1 : NTS Phone: (555) 555-1234 do FAX: (555) 555-1235 Path: TtAT-dTVM78kO62018720AOS2SMM.MAkTNXIM78,.I 6wgfo- E-7 Feed Line Plan Round Flat .,,, App In Face App Out Face `1 - 1-5/8 FOAM) At] FOAM) GPD NYNYNY0229 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Proect:201872046 Akron, Ohio 44311 client: 92S Wireless Phone: (555) 555-1234 d° TIA 222 G FAX: (555) 555-1235 Pallti' 7 UT a V, R iKV;n ruv;I7 (1/4 FOAM) SOUTHOLD by:edoan IAPp'd: 09/26/18 scale: APPENDIX D Anchor Rod Analysis IMMAM, AT&T USID: 5678 GPD GROUP Code Modified Anchor Rods Clear Distance > db Leg Eccentricity Max Capacity Self -Support Anchor Rod Analysis 5678 SOUTHOLD GPD Project #: 2018720.46 No No No 1.05 Detail Type = d Anchor Rod Grade = Eta Factor, rl= 0.50 2 in Down Load, Pu = 333.00 kips Down Load Shear, Vu = 37.00 kips Uplift, P„ = 295.00 kips Uplift Shear, V„ = 34.00 kips Number of Anchor Rods, N = 6 Anchor Rod Grade = A572-50 Anchor Rod Diameter, dd = 2 in Bolt Circle, BC = 24 in Yield, FY= 50 ksi Tensile, Fub = 65 ksi GPD Self -Support Anchor Rod Analysis - V1.0 (P�+V„/rl 67.8 kips (�*Rnt = (�*Fub*An = 130.0 kips Anchor Rod Stress Ratio = 52.2% OK Figure 44 of TIA-222-G IG A 4 HEW SECTION AA e-5 Detail Type (a) Detail Type (b) C o `tr fs 71 SECTION C•C SECTION aD Detail Type (c) Detail Type (d) -z - O. ss (sea N.% 1 babw) se Figure 44 of TIA-222-G 130 Ft. Self Support Tower - Structural Evaluation APPENDIX E Foundation Analysis RAWAIM. AT&T USID: 5678 Mat Foundation Analysis 5678 SOUTHOLD dk GPD Project #: 2018720-46 Moment, M Axial, P qmar, V 67 k RfW:r Fy Foundation Criteria Concrete Ile TIA Code P9 P1N Soil Code m 8 ti Concrete Code A 11 Al &19 Seismic Design Category 9+ Tower Height tm n Bearing On AMA Foundation Type G$ P&d Ple,Type $4,4040 Reinforcing Known Yes Max Be -ring Capacity mN% Max rmalArflinn CApa'01V if OFA Moment, M Axial, P qmar, V 67 k ..... ..... ev RfW:r Fy Ple" W1,11 11, 11 Concrete Ile Pad Length, L fyi P9 P1N Width, W [x)', m 8 ti flad T1 &'ew, 1"1549;. Oupth, D A't P POPht AbOOt- Gradvr HG 0A Q I Qw' C. ntre'd, X 10.9 fl Tower. CV1111 old, V 10.91 M 0.00008 ..... ..... ev RfW:r Fy w,td tad: Concrete Ile Cosa Pvv "enfarEng Clear Cc vcr 3 k 'Shear Rtbir I'vou It* Ahrqr ri.bar Sue 04 pad Cove, dM. WWnlm ce'a I on & uptr-? Vmi; Nd Rminfimd,% 51a6 go PM Qua n0ty Per Lzyvr• M PL.f Act- si�e 0 0 Mel, Cia'WAV ofJWhar 0 ..... ..... ev Soil, ivpe CapacitlAvollobliNV 5.fl J0 Welght Cosa Apple of Frict1an, v 733 Piave Fncflco C.01. P-Ided In G"'? V60 flaw. Fnam laerGdm, p. A14 ��W. 016.m. Devinp L/2.6 Wiwi TAWO Depth Wh F .,I Depli, 44 Component _2LId(L nits CapacitlAvollobliNV Check Cosa DnnandAlrnft CopcicitelAmiII Check Eccentricity Lood Cost ........... Qxrnax ��W. "" % L/2.6 0-90-1 6W Gymax :�8. l.1 6 I GK: :: 105% W/2.6 0'�M'1'6W Cimax @ 4 L' 1), 1 6W 5'W W 01( <=105% W/3.9 1111 - -(AV Controlling Capacity 90.5% Pass 161.5 left 440,6 k4t . . /"�-,""',/ . ...... .. .. .......... ... ...... ...... ....... lose Dernorm/1.1mits, Cdo�-flabllfty Check ........... . ........... Load Cost . -1 M4 4369.1 k -ft As Mi. Ple, hTnIP 77OK QUM 1,bW OvtY 4369.1 le -ft 5641.-1111 77 OK 090+t AM 36.7% 2902.3 kft 5164112 k1ft 51.4% OK 0G0, 4'bW Controlling Capacity 77.4% Pass A lase Demand/Limits Capacfry/Availab9lry Check Load Case .......... 9.1% OK 0.9D+I.fiW 9.1% OK 0.9D+1.6W Contralling Capacity 19.1% Pa. Component _2LId(L nits CapacitlAvollobliNV Check Lood Cosa Wad Nd l ie. Xural llmdft 693.3 k -ft mm 3 k,n 17.6% OK Orm-W.V Shear in vnf 0.0 k 470"S k 0.0% OK 0,91)fl M I t Wny Shomn in Fad om k U k 22.4% OK L' 1), 1 6W co"'p,maoll Q11 Pkr 340 ..7 k SWA k' 9.9% OK I 2D M -m t - Nve 161.5 left 440,6 k4t 36.7% OK 1'21) +] 6W M, NVin Pail Me r? 2.03 sq. In. n'S? 14tin, Yes As Mi. Ple, hTnIP 1 12.00 so. In. 6'4s , 1,11, Yes Controlling Capacity 36.7% Pass HG umouo r ll Shore 2 Shore Wireless 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 (516) 557-2398 MOUNT ANALYSIS REPORT GPD# 2019702.21 February 1, 2019 AT&T DIESlGINATIVON: Site U.JSIID: 5678 Site IFA: 10074795 Client #- NYNYNY0229 Site Narrrne: Southold (2012819) ANALYSIS CRITERIA: Codes: TIA-222-H, ASCE 7-16, & AISC 360 128 -mph Ultimate (3 -second gust) with 0" ice 50 -mph (3 -second gust) with 1" ice SITE DATA: 414 05 Route 25, Peconic, New York 11958, Suffolk County Latitude 411 2' 28.784" N, Longitude 721 27' 31.568" W Market: NYC/NNJ (3) Sabre C10857001C Sector Frames Ms. Vicky Brennan, GPD is pleased to submit this Mount Analysis Report to determine the structural integrity of the aforementioned mount. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the suitability of the mount with the existing and proposed loading configuration detailed in the analysis report. Analysis Results Mount Stress Level with Proposed Equipment: 77.5% Pass Note: The mount was verified to be capable of withstanding a 250 Ib live load concurrent with 30 -mph wind speeds. We at GPD appreciate the opportunity of providing our continuing professional services to you and Shore 2 Shore Wireless. If you have any questions or need further assistance on this or any other projects please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Christopher J. Scheks, P.E. New York #: 093566-1 PA9P9ft1% UJ 2/1/2019 11 7 01 m r W ..-�. ............... ....... ............................. ..... 520 South Main Street. Suite 2531. Akron, Ohio 44311 . 330-572-2100. Fax 330-572-2101 www.00'I Gvoup.c:orn GPD Engineering And Architecture Professional Corporation Sabre C10857001C Sector Frames -Structural Evaluation AT&T USID: 5678 SUMMARY & RESULTS The purpose of this analysis was to verify whether the proposed mounts are capable of carrying the proposed loading configuration as specified by AT&T Mobility to Shore 2 Shore Wireless. This report was commissioned by Ms. Vicky Brennan of Shore 2 Shore Wireless. This analysis has been performed in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard and the 2018 IBC based upon an ultimate 3 -second gust wind speed of 128 mph. Exposure Category C with a maximum topographic factor, Kzt, of 1.0 and Risk Category II were used in this analysis in accordance with AISC 360. The mount was verified to be capable of withstanding a 250 Ib live load concurrent with 30 -mph wind speeds. MOUNT SUMMARY AND RESULTS Member Capacity Results Mount 77.5% Pass ANALYSIS METHOD RISA -31D (Version 17.0.0), a commercially available analysis software package, and hand calculations were used to create a three-dimensional model of the mount and calculate member stresses for the proposed loading configuration. Selected calculations from this analysis are included in Appendix B. The following table details the information provided to complete this structural analysis. This analysis is solely based on this information and is being provided without the benefit of a recent, site visit. DOCUMENTS PROVIDED Document Remarks Source Antenna Loading RFDS Name: NYNYNY0229 Rev. 1, updated 4/24/2018 S2S Construction Drawings MTM Design Group Site ID#: NYNYNY0229, dated 07/25/2018 S2S Mount Design Sabre DWG#: C10857001C, dated 12/22/2015 GPD Previous Structural Analysis GPD Job#: 2018720.46, dated 09/26/2018 AT&T 2/1/2019 Page 2 of 4 (3) Sabre C10857001 C Sector Frames -Structural Evaluation AT&T USID: 5678 ASSUMPTIONS This mount structural analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and is not a condition assessment of the mount. This analysis is from information supplied, and therefore, its results are based on and are as accurate as that supplied data. GPD has made no independent determination, nor is it required to, of its accuracy. The following assumptions were made for this structural analysis. 1. The mount member sizes and shapes are considered accurate as supplied. The material grade is as per data supplied and/or as assumed and as stated in the materials section. 2. The antenna configuration is as supplied and/or as modeled in the analysis. When information was not provided, the configuration was modeled based upon past experience with similar loading. 3. Some assumptions are made regarding antennas and mount sizes and their projected areas based on best interpretation of data supplied and of best knowledge of antenna type and industry practice. 4. The mount has been properly maintained in accordance with TIA Standards and/or with manufacturer's specifications. 5. All welds and connections are assumed to develop at least the member capacity unless determined otherwise and explicitly stated in this report. 6. All steel grades have been assumed based upon industry standard minimums. 7. AT&T's proposed loading has been modeled to reflect the final loading configuration found in the provided Construction Drawings and RF Data Sheet. 8. The mount and equipment elevations were obtained from the Mount Mapping and Construction Drawings. 9. A 5`h P2 (Sch. 40) mount pipe must be added in the center of the mount face to maintain 6' horizontal spacing between the antennas as specified in the RF Data Sheet. 10. This report analyzes a proposed mount, therefore the following assumptions concerning the mount must be correct in order for the results to be valid. A. This analysis is valid for equipment installed with a 3' or less vertical offset from the mount centerline. B. The stiff arm was modeled based on the referenced mount design. See the RISA diagrams in Appendix B for clarification on stiff arm location. If any of these assumptions are not valid or have been made in error, this analysis may be affected, and GPD should be allowed to review any new information to determine its effect on the structural integrity of the mount. 2/1/2019 Page 3 of 4 (3) Sabre 010857001 C Sector Frames -Structural Evaluation AT&T USID: 5678 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES GPD has not performed a recent site visit to the mount to verify the member sizes and antenna/coax loading. If the existing conditions are not as represented on the mount elevation contained in this report, we should be contacted immediately to evaluate the significance of the discrepancy. This is not a condition assessment of the mount. This report does not replace a full mount inspection. The mount is assumed to have been properly fabricated, maintained, in good condition, twist free, and plumb. The engineering services rendered by GPD in connection with this Mount Analysis are limited to a computer analysis of the mount structure and theoretical capacity of its main structural members. All mount components have been assumed to only resist dead loads when no other loads are applied. No allowance was made for any damaged, bent, missing, loose, or rusted members (above and below ground). No allowance was made for loose bolts or cracked welds. This analysis is limited to the designated maximum wind and seismic conditions per the governing mount standards and code. Wind forces resulting in tower vibrations near the structure's resonant frequencies were not considered in this analysis and are outside the scope of this analysis. Lateral loading from any dynamic response was not evaluated under a time -domain based fatigue analysis. GPD does not analyze the fabrication of the structure (including welding). It is not possible to have all the very detailed information needed to perform a thorough analysis of every structural sub -component and connection of an existing mount. GPD provides a limited scope of service in that we cannot verify the adequacy of every weld, plate connection detail, etc. The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility of adding appurtenances usually accompanied by transmission lines to the structure. It is the owner's responsibility to determine the amount of ice accumulation in excess of the specified code recommended amount, if any, that should be considered in the structural analysis. The attached sketches are a schematic representation of the analyzed mount. If any material is fabricated from these sketches, the contractor shall be responsible for field verifying the existing conditions, proper fit, and clearance in the field. Any mentions of structural modifications are reasonable estimates and should not be used as a precise construction document. Precise modification drawings are obtainable from GPD, but are beyond the scope of this report. Towers are designed to carry gravity, wind, and ice loads. All members, legs, diagonals, struts, and redundant members provide structural stability to the tower with little redundancy. Absence or removal of a member can trigger catastrophic failure unless a substitute is provided before any removal. Legs carry axial loads and derive their strength from shorter unbraced lengths by the presence of redundant members and their connection to the diagonals with bolts or welds. If the bolts or welds are removed without providing any substitute to the frame, the leg is subjected to a higher unbraced length that immediately reduces its load carrying capacity. If a diagonal is also removed in addition to the connection, the unbraced length of the leg is greatly increased, jeopardizing its load carrying capacity. Failure of one leg can result in a tower collapse because there is no redundancy. Redundant members and diagonals are critical to the stability of the tower. GPD makes no warranties, expressed and/or implied, in connection with this report and disclaims any liability arising from material, fabrication, and erection of this mount. GPD will not be responsible whatsoever for, or on account of, consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, firm, or organization as a result of any data or conclusions contained in this report. The maximum liability of GPD pursuant to this report will be limited to the total fee received for preparation of this report. 2/1/2019 Page 4 of 4 Sabre 010857001 Sector Frarnes -Structural Evaluation APPENDIX A Mount Analysis Summary Form flu, AT&T USID: 5678 E LL0 E o 5 Ilo 1, k E E E E E E E Z m m Z E Ova u 4 z z Q m 5 m a a NN z z ti nn 11% m rij w W - o E E E E E E E Z m m Z E Ova u 4 z z Q m 5 m a a nn 11% m Sabre C10857001 Sector Frames -Structural Evaluation APPENDIX B Wind Calculations and RISA -3D Output File /2019 I Ma t =, W 6 2r , P, - 5,l 9 19 ME wH IF 14, 114 A it 31 21 .......... 21, -til al GPD Merwin, Derrick 2019702.21 Southold (2012819) / 5678 SK -4 ...... . ................ ..... . . . ............ . ............ . . Feb 1, 2019 at 9:24 AM 5678 Sabre CI 0-857-001 C.Loz -218.5231b 1.9281b .3471b/ft 171lbAt -218.5231b .3471b/ft Loads: BLG 8, No Ice Wind 180 deg --, . . ...... . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . ...... . ............... . ................ . . . - ----- . . . . . ................ . . . . .......................... . ..... . ..................... . . . . . ................ ...... GPD SK -5 ........ ... . ..... . . .. ....... ..... .. .. ..... .... M erwin Derrick Southold (2012819) / 5678 Feb 1, 2019 at 9:24 AM . . . . ... . ............ . .. .......... . . . . . . . 2019702.21 5678 Sabre C1 0-857-001 C.Loaded. Company GPD Designer Merwin, Derrick IIIIRISAJob Number 2019702.21 ,; , Model Name Southold (2012819) /5678 Material Takeoff Feb 1, 2019 9:28 AM Checked By: Msk�i.)._ Size 1ft]........ ....................................WVe9t z 6ft1 1 ..........�.� General ... .... ......_ ........ ..Q .. _ ...... _.... 0... 0 0 ......... ........ 0 .................... 3........ �. �... Total General ..............................- _ 17 4.2 0 a......................_ 4 0 .... -- 3_. _ N3 ......_ ...m......- _5 Hot Rolled Steel... ... _ _ .... �.. ...... ..._.. „ ._ _,m..._0 :.� e. ...... A35 Gr.36 Pivot Plate 5/8"..._ N4x,761.76.... p.. ._.... _ . 0 A36 Gr.36 SR 3/4 6 21.4 Q.. ..� ....... , 8 A53 Gr.B ........ -. .. ��.. PIPE 2.0 �...... .. -4µO0029.6.. ........ .......0........ ..........,. PIPE 2.0X HRA . i..� mm.6 .m... 42.8 .._..._.. .2 ___.. �e 3R Steel � _. 22 113.7 .4 _.. Joint Coordinates and Temperatures RISA -31D Version 17.0.0 [TA ... \... \... \Mount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C10-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 1 1ft]........ y" 4 1 z 6ft1 Tern JE Detach Frc M .Ip .,. ? ... ......_ _ N1 - ----..... ..Q .. _ ...... _.... 0... 0 0 ......... ........ _..... .. N2........ a1.3958�33 ..... 0. .... .._...._ A�.m...... 0 .... -- 3_. _ N3 ......_ ...m......- .._ 0.76176 0............... -.-0533822 ._-----_ _,m..._0 4.. ...... N4x,761.76.... _ , _ 0 0,533822 0 .... 5N5 .� ..................._..3,1202.27 �...... .. -4µO0029.6.. ........ .......0........ ..........,. ...._ ._... N6.. .,..,_.. _ ___.. 3,396268 ....0.. _-4.000295 7....... _.., N7 3.1,20227 ..._.... 0 4,90295--...0 .._...---. 8 N8..... 3., 396268 ......... �0 ......... ..... 4,00029.0 0... 3,39626$ _m.... ...�.. , . 0--.-.- -6,500295 0 1.0._. .__e-....._ N10. 3396m268..... 0 ..�. .... 6.499705....._ p. 11 N 11.� _ .. �. ..., 3.396268 0 .6 -0 . .� .. ..12 _ ...... _ w N42.. _......_ ._._.-. 3.5941$5 .... .. m„0_..__. --------- 5.999705 _ 0 13 _....... _. N13 3.396268 - -- 0 ----- 999705 -----,.0 ,,_ 14 N14... -� _.3,594185 ...... ..J5.. ...�.... . � .2,99970.E _.m ___ ...- - 15-_ ....� .N15....... _ ....- 3.39626$...... ....-...m 0 -3.000295 0 16 . _ ....... . N16 .... 3.5941 85 _ _.0.._ .. -3.000295 0. ®... 17 -1 _ 3.3962680 ... 6.00295 _, ., n . _ p 1.6. - _ N.1.6 __. 3.594185 0 ....---_. __- -6,000295 0...--.... 1_....n_ _ .... N19 _... w Oe ... ...,_ ..3 5. _ .... 0 20 -. N20...,.._.... 0,395833 _3 ........ ........ .... -0. .. .......... .... mm.0. .21 N21.- 0,761..76 .._....°.. ,,...., ....3 _..._-0,533$22 0 22 - N22 ... _....._.....0.76176 3 ... 3.m333$2:2 ._. lJ.. ,. 23 -_....._ N23 �... 3120227 .. _ m.. -- _ .m., ._ �..� .... _m®... �.....,, . 24. ...,.... . ,...- ...,,...„ . N24 396268 3 .._ 3 _.- - -4.000295 0 -. N25 3.120227 ............... 3 _ _ 4,000295 0 --- ... . . 26... ►26..-. _m ...U.. _ 3,396268 _ 3.....��.4 000295 .....� ..-.O n �. _.... _ ...... 27 . _, -N2,7'',-- _ 3.396268 ... _3 4.323212 0 v.m 8 2 N28 3 396268 3 _ 6 500295 0 _ 2 _ . � N29 m 3.396268 36.4 99705 ._......-.... Ow 30_ 3.396268 3 p 5;999705 0 .-..... �31 �m_.. _ _. ......N3O....._.m .._.... -.� N31_ - 3.594185 5.999705 0 - 32.... N32 �... _ �.� ..._._. _._.3,396268. 3... ..... 2,999705 ........... .._Q... _... _33 ..... _.. __....... N33 ., 3.594185 ._..._... _ .. 3m.... ,.a ... _ 2.999705 0 . , ....__... _ - N34 _ 3 396268._ 3 . 3 O00?35 . _ ............0. _.... N35 3.594185 3 _ µ0002w950 _.55- .�..36....,.,, -- ... .... ..-....N36m- _ ,. _ 3 396268...._._�.�.. ........ _. 3 _ ._ -6.000295 0 7.m...... N37 3.5941.85" 3 -6,000295 38 ..... N38.,, .. _ ... 2.956159. 3.�_ __--- 3.759149 ._0.- -.._ 0 ...... . 39 N39. 092875,7 0 OL770274 .... _.�...... _.0 40 N40..... 0,92$757 _ �3..... _....... .. 0=779274 -. _�_..._ 0 41 N41 L,--235-5159 0 3-75914.9 ............ 0.... ........ RISA -31D Version 17.0.0 [TA ... \... \... \Mount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C10-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 1 Company GPD Feb 1, 2019 N:L—,l N2 N3 N2I . N3 N4 RO Designer Merwin, Derrick 9:28 AM None None µ RIGID A36 Gr.36 T_ ic�a_,. Typical l.. Job Number : 2019702.21 Checked By: Model Name Southold (2012819) / 5678 Joint Coordinates and Tempergtures Xontinuedl Hot Rolled ,Steel Section Sets Member PrimarZ Data k h�tl I Wr f I Ir nt le .Rn.im pni^ fcaI q.j-rrllran7J4' hnnr, 1"unn nnzonn 1 10 Hntorinl nA,cirnn P i 2 ._n.4µ.. _ Mi M2 M3 ..__.m� N:L—,l N2 N3 N2I . N3 N4 RO RIGID . Pivot Plate PlateA None Beam. None None µ RIGID A36 Gr.36 T_ ic�a_,. Typical l.. M4 .. _N5 .`���� Stanvot doff m.. ... _.... Beam ...... None A53 Grr B .._ Tica.36 I 5 MS N4..M . N7.. Standoff Arm Beam .._ None A53 Gr.B T ical 6 M6 N5 N6 µ _...........I......... RIGID None None RIGID T pcalw, ...... 7 ..., M7 N7 N8 _ _ .... RIGID„_._...� None --,,N RIGID. pone Typical 8 M8 NR W _..N10 ,. _ .. Face Pipe _. Beam Nona..T' A53mGr,,6 Typical 9 M9 N11_ N12 �. ....� _.... RIGID None None RIGID y1p_ 10 M10 N13.. N14 RIGID �.�.� None, Norte _..' RIGIDµ.... ical 11 N15 .._� N16 RIGID .... www _ m None None � ...�.-.�.�.�.........�..__ RIGID Typical �. 1,.?... _M11 Nt12 N17....-� N1 ��� RIGID None None RIGID Typical _ M13 N19 N2o RIGID....._.. ...... None .._, None RIGID TXp�i�cal 14 .....,,,M14 N20 ....�N21 1 90 ............._._Pivot Plate .. Beam —._None ._ A36 Gr.36 Ty, i�cal.: 15 N20 N22........ 90 Pivot Plate Beam' None A36 Gr.36 ic Typal, . 6 ._...M.15 M16. e_.I 21 _.. N23 . standoff Arm Beam_ None a .^ .._ 53,Gr.6 Typical 17 M17 N22 N25 Standoff Arm Beam None A53 Gr.B Typical 18 M18 N23.... ..N24_....m- .RIGI_D.... ._ .... No None RIGID Typical 19 M19 N25 N26 RNID None None RIGID Typical 20 M20 N56... N2�7 �..�_.. IGID... ..._ m.. ..N 111 .n._. w NMS........... ..RL ID. Typical �.21 . ...M21 ..... N28 m., N2�9 ......�-1. ........... Face Pipe .. Beam None A53 Gr.B T ical . RISA -3D Version 17.0.0 [T:\ ... \... \... \Mount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C10-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 2 Company GPD Feb 1, 2019 IIIRISA Designer Merwin, Derrick 9:28 AM lob Number 2019702.21 Checked By: , 11'gm AN, Model Ne�rrre Southold (2012819) / 5678 Member Primar Data LConfinuega Hot Rolled Steel Properties Basic Load Cases RISA -31D Version 17.0.0 [TA ... \...\... \Mount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C10-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 3 Company GPD Feb 1, 2019 IIIRISA Merwin, Derrick 9:28 AM Job Number 2019702.21 Checked By: Model Name : Southold (2012819)/5678 Basic Load Gases (Continued .. SLCDe��rBntid �w. � 4e or� rg� ..!+�����a rev 1ort� ..Cit 24 Ice 1Nind,2�,� de None � — —� _ ... 20ra��d,Ar€��Y„Su 38 25 Ice Wind 300 dei None ...,.,_ �..�tr..... 26�IceWind 330 dei None ��. 36 � 44-- 4_.27 27 LU LL 28 _ LL2 LL �....... _.... ..._., 29 LL3... w — LL......._ ..... _ . ..... - __ _ . 30 LLQ _...LL _ ...... _. 1 ..... . — ._w_.. 1... _........ LI-5LL _ 1 _.... .... ..... 32 ... UL -6.- LL �_.... 33 LL7.... ..._... LL.. -. 1 34 -... L.L8 LL 1 —3-5 .......... LL9 .. LL. 6.... _.... 1 �.... LL10 LL Load Combinations RISA -3D Version 17.0.0 [TA ... \... \... \Mount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C10-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 4 Company GPD Feb 1, 2019 Designer' : Merwin, Derrick 9:28 AM IIIRISAJob Number 2019702.21 Checked By: ModelName Southold (2012819)/5678 Load Combinations LContinued2 Descrintion So... PDetta S... BLC Facl..BLC Fact..BLC Fact..BLC Fact:.BLC Fact..BLC Fact..BLC Fact..BLC Fact..BLC Fact..BLC Fact.... 40 1.2D + 1.... Yes �Y µ,... ._1.2 W 27 1,5 4 05 _ .......? 0...� 0 41 _ 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 27 1.5 5 05 1 0 0 0 0 42 1.2D + 1.... Yes ... .._...I ... 1 1_.2 27 m.1..`5 6 .05 1' 0 0 ... 0 pa_ 43 1.2D + 1.... Yes ? . �2 2.7...1_•.5 7 .. m.05 ,. 13.....m .._.... Q . .._ 0 44 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1,2 27 1.5 8 „05 1 0 0 0 0 45 Y 1 1 27 1.5 9.w.` 05 1 0 0 0�, 46 1.2D + 1 .. Yes Y ..._.2 1 2 2711 1 5_ 10 _05 _0 -_ .0 .._ Q 47 1.21) + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 .�..�.�-Ti�.�..� 27 1.5 11 ,054':F-16- 0 0 0 • 1.2 27 1,5 ,05 1 0 0 0 0 .___.. Yes Y __ 1 1.2 27 1.5 13 05 � 0 0 0 0._. ­ - ..- 50 51 1.2D + 1.... Yes 1.21) + 1....Yes Y Y - 1 1 2 1 1.2 �.m�._ m. 28 28 .1 5 1,5 ..2_ 3 :05.. .05 _....._..... _.. 1 Q._.._... 0 A... 0 .. -..w..... 0 _......... 0 .. .�..� .. _.� 52 12D+1 ... Yes Y 1 1.2 28 1.5 4 05 1 0 0 0 0 53 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 28_...1,5 L...a A 0- 0 0 0 _ 54 1.2D + 1... 'Yes Y 1 1.2 28 1.5 6 05 1 0 0 0 0 55 1 2D 'Yes .-..� + 1 Y_ ._..Y Y m.A..- 1 2 ,28 1.5....7 05 1 0 0 0.. 0 �6 1.2D + 1 .Yes Y 1! 1.2 28 1.5 8 05 1 0 0 0 57 1.2D + 1.... Yes 1 1 2 28 1 5 9 05 1 0 0 Q 58 1.2D + 1.�.. Yes Y 1 28 16''.05 1 0 0 59 1.2D + 1.... Yes .....� Y _,.., ..��.12. 1 1,2 28 .m15 1.5 11 .05 1 0 0 .......1 0 ......0...._..... 0 60 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 28 1.5 u 1.2 M05 . ?_ ... _..._......w0... 0._ o 61 1.2D + 1....'Yes Y 1 1.2 28 1.5 1.3 ..05 1 0 0 0 0 82... !,?,p_t 1Yes _y 1 1.2 29 1 5....2... ,Q5 1 .......0 . _... Q IT 0 0 4 63 1.2D + 1..,. Yes Y 1 1.2 29 1 5 ....3 ,...05 .. 1.... 0 . _ _ ...0 . 0 _ 0 _64 1.2D + 1..., Yes .. Y 1 1.2 29 1,5 4 .05 1 0 0 0 .''....._.. . 65 1.21) + 1W.., -+I Yes Y, 1 1,2 29 1.5 5 .05 1 0 0 0 0 66 1.2D Yes........ Y . .. x....1.2 29 .1�3.. 6,05 1 0 0 67 1.2D + 1... Yes Y 1 1,2 29 1,5 7 .05 1 0 0 0 0 ... 68 ,1.2D + 1...., Yes Y 1� 1.2 29 1,5 8 ...,.0` . _ _ 1.. _._.0 ... 0 0 0 69 1.2D + 1..,, Yes Y 1 1.2 291.5 9 .05 1 0 _�__ 0 -. 0 0 70 `1.2D + 1.... Yes, Y 1 1,2 29 i�1,5 10 05...... 1 0 0 0 0 71 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 29 1.5 11 .05 1 0 0 0 0 72 1.21) + 1..., Yes Y 1 1.2 29 1.5 12 .05 1 0 0 0 0 73 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 2.9 1.. .5 13 ,05 1 0 0 0 _. 0 _....... . 0�+ 74 1.21) + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.._ .. 75 1.21) + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 30 1.5 3 -4 ,051 _ 0 0 0 0 76 1.2D + 1....,. Yes i Y 1 1.2 30 1,5 t15 1 0 0 0 0 77 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 30 1.5 5 .05 1 0 0 0 0 78 1.2D+1....YesjY 1 11.2 30 1,.5 6 .05 1 0 0 ` 0 0 79 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y -..w.... 1 �1.2� 30 1......�� .. 5 ..._. 7 05 .... -_ .� 1 m. 0 �r. 0 .._. .. _. 0 _... .. ... ...✓.v. 0 - 80 _. 1.2D + 1.... Yes . w...._.. ....... Y 1 1,.2 _._ 30 1.5 8 05 1 0 0 .. _.,. 0 �.. 0 ...,. ........ a 81 _..... 1.2D+1....Yes Y 1.2...�Ov 1.5 9 05 1..._.01......�..0. w 0.._�.m0�._ 82 1.2D + 1... Yes.. Y.. .........1 1 „12w130 _ _ 1.5 ... 10 .05 _...._ 1 Q -��... _ ... 83 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 30 1.5 11 ,05N. 1 0 0 0 0 84 85.. 1.2D + 1 .Yes Y 1 ,1,2 30 ,1.5 12 , 05 .. ...�,n... 1.2D+1.....Y Yes Y 1 1.2 30 1.5 13 k05 1 0 0 0 0 86 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y "Fl, 1.2 31 1,5 2 .05 1 0 0 0 0 mm 87 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1. 1. 1.5 3. 1 _ 0 Q 0 88 1.2D + 1.. Yes ......Y ......_....1....12.31 ..� 1,5 _ 4 ..05 .05 7-1 0 .�. 0 � �.�......0 ._ 0 .......... 0..... _......... g9 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 31 1.5 5 05 1 0 0 1 0 0 ._ -_. �..._�.._.. 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 31 ' 1.5 6 .05 ... � . � .,.- 0 ... 0 0 . �1 (. 1.2D + 1 Yes 1 1...�. 2 .1.._ 31 1.5 7 _ , 1 m 0 0 _0 0 0 _ l 92 �,µ._ Yes Y 1 1,2 31 05 ! 1. p �� _ 0 0 .. .. l .2D + 1.... Yes . 2 31 1.5 9 ^05 05 . 1 0 94 112D + 1.... 'Yes Y 1 1.2 31 ' 1.5 10 .05 �., 0 0 0 0 95 1.2D + 1.... Yes Y 1 1.2 31 1.5 .. ....._ 1.1 ,05 1 0 . 0 0 0 9g 1mzD+..1.... Yes Y 1 1,2- 31 1.5 12 _ 05 .w.,.. ..1.. w.�Q _ .. Q _ 0 0 RISA -3D Version 17.0.0 [TA ... \... \... \Mount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C10-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 5 Company GPD Feb 1, 2019 Designer Merwin, Derrick 9:28 AM 111RISAJob Number 2019702.21 Checked By: Name Southold (2012819) /5678 Load Combinations Continuedj np.Qr.rjnflnnSn PDpj S" BLOFact BLCFact 1-01"Int FitF t Bl(',Fart t(Fart 11CRint 8I Fac 'I Lf', Fact. - Envelope Joint Reactions Envelope AISC 14th(360-10): LRFQ Steel Code Checks 7)Code Check W E -An .. .. .. .. .. " 42: Y P-ivotPI... .64�56.036 2 1, '- j,5-,jaL,05 0 r -M 0 - ,'Hl -lb ... . .. . ...... .. .354 j.647 :065 0 98 .2 + Yes y 1 1.2 32! 1.5 1 1 0 M4 PIPE -2..., 230 262 6 9 06� 0 2 3,541 4-44100 2.53112.531 99 1.2D + 1.... Yes y 1 1.2 33 1,5 1 0 0 0 2.531 0 ... Hl -lb 5 M8 PIPE 2..., 100 1.2D + 1.... Yes -e -s, .......... y 1 1,2 34 1.5 1 00 -0," Z531 0 6 0 PivotPI... .291 .647 Y Y 1 � 1.2 35 11.5 1 7 M15 Pivot PL.„ .365 f--#-- ] 2'91839..1i 91839..J01250 102 1.21) +1 .... Yes, Y j 1_1J. 2 �35 1.5 1 1 0 0 .262 0 - - -------- 1 35414 ... 44100 2.531 - Envelope Joint Reactions Envelope AISC 14th(360-10): LRFQ Steel Code Checks 7)Code Check W E -An .. .. .. .. .. " 42: 2" P-ivotPI... .64�56.036 0, 1, '- -- -:ij -M 16. -64� - ,'Hl -lb Pivot PI.., .354 j.647 :065 0 VI�24�-91839..�J01250�1.3l8-jlF6-.54i-Hl-lb -1 M4 PIPE -2..., 230 262 6 9 06� 3,9- 2 3,541 4-44100 2.53112.531 ... H -ib -3 PIPE 2... .281 �262� 9,1023.9.. 35414 ... 44100 2.531 2,531 ... Hl -lb 5 M8 PIPE 2..., .227 10- 0, 4 .103 t35.081 9-6- 2 767T .. �� 66 .531 Z531 H1 -1b 6 M14 PivotPI... .291 .647 0 91 y 1 839..�012501,314 0-��1-1111-11-lb 7 M15 Pivot PL.„ .365 .64�7 ] 2'91839..1i 91839..J01250 1.318 10.547 1-11-1b 231 .262 3' .082 3 1 35414 ... 44100 2.531 2.531 HI Ab 9 M17 PIPE -2... .291 2622 .151 3.9.. L,'35414...44100 2.531 2.531 1-1b i6 .775 10-- 1 240 1 7677 .... 44100 2 1 �11-lb 11 M26 SR 3/4 . .. . .... .......... ...... ........ . . . .207 0 1 '011 0 2 6458.-...-14320..,,184 .184 1 -1 b 12 M27 SR 3/4 -232- 0 2!�O 13 0 12 6458.- 14 .184 -Hl-llb 13 3/4 4.6- .0( .009 0 01 .... 14320. .184 .184 -,$JR -SR 314..,, 0L! M6 106458 .... 14320-1.184 .184 15 M30 SR 3/4 192 0 36.008 3 86458 .... 14320.1.184 .184 1-1b 16 PA -1 4 . ........... .131 - - -.....4.6.. - - R2 .006 6 0 �1 6 2701 .... 14320....184 .184 --H1-1b 17 M32 PIPE 2.0 ..... . . ......... . ....... 615 4 14,176 4 12 14916 ... 32130 1,8721.872...H1 -1b 18 PIPE 2.0 277 4 2 154 4 ��2 149 16 ... 32130 -1.872 1 '172 - H1 1b 19 M34 PI PE 20 .544 4 24 2 46i�.'13il 0 1.872 *72 :1 A - H1 -1b 2p x/135 PIPE 2.0 .756 2 .216 4 �2 14916 ... 32130 1,872 1.8 J�j 1,872 ... H1 -1b 21 M36 PIPE -2.0 .125 6,9..1 ,1.004 (6.9.. 0217908.J,32130 1.872H.872 -. H1 22 M39 P PI E 2 0 .516 -4-r12j916---- .064 2 .060 0 213qJ1.872L 1,872- H1 -1b I RISA -3D Version 17.0.0 [TA ... ... Wount Analysis\RISA\5678 Sabre C1 0-857-001 C.Loaded.r3d] Page 6 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: February 21, 2019 Re: Check MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny. gov The attached check is a Consultant Escrow Fee for the project review listed below. Please deposit into B691 Deferred Revenue Account. , Thank you. CHASE JPMorgan Chase Bank NA www.Chase.com R G i 11,100 2 4490 1:0 2 10000 2 0: 13909 2 1,130 Iii° rup