HomeMy WebLinkAbout1515 (2) jv TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE April....20 . 1972 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 1515 Dated April 4 , 1972 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Edward Slaga Appellant Woodcliff Drive Mattituck, New York at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on April 20, 1972 the appeal was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance (X ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... .................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because 7 :40 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of Edward Slaga, Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordnance, Article III , Section 301, for permission to divide a lot having less than required frontage and 40,000 sq. ft, area. Location of property: north side Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Koehler & Brown, east by Gatchel, south by Woodcliff Drive, and west by Mason Est. Fee paid $15. 00 . 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship because SEE REVERSE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE REVERSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. SEE REVERSE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FORM ZB4 rjorie McDermott, Secretary 4P'AL'41d of App Southold Town Board of Appeals i J After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission to divide a lot having less than required frontage and less than 40,000 sq. ft. area on the north side of Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York. The Board finds that the property was developed into 75 foot lots and the applicant purchased a 75 foot lot and built a house gn it. About five years later applicant purchased a 100 foot lot next door to his original purchase. The size of the lots would be equa;l to or greater than the other lots in the area. Applicant proposes to sell the house which was built on the 75 foot lot and build a smaller house for himself on the 100 foot lot. The -,card finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED Edward Slaga, Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, be GRANTED permission, as applied for, to divide a lot having less than required frontage and less than 40,000 sq. ft. area on north side of Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, subject to the following condition: That applicant divide the property so that the easterly boundary of the new lot to be created shall be approximately 100 feet from the westerly boundary which is adjacent to Mason Est. The lot upon which there is an existing house shall be about 75 feet wide. (For descriptions, see copies of Deeds in file) . Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs : Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse. li°n LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearings Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold,' 'at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on April 20, 1972 , on the following appeals : 7 :30 P.M. ( .E.S.T. ) , upon application of Joy Finkle, Main Road, Orient, New York, for a var,ia.nce in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to J divide property ,into single lots of less than 40, 000sq. £t. area 1 and one lot less than 135 ft. frontage. Location of property : north side Main Road, Orient, New York, bounded north by now or, formerly Tabor; east by E. Brown; south, by Main Road, and f west by now or formerly of Haberman. f 7 :40 P.M. (E.S .T.) , upon application of Edward S1aga, Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide a lot having less than required frontage and 40,000 sq_. ft. area. Location of property: north side Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Koehler & Brown, east by Gatchel, south by Woodcliff Drive, and west by Mason Est. 7 :50 P.M. (E.S .T. ) , upon application of Lloyd Lindsay, Bungalow Lane, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance ( with the Zoning Ordinance, Article SII, Section 305 as applicable to "Article VII, Section 701, for permission to install a fence cover the .permitted height. Location of property: southeast r. i LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS cordance with the Zoning Or- variance in accordance with the Article VII, Section 700B, and a dinance, Article III, Section 301, Zoning Ordinance, Article III, variance to Article II, and Pursuant to Section 267 of the for permission to divide a lot Section 304, for permission to 202,Subsections 4&5,and Article Town Law and the provisions of having less than required fron- build an addition on existing VII, Section 700 B (4) (f), for the amended Building Zone tage and 40,000 sq. ft. area. dwelling with reduced setback on permission to operate a body Ordinance of the Town of Location of property: north side a corner lot. Location of shop. Location of property: west Southold, Suffolk County, New Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New property: Lot 33, Peconic Bay side Depot Lane,Cutchogue,New York,public hearings will be held York, bounded north by Koehler Properties, (Fishermans Beach), York, bounded north by School by the Zoning Board of Appeals of & Brown, east by Gatchel, south Private Road and Haywaters District 12; east by Depot Lane; the Town of Southold,at the Town by Woodcliff Drive, and west by Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue, south by Shell Oil Co.; and west Office, Main Road, Southold, Mason Est. New York. by Henry Wickham. New York, on April 20, 1972, on 7:50 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- 8:20 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- 8:40 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- the following appeals: plication of Lloyd Lindsay, plication of William and Evelyn plication of Richard Cron, for 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- Bungalow Lane, Mattituck, New Moffat, Oaklawn Avenue, approval of access under Section plication of Joy Finkle, Main York, for a variance in ac- Southold, New York, for a 280a, Town Law, and for a Road, Orient, New York, for a cordance with the Zoning Or- variance in accordance with the variance in accordance with the variance in accordance with the dinance, Article III, Section 305 Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Zoning Ordinance, Article XIII, Zoning Ordinance, Article III, as applicable to Article VII, Section 301, for permission to Section 1301 (B). Location of Section 301, for permission to Section 701, for permission to divide lot and readjust property property: Indian Neck Road, divide property into single lots of install a fence over the permitted lines on existing single lot. Peconic, New York, bounded less than 40,000 sq. ft. area and height. Location of property: Location of property: south side north by Richmond Creek; east one lot less than 135 ft. frontage. southeast side Main Road, private road off east side by Hughes and private road, Location of property: north side Mattituck, New York, bounded Oaklawn Avenue, Southold, New south by Indian Neck Lane, and Main Road, Orient, New York, north by now or formerly Kan- York, bounded north by Ham- west by now or formerly F.Kull. bounded north by now or for- der; east by now or formerly mesfahr & Wheeler, east by Any person desiring to be heard merly Tabor; east by E. Brown; Boucher Estate and others; south Buerkle;south by LaRivera,and on the above applications should south by Main Road,and west by by G. Newell; and west by Main Maydon; and west by Hardy. appear at the time and place now or formerly of Haberman. Road. 8:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- specified. 7:40 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- 8:10 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- plication of Alex J.Danowski and DATED: April 6, 1972, plication of Edward Slaga, plication of Margaret Tighe, others,Cutchogue,New York,for BY ORDER OF THE Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck, New Haywaters & private road, a special exception in accordance SOUTHOLD TOWN York, for a variance in ac- Cutchogue, New York, for a with the Zoning Ordinance, BOARD OF APPEALS ddOrdinance, Article III, Section 1 NOTICE OF HEARING> DF SUFFOLK t Pursuant to .Section 267 of the afor permission to build ss: addition on existing dwellingng NEW YORK 1 Town Law and the provisions of with reduced setback on a corner the amended Building Zone lot. Location of property: lot 33, Ordinance of the Town of i Peconic Bay Properties, (Fisher- Southold, Suffolk County, New mans Beach), Private Road and _ York, public hearings will be Haywaters Road, Nassau Point, Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says held by the zoning Board of Cutchogue, New York.8:20 P M (EST), upon appli- is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND Appeals of the Town of Southold, cation of William and Evelyn _ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN a public news- the Town Office, Main Road, S Moffat, Oaklawn Avenue, .South- 20, 1972, on the following ap- ' Southold, New York, on April old, New York, for a variance ted at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that peals: in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section )f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been 7:30 P. M. (EST), upon appli- 301, for permission to divide lot cation by Joy Finkle, Main Road, n said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- Orient, New York, for a variance and readjust property lines on in accordance with the Zoning existing single lot. Location of Ordinance, Article III, Section Property: south side private road Foch Week for .......�:•.��./?.�..5...1.�... Weelyg� Or Or for permission divide off east side Oaklawn Avenue, property into single lots of less Southold, New York, bounded commencingOn the area and one north by Hammesfahr & Wheel than 40,000 sq. n ) _ lot less than 135 ft. frontage, er, east by Buerkle; south by LaRivera, and Maydon; west by 'z4 19Tr ! Location of property: north side Hardy. ` Main Road, Orient, New York, 8:30 P. M. (EST). upon appli- bounded north by now or form- cation of Alex J. Danowski and erly Tabor; east by' E. Brown: ............................ .................. others, Cutchogue New York, for •• ' """ south by Main Road, and west a special exception in accord- by now or formerly of Haberman. ante with the Zoning Ordinance, 7:40 P. M. (EST), upon appli- Article VII, Section 70013, and cation of Edward Slaga, Wood- a variance to Article II, Section cliff Drive, Mattituck, New York, 202, Subsection 4 & 5, and Ar- for a variance in accordance with title VII, Section 700 B (4) (f). morn to before me this ......... _4:. :....... day Of the Zoning Ordinance, Article for permission to operate a body /I r III, Section 301, for permission shop. Location of property: west „(.. '�' k.. �,, to divide a lot having less than vv )d ! required frontage and 40,000 sq. J T : ft. area. Location of property:north side Woodcliff Drive, Mat- tituck, New York, bounded north by Henry Wickham. R / by Koehler & Brown, east by / �-- 8.40 P. M. (EST), upon appli- I ..c.•.. .. �.:.....j'...5'..�:.� ............ Gatchel, south by Woodcliff cation of Richard Cron, for ap- Notary Publk /J Drive, and west by Mason Est. proval of access under Section 7:50 P. M. (EST), upon appli- 280a, Town Law, and for a vari- cation of Lloyd Lindsay, Bung- ante in accordance with the Zon- alow Lane, Mattituck; New York, ing Ordinance, Article XIII, for a variance in accordance Section 1301(13). Location of with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- property:' Indian Neck Road, title III, Section 305 as applic- Peconic, New York, bounded able to Article VII, Section 701, north by Richmond Creek; east 73 for permission to install a fence by Hughes and private road, over the permitted height. Loca- south by Indian Neck Lane, and tion of property: southeast side west by now or formerly F. Kull. Main Road, Mattituck, New York, Any person desiring to be bounded north by now or form- heard on the above applications erly Kander; , east by now or should appear at the time and formerly Boucher Estate and place specified. others; south by G Newell; and DATED: April 6, 1972 west by Main Road. BY ORDER OF THE 8:10 P. M. (EST), upon appli- SOUTHOLD TOWN cation of Margaret Tighe, Hay- BOARD OF APPEALS waters & private road, Cut- 1T--4-13 chogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with the 'Zoning FORM W0. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL FileNo.. ........................ .......................................... Date ........ ..... -f�. ....... ................ To ... ....... 1 ......... ,F, '. '._. . ..g .t,...z........... ................. .. 4 E PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ......�(. .......�e -- ...:.. 19-.-� f--. " for permit to construjLt,,, 1 �. . .&4........ at the premises located at .. . e � q ....... Street Al Map ...... ... .......1 .........Block ....... .....* ....... ...... . ... ..Lot ..-. ... . ............. .. ......... is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds a ..-::.r:x :.?. ......... .: �' `�`f �• _<' .p y,................. ............................. .................. ..........C' 1 K. ... ... .. ..... ...1..... .,............... .......... ... ............... ........................................... ..................... ..................... ....................................................................................... Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. d �/I gg DATE . �?.Rl/...7,..../.q 7Z TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1, (We) ....P.e?'TRt.)}s).iT1...SteAQ&.................................of .....Wbodo3.iZ .J)r1VS.................................. Name of Appellant Street and Number .................Rlat�itc+.ek ....... ...Xt............HEREBY APPEAL TO .......................................................... Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDIN INSPECT ON/ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..........................:........ DATED ............ . . .. ��..:?f WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO .............................................................I................... Name of Applicant for permit of ................................................................................................................................. Street and Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY k permit to use as seperate lots and divide lists purchased by, 2 deeds 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .....Uoodcl.i.fZ..Dr.ime..............................................A...Dist. Street Use District on Zoning Map }%'aason ............................... Viattituck Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art. III Sec. 301 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was { ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance andwas made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X ) A Variance to the 'Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that I wish to divide y property into two lots which I purchased as two lots but I understand that I need a variance to do so. Form zs1 (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because the property was developed on 75 foot lots and I purchased a 75 foot lot and built my house on that list. About 5 years later I bought the 100foot lest nex door which is unbuilt upon. I always understood that I owned two legal lots and every one around me has built on either 75 or 100 foot lots and it would be a hardship if my 175 foot lot was considered as a single lot. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because all other lots are smaller. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the two lots would be 75 feet and 100 feet which is equal to or greater than the other lots in the area. 13rowers Words was developed on 75 font lots and my neighbor to the East has built on a 75 foot lot. STATE OF NEW YORK ) sU?�'OLK ) ss ........................ .......:................... ..:�-�.... COUNTY OF. ) Signature da of.............,AW.H............................... 19 72 . Sworn to this ............................................. y g ..n CAT.HLEEN v* ROBINSON Naar Public, Slate or New York Notary Public Qualified in Suffolk County No. 52-3308529 Commission Expires March 30, 19'7 Pa L(� ! Y O FULL COVENANT WITH LIEN COVENANT H. YALS i)i`1 and H&RRY E. ;ai )SOT1 TO EDVJ �.70 SUGA► . and 3-E TTY G. SLA.GI March 29, Aga 1l-illiam uric'_ nam, Esq. Tjattituck e Yo rl i N Y. DEED—F,01 Covenant with Lien Covenant TUTBLANX aEGISTERCD u s r,Nl OFFICE FORM 581X (Laws of 1917,681,Chap.627,Laws of 19321 U.S.I.R.S. Tuttle Law Print Pbblsner5M(IfI0 Y' AA 110 67 colhto linbruturr, i� .Vade the � �" clay oJ' 41 at -CA Xilieteen 1-l1111dred (IIIc! Fifty-Atd!MS;X �f3etHeen �JILLIt�i, E. U-SO"' and HR7- f E. MASON, both residing at ii Vera Suffolk, -own of Soutnold, County of Suffolk and State of hew York, 1 punt ies of the first part, and s and BF`11':y G. SLAGA, his wife, both residing at i, :attituck, orrr of Soutrold, Su.ffoly County, New York, as te:,ants i 3 b.y t1-.e entirety, 8 �I part ies of the second part, V�'itnesseth th(It the part,es of the first part, in considerations of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - One - - - - - - - Dollar ($ 1.00 ) lau fral money of the, United States,and other good and valuable corns;deretions paid by the port iesVa4k1yss*MicfAuArto9oher d4 �����id release mato the parties of the second part, and the survivor o such/ and assigns forever, all that tract or ^arcel of lana situate lying and being at 114attituck, in the 9 jTown of Soutrold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows : 3LGI.T_';'dG at a point on the northerly line of Woodcliff Dri;,e, I 1236.87 feet westerly along said northerly line from Grand Avenue, being 3 i e southwesterly corner of other land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the parties of the first hart to the parties of the second part ; and i u trr„ iing alon`T said north v rly line of oodcliff Drive, S. 78 deg mu 42 'r: a I�� • '40 sec VV . 75.0 feet ; tnence along other land of the parties of tr_e first I - t ipart, N. 16 deg 13 min 20 sec W . 218 feet, more or less, to a ditch and jland of Freston and others ; tnence easterly along said land of Freston an 'o t:r..-:r•s, being along said ditch, 85 feet, more or less ; tnence along said lard conveyed, or about to be conveyed, to the parties of the second part, i' S. 13 deg 38 min 20 sec E. 226 feet, more or less, to the point of begin- ] i hing. TOGEIIE"EIR with all the right, title and interest of the -parties of the first part of, in and to Woodcliff Drive, adjacent to said premises o the center line thereof. SJ31JF.C1 to the following Covenants and Restrictions : 1. 12o buildings otherthan one private dwelling for the use and i Occupancy of one family and one private garage shall be erected on any one lot. Any dwelling erected thereon shall cost not less than $8000.00 i ;and any detached garage erected thereon shall cost not less than 4&00.00. 2 . The premises shall not be used for the manufacture or sale of � � 1 :RF As rt CAU 468 merchandise or gooQ of any kind or for any toe of business whatsoever j i or for the display of any advertising or commercial signs . i 3. No fences or hedges over 4 feet in height shall be erected on any said pre_n ses and said fences or hedges shall be maintained and 1sec)t in good aooearance . 4. No stables or outside toilets shall be erected on said ~remises and no nui3ance shall be created or allowed on said premises and no use shall be made thereof that shall be dangerous to the health of, or offe.rl- sive to the senses of sight or smell of the parties of the first part their heirs, and ass'_gn,:,, as owners of the premises adjoinin} the :xre-,ise hereof and neighboring properties. 3 5. No part of any dwelling or garage shall be constructed on any j one lot -, ithin 25 feet of Woodcliff Drive, or within 5 feet of the otner boundaries of said lot, and no part of any cesspool shall be within 10 } ifeet of any boundaries of said lot. a I 6. No fowl, poultry, animals or livestock shall be kept on said ; premises otner than domestic pets. l 7 . No trailers shall be kept, used or allowed on said premises i exceru when keot within an enclosed garage . These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the said ??ar�ies a hereto, their heirs , administrators and assigns until January 1, 1970, jand said covenants and restrictions may be enforced by action for damages i Dior injunctions or both until the lst day of January, 1970. li These covenants and restrictions herein imposed shall apply solely to the premises herein conveyed and these covenants and restrictions may be modified changed or released by the parties of the first part, their theirs and assigns and the owners of the premises for the time being the jnarties of the first part reserving and retaining all restricting rights of neighboring properties now owned or which may be acquired by them. gA 9 i 9 1 a i yS 1 i 4110 Together withAppurtenances and all the estate and ri.olits of the part ies of the first part in and to said premises, To have and to hold the premises herein grarztedo "t rty- �Z�ti e ee of the second part, and the survivor of such parties an h J an assrpr s forever. i And said oarties of the first part covenant as follows: i First, That said parties of the first part are sei�ed of said premises in fee simple, and have good right to convey the same; Second, That the part ies of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said �I j)rerrllSes: Third, That the said premises are free from incumbrances; Fourth, That the parties of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises,- Fifth, remises,Fifth, That said parties of the first part is will forever Warrant the title to said premises. i Sixth, That, in Compliance with Sec. 13 of the Lien Law, the grantor will receive the consideration- for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of payin:o the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same forany other purpose. , i In Witness Whereof, the part ies of the first part ha ve hereunto set tneir 44 hands and seals the day and year first above written. II Jnrestu of , ` rcc►�, _ Villiam H. Mason Mas 7 3 ri y fi) �r�srti�cr r ` i'j State of New York Be, On this a day of �a County of ST FFnLK } Xineteen Hundred and Fifty ��aC before me, the subscriber, personally appeared a William H. Mason and Harry E. Iviason i to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. .00 r Notary Public EDWARD W• FOX NciiAFY PUBLIC `(ATS OF NEW YORK pes omr in Suffolk VB`G4 30 j9�,7. CiWlMfli36{pi 6%(11fb6 If I RECO , lull , MAY 10 19 i i Li cl 093 PAGE 33 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the 24th day of November, 1961 ,before me On the day of 19 ,before me personally came HARRY E. MASON, FLORA B. personally came I MASON to me known to be th individual s descried in and who to me known to bethe individual described in and who executed the foregoit instrument, and admowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed th,;K sayne- / i executed the same. E C-. WILLIAM WICKHMIA NOTARY PL;BLIC,STATE OF'CIEW Y0"K No. 52,425n10613 Qualified in Suffolk County Term expires March 30, 191'.3 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the day of 19 ,before me` On the day of 19 ,before me E personally came personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with say that he resides at No. whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly E sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the ° of that he knows the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- execute the same; and that he, said witness, tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. at the same, time subscribed h name as witness thereto. p I 1 i i 01 •} C rJ ^. Q W �f V ~ � � 3 F O E5 0 °C T7+ � F � � o � 0 \ o z z `..0 .1 rte. '� W ^D r O z8T� O F~— U. sl Cd «� C �1+ Q' a ami 0 W ,Cd z Q d I:C Cd z p U r-! +� Q O Q cd (::1 Nom► d '� ..cv.' U ori -N N m W Oo O Cd O O Z .V0. E- 3 Z x �/ W V W Q z O V WW W K RECORDED it o DEC 7 1961 NORMAN E. KLIPP =, ,a Clerk of Suffolk County W 7 V1 W Standard N.Y.B.T.U.Form 8007 • 5.60-10M—Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenant against Grantor's Acts—Individual or Cor ation. / 1 " . 4. CONSULT YOUR LAWYERE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INS ENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY 10 ]+l THIS INDENTURE,made the 24th dayof November , nineteen hundred and sixty-:ne i BETWEEN HARRY E. MASON and. FLORA B. MASON, as Trustees under the last Will and Testament of William H. Mason, deceased, and HARRY I'gASON, individually, both residing at New Suffolk, Suffolk County, New York, party of the first part, and g EDWARD SLAGA and BETTY G. SLAGA, his wife, resid- ing at hlattituck, Suffolk County, New York, `D + s X party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, in consideration of One Thousand and 0,, Qu ------------------------------------------------ (V1,000.00)---dollars, i lawful money of the United States, paid 9 f by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or e s 1 successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, i ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, X%ftAsK&4dt"situate, i lying and being kmtkac at Mattituek, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York , boun6ed and described as follows : ' GINP:ING at a pont on the northerly line of Woodcliff Drive , 311 .87 feet westerly along said northerly line from Grand Avenue , said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of land of the party of the second part; from said point of beginning running along said northerly line of Woodcliff Drive, 2 courses, as follows : (1) S. 780 42' 40" W. 56.12 feet; thence (2) S. 71° 42' 40" W. 4.3 .8:: s feet; thence along land of the party of the first part at right r angles to said northerly line, N. 18° 171 2011 W. 208.66 feet to a ditch and land of Chas . Koehler; thence northeast along the line of said ditch, being along said land of Koehler, 105 feet, more or less, to said land of the party of the second part; thence along; said land of the party of the second. part, S. 160 13' 20" E. 218 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. SUBJECT to the covenants and restrictions as contained in deed i from William H. and Harry E. Mason to the party of the second part i t 1' dated March 29, 1956 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk' s Office r 'A { on May 10, 1956 in Liber 4110 of deeds, Page 467, it being agreed that said restrictions shall be considered as applying to said premises and the premises covered by this deed as one lot. i d i TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. i i { v AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. 1 IN PRESENCE OF: Harry Mason Flora B. Mason As Trustees under the last Will and. Testament of William H. A41ason Ha ry� Mason C✓ 3 i q i a. . A � s } 1 S�fj Ali AC" A-T t OLJ s s .t O ` ' r�,J . i Vel f S. . ! r�u = ►=� t " _ E f: P, -:-, � b e A: - fi fi♦ Y _ _