HomeMy WebLinkAbout1641155 Fisherman'-s Beach Rd., CUtchogue ~1/13/83
CA-construct ingronnd pool on a V~nt lot t
approval of access. ~
Pursuant to. SectiQn 267 Qf tM.
TGwn Law and the prQvisiGns Gf
the Amended Building ZQne
Ordinance Qf the' TQwn Gf
SouthGld, SuffGlk County, New
YQrk, public hearings will be held
by the ZQning Board Gf Appeals Qf
the TGwn Qf SouthQld, at the TQwn
Office, Main Road, SouthGld,
New YQrk, Gn August 24,1972, Gn
the fQllQwing appeals: -
7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
applicatiGn of ThGmas Samuels,
Fisherman's;' Be'ach ....noad;
CutchGgue, New' YGrk; fQr.a
variance in accQrdance with the
Zoning Ordinapc~,A~~icle..JUj"
SectiQn 300, $ubsectiQ,n.~-2 .~d .
SectiQn 302, for pel'rhtssiop to.
CQnstruct an accessGry building
in the front yard area. Locationof
property: Lot ~o. ,3, M<ll).N,Q:.7.,
Peconic &lY ~;PrQperties"lIlC:'
sQuthsicleP.rivat~ Rpad, .llnd
nQrthwest Side NasSau.. :pQlnt,
CutchGgue, New YQrk. '.. ',' .'
8:00 P.M. (E.D.s/r~)','upon
applicatiQn Qf James T.
DubQvick, D.D.S., 4 Carmen
Street, " Hempstead, New YQrk,
fQr a variance in accGrdance with
the' Zoning Ordinance;'. Article
XII, SeCtiQn 1204, SubsectiQn B,
fGr permissiQn to. change use Gf
nQn -cGnfQrm ingbusiri~ss
building. LocatiQn,Qf prGperty:
premises nGW Qr fQrm~rly ,Gf
Petty Gn west 'side Gf, Mechanic
Stre~t, SQuth6fd," 'NeW' YGrk,
bGunded nGr,~pi}Y}.V!.W~UJl. ~IJlW),;-,:
;east · by Mechanic '. Street ;};outtt; .
by J. SCGtt~ ~~t .by .:M;ethQclist '
Church. co,..", - ,..', -
, 8:15 P.M. '(E.D's.TJ,upGn '
:application Gf SalvatGre ami..
Harriet Iadanza, 822 CGnnetq'uot
Avenue, . Isli!> Terrace, New
YGrk, fGr a variance, iG,'
", accQrdl!,nc~,~ \Viththe,,:?oning
Ordin3rie~;, .Atti.ele,'III,~ctiGn
301,and 'SedlGn 3OJi; for
permissiGn to. construct. dwelling
with less than average ,setback.
LocatiGn Gf prGperty: LGt No.. 24,
Map No.. 2777, Orient~By-The-Sea,
SectiGn!. Orient, New, Y Grk.
8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upGn
applicatiGn Gf Diana FGster and
Lilian Anne Rose, 220 Critten's
Lane, SGuthGld, New YGrk, fGr a .
special exceptiGn in accGrdance
with the ZGning Ordinance,
Article III, SectiGn 300,
SubsectiGn B-14, fGr permissiGn
to. cGnduct a yard sale Gn August
25 and 26, 1972. LGcatiGn Gf
prGperty: east side of Critten's
Lane, SGuthGld, New YGrk, LGt
No.. 22, SGuthwQod SubdivisiGn.
8:35 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upGn
applicatiGn Gf Judith B. Wurtz,
BGX lIlA, Bay Avenue,
CutchGgue, New YGrk, for a
special exceptiGn in accGrdance
with the ZGning Ordinance,
Article III, Sectio.n '300,
SubsectiQn B-14, fGr permissiQn
to' cGnduct a yard sale Qn
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 9, 1972. LocatiGn Qf
,.prGperty: east side Gf Bay
Avenue, nQrth side Qf Leslie
RQad, Cutchogue, New YQrk,
bounded nGrth by Maly; east by
H. Price;sQuth by Leslie RQad;
west by Bay Avenue.
8:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
applicatiQn Qf Elsie L. Parkin,
Bay Avenue, CutchGgue, New
YQrk, fQr a special exceptiQn in
accGrdance with the ZQning
Ordinance, Article III, SectiQn.
300, SubsectiGn B-14, fQr
permissiQn to. hQld a yard sale Qn
August 26, 1972; rain date August
27, 1972. LocatiGn Qf prQperty:
Part Gf Lot NO'. 150, Nassau
Farms SubdivisiGn, CutchQgue,
New YQrk, bounded nGrth by
Quilty and Qthers; east by A.
Petrucci; SQuth by Bay Avenue;
west by W. Kelly. ,
8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, uPQn
applicatiQn Qf Edward and Helen
Brush, Stillwater Avenue,
CutchQgue, New YQrk, fQr a
special exceptiQn in accQrdance
with the ZQning Ordinance,
Article III, SectiQn 300,
SubsectiQn B-14, fQr permission
to. hGld a yard sale Qn August 25,
~ ss:
Stuart C. Dorman
. . . . . . .. ................ 0............. being duly Sworn.
says that.. ~~.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK
WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said
county; and that thE' n'otiC'€. of which the annexed is a printed
copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times
once in E'ach week. for .'. ... .o.~~. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. weeks
successivf:ly commencing on the ..... .~~Y~.l1~~~.rr~p.......
day of ....~.J?... st ~~.
~ -., ~
.. . .............. .-:-.................
Sworn to ~e ~e. t~i~l: 1~:.~ :...... i...:
day of . .-/, .'I~.:c.'j'L.i:;r;2': . l~) 1-.. r-~::-~)/ / l.: ,/
~" ,.r'> . /", .r". / ,0 . //" ( ( . ",a.
\ >'_~ "'~-:----///"'//>-j,'/i.,-rt'--'/j~ ....._--J..'v .,.> l- _~--{__l".-t.,...
'. f ,;.' ,~ ' ~.,/,,; c." . . . .'. . ..~ . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J8JfP1-r r HI,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
}'/I rlYPUBLlC OF NE~-"~ND
Resl ing in Sufio1k cORK
, C!ks N c 'Ounty
, 'vIy C ' . o. 029366350
orllm,sSI0/J ExPires M .')~ ',-/
,arch 30. 19 "
1972'; rain date September 1, 1972.
LOcatiQn Gf prQperty: east$i.de Qf.
Stillwater Avenue" CutchG'gue,
," " New YQrk, bOunded nGrth,by ,6.
OrlQwski; east by B. Orlowski;
SQuth by C. CrQfts; wtl$,tpy
Stillwater Avenue. ,','
prQperty: nGrth side Gf
SQundview Avenue, SQuthQld,
New YQrk, ooundednorth by
LGng ,Island SQund; east by
DaskalQpGulGs; SQuth by
'.SGun~view Avenue; \Vest by M.
LoVejoy.' ' '
9:10 P.M. (E.b.S.TJ, uPQn
applicatiQn Gf Eastern LQng
Island HGspital ~Auxiliary,
G:r:e~nBGrt .B~~rtch,~ra ~pecial
exceptiQn in acco.rdance WIth the
ZQning Ordinance, Article III,'
Section 300, SubsectiGn B-14, fGr
pf;lrmissiGn to. hGld a yard sale Qn
8:50 P.M, (E.D.S.TJ, upGn
applicatiQn Gf Elizabeth M.
Mitchell, Main RGad, Qrient,
New YGrk, fo.raspecial exq-eptio.R
in accQrdance' with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III,' SectiQn
300, SubsectiGn B-14, fGr
permissiGn to. hGld a yard sale Qn
August 26,1972; rain date August
27, 1972. LocatiGn QfprGperty:
nGrth side Qf Main RQad, Orient,
New YGrk;bQunded nQrtll by Lot
NQ. 65, Orient-By-The-Sea
SectiQn II; east by prQPQsed
rQad; SQuth by Main RQad; west
by FitzsimmQns.
8:55 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upGn
applicatiQn Qf the Ladies
Auxiliary Qf the Mattituck Fire
,pepartment, . ,Pike ,Street,
Mattittick, New YQrk, fQr a
special, exceptiQn in accQrdance
with the ZGning Ordinance,
Article III, SectiQn 300,
SubsectiQn B:14, fGr permissiQn
to. hQld a rummage sale Qn
August 26, 1972. LocatiQn Qf
prGperty: SGuthwest CQrner Qf
Pike Street and Wickham
Avenue, Mattituck, New YQrk.
9:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), UPQn
applicatiQn Qf Mary Clemens,
7630 Bayview Road, SouthQld,
New Y Qrk fQr a special exceptiQn
in accQrd~ce with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, SectiQn
300, SubsectiQn B-14, fGr
permissiQn to. hQld a garage sale
Gn August 26 and 27, 1972; rain
dates September 2 and 3, 1972.
LocatiQn Qf prQperty: SGuth side
Qf Bayview Road, SouthQld, New
YGrk, bounded nQrth by Bayview
RQad; east by Right. Of Way;
SQuth by Private Road; west by
ReynGlds and McPartland.
9:05 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
applicatiQn Gf Earl L. Marshall,
20205 SQundview Avenue,
SouthQld, New YQrk, fGr a special
exceptiGn in accGrdance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
SectiQn 300, SubsectiGn B-14, fGr'
permissiGn to. hQld a yard sale Qn
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 9, 1972. Location Qf
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 4, 1972. LocatiGn Gf
prQperty: premises Qf Jacqueline
Bittner, nGrth side Qf Middle
RQad (CGunty RQad 27),
SouthQld, New YQrk, bounded
nQrthby Soundview Avenue; east
by W. ZebrQski; SGuth by Middle
RGad (CQunty RGad 27); west by
9:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, uPQn
applicatiQn Qf RQbert S. Barker,
Jr., 1250 LuptQn's PGint,
Mattituck, New YQrk, fQr a
special exceptiQn in accQrdance
d, with .~be. Zonjng .Ordinance,
Article III, SectiQn 300,
SubsectiQn B-14, fQr permissiGn
to. hQld a yard sale Gn September
2, 1972; rain date September 3,
1972. LGcatiQn Qf prQperty:
Premises Gf Mrs. RQbert L.
Bergen, nQrth side Qf Main RQad,
Mattituck, bounded nQrth by Alex
Kupferstein, east by Fleming;
SGuth by Main RQad,west by
Any persQn desiring to. be heard
Qn the above applicatiQns shGuld
appear at the time and place
Dated: August 11, 1972
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provi~ions of
the Amended Building Zone Or-
dinance of the Town of Southold.
Suffolk County. New York, public
hearings will be held by the Zon-
ing Board of Appeals of the
Town of Southold. at the Town
Office. Main Road, Southold.
New York. on August 24. 1972,
on the following appeals:
7:45 P. M. <EDST). upon ap-
plication of Thomas Samuels.
Fisherman's Beach Road. Cut-
chogue, New York, for a variance
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection C-2 and Section
302. for permission to construct
an accessory bUilding in the
front yard area. Location of
property: Lot No.3. Map No. 786.
Peconic Bay' Properties, Inc..
wuth side Private Road and
northwest side Nassau Point,
Cutchogue, New York.
8:00 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of James T. Dubovick.
D.D.S., 4 Carmen Street, Hemp-
stead, New York, for a variance
in acordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article XII. Section
12M, Subsection B, for permis-
sion to change use of non-con-
forming business buildl'1g. Loca-
tion of property: premises now
or formerly of Petty on west side
of Mechanic Street, Southold.
New York, bounded north by
William Smth; east by Mecn-
. ;- ~ .-'"'-. -~....^ --~..._.-..-.,........ ~
anic Street; wuth by J. Scott;
west by Methodist Church.
8:15 P. M. (EBST), upon ap-
plication of Salvatore and Har-
riet Iadanza, 822' ConnetoQuot
Avenue, Islip Terrace, New York,
for a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article
III, Section 301, and Section 303.
for permission to construct
dwelling with less than average
setback. Location of property:
Lot No. 24. Map No. 27777. 01'-
ient-By_The-Sea, Section I, Or-
ient, New York.
8:30 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Diana Foster and
Lilian Anne Rose, 220 Critten's
Lane, Southold. New York, for
a special exception in accordallce
with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar-
ticle III, Section 300. Subsection
B-14. for permission to conduct
a yard sale on Augud 25 and 26.
1972. Location of property; east
side of Critten's Lane. Southold,
New York. Lot No, 22, South-
wood Subdivision.
8 :35 P. M. <EDST) , upon ap-
plication of Judith B. Wurtz.
Box lilA, Bay Avenue, Cut-
chogue. New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection 8-14, for
permission to conduct a yard
sale on September 2, 1972; rain
date September 9. 1972. Location
of. property: east side of Bay
Avenue, north side of Leslie
Road, Cutchogue. New York.
bounded north by, Maly: east
by H. Price: south by Leslie
Road; west by .Bay Avenue.
8:40 P. M. <EDST). upon ap-
plication of Elsie L. Parkin, Bay
Avenue. Cutchogue, New York.
for a special exception in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance. Article III, Section .'300,
Subsection B-14, for permil;sion
to hold a yard sale on August 26,
1972; rain date August 27, 1972.
Location of property: ~art of Lot
No. 150, Nassau Farms Subdi-
vision. Cutchogue, New York.
bounded north by Quilty and
others; east by A. Petrucci;
south by Bay Avenue; west by W.
8:40 P. M. <EDST', upon ap-
plication of Edward and Helen
Brush. Stillwater Avenue, Cut-
chogue, New York. for ,a spedal
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance. Article III.
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale
on August 25, 1972: rain date
Septemper I, 1972. Location of
property: east !:ide of Stiliwater '\
Avenue, Cutchogue. Ne\v York. ~
bounued ""orth by B. Orlowski:
east b) Orlowski: south bV
C. C1'Ofts; west by Stillwater
A venue.
8:50 P. M. (EDST). upon ap-
plication of Elizabeth M. Mit-
chell. Main Road. Orient. New
York. for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning ~
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14. for per-
mission to hold a yard sale on
August 26, 1972; rain date Au-
gust 27, 1972. Location of prop-
erty: north side of Ma5n Road.
Orient. New York; bounder!
north by Lot No. 65. Orient By
The Sea Section II; east by pro-
posed road; south by Main Road;
west by Fitzsimmons.
8:55 P. M. (EDST). upon ap-
plication of the Ladies Auxiliary
of the Mattituck: Fire Depart-
ment. Pike Street. Mattituck.
New York. for a special excep-
tion in accordance with the Zon-
ing Ordinance. Article III. Sec-
tion 300, Subsection B-14. for
permiSSion to hold a rummage
sale on August 26. 1972. Location
of property: southwest corner of
Pike Street and Wickham Ave-
nue. Mattituck. New York.
. 9:00 P. M. (EDST). upon ap-
plication of Mary Clemens 7630
Bayview Road. Southold. New
York. for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance. Article III. Section 300.
Subsection B-14, for permi~'sion
to hold a garag'e sale on August
26 and 27. 1972; rain dates Sep-
tember 2 and 3. 1972. Location
of property: south side of Bay-
view Road, Southold. New York.
bounded north by Bayview Road:
east by Right Of Way; south
by Private Road; west by Rey-
nolds and McPartland.
9:05 P. M. fEDST). upon ap-
plication of Earl L. Marshall,
-20205 Sound view Avenue, South-
old, New Yor~, for a speCial ex-
ception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III.
Section 300. Subsection B-14. for
permission to hold a yard sale
on September 2. 1972; rain date
September 9, 1972. Location of
property: north side of Sound-
view Avenue, Southold. New
York. bounded, north by Long
Island Sound; east by Daskalo-
poulps; south by Soundview Ave-
nue; west by M. Lovejoy.
9:10 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Eastern Long Island
Hospital AUXiliary. Greenport
Branch, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300. Subsfl:tion B-14. for per-
mission to hold a yard sale on
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 4, 1972. Location of
property: premises of Jacque-
line Bittner. north side of Mid-
dle Road (County Road 2'/1.
Southold. New York. bounded
north by Soundview A venue:
east by W. Zebroski; south by
Middle Road <County Roaa 271;
west by Sepenoski.
9:15 P. M. (EDST). upon ap-
plication of Robert S. ,Barker.
Jr., 1250 Lupton Point, Mattituck
for a special ac~
,- ">.~; J:
ee, xrttiBtts,
Subsection B-14 for permiSSion
to hold a yard sale on September
2, 1972, rain date September 3.
1972. Location of property: prem-
ises of Mrs Robert L B~rgen,
North side of Main Road. Matti-
tuck. bounded north by Alex
Kupferstein. east by Fleming,
south by Main Road, west by
Any person desiring to be
heard on the above application
should appear at the time and
place speCified.
Dated: August 11. 1972
} ss:
Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says
the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND
MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news-
d at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch-
!Jch week for .....([)~...(// wee'1
~ commencing on the ............/..7..................
lorn to before me this ....../<f::....... day of
. ~ /'7"'..<
r V.......' 19/-d.
Notary Public /
Notary PUblic Sf'
R '. . ,a,e of New Yor';
eSldlnu '0 ~ II I" ~
~b' "U- 0" County
. . No. 52.304E:OO
CommISSIon Expires March 3D, 1973
July 31, 1972
Dr. Thomas E. Samuels
34 Whitson Street
Forrest Hills, New York
Dear Sir:
Before proceeding any further with the bulk-
heading you have put up on Lots #2 and 3, peconic
Bay properties we require you furnish the following:
a current plot survey, and an accurate plan of this
prpposed project.
This is necessary since we have had an inquiry
as to the location of this bulkheading and deck that
now exists in relationship to the property line.
Yours truly,
Edward Hindermann