HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 ^ ~ � ^ ' | TAX W 5 2008 / - State f New York, County of Suffolk, ' ���- T� P�pUe ��e �� mf New York i�r � U� s � �.= ^ Town said County, Greeting: You are Hereby Required and Commanded inaccordance with the provisions ofthe Real Property Tax Law, thmRao| Property Law, the County Law, and the Suffolk County Tax Act bocollect onorbefore the thirty-first day of May, 2009 from the several persons named in the Tax and Assessment roll towhich this warrant ioannexed and on the property named and daaohbad thono|n, the several sums extended and mentioned therein aotoxooand aosaaonnante against the respective names and property, together with fees, interest and penalties when due, as follows. All Taxes upon real property shall ba Said Town of SOUTHOLD having heretofore authorized payment of taxes in two installments pursuant tothe8uffo|kCounb/ ToxAct. youondraquiredb000||octoaidbazooinbmoequa| inobaUnnonta. thmpaymnantofeamnarnoy bemade and you may collect oofollows: (o) The whole of any such tax orassessment may be paid on or before January,10, 2008. without penalty; also there shall be no penalty if one-half of all such taxes are paid on or before January 10, 2009, and the second one-half of all such taxes are paid on or before May 31, 2009, provided the first one-half of such tax shall have been paid or shall bepaid sdthe same time. (b) On such first-half of taxes remaining unpaid on January 10, 2009 one percent (1%) of the amount of the firstona-ho|foftha taw oa|ou|obad from January 1Oth ohoU be added to the first month or part thereof, and on additional one percent (1Y6) will be added each month or pad thereof thereafter until the return of the warrant to the County Treasurer. . You are Further Required and Commanded hopay over from time totime all money aocollected aofollows: 1. Within fifteen days after the delivery of this warrant to the Supervisor of the Town, in trust for the school districts therain, one-half of the amount of the byo levied districts of school dio� � oftho Town, or such p� thenao� gaahaUnot inthe aggnag ' exceed one-half ofthetota'| amount collected bysaid date. 3. Within thirty days after such delivery, to the Supervisor of the Town, in trust for the school districts therein, the balance of the amount of the tax levied for the purposes of said school districts, or such part thereof aoshall not inthe aggregate exceed one-half ofthe total amount collected bysaid date. 3. Within the first period of fifteen days and thereafter within the second period of fifteen days, the remainder of the moneys than collected to the Supervisor ofthe town for support of highways and bhdQoa, moneys to be expended by welfare officials for the support of needy persons, moneys to defray any other town expenses or charges, and moneys levied therein for the benefit ofspecial tax districts orother special purposes, except for the Suffolk County Police District, the Suffolk County District Court System and the several Suffolk County Sewer Districts and zones thereof. 4. After thirty days from the date of delivery of the warrant, and at the expiration of each period of ten days thonaafer, on account of the foneQo|ng, to the Supervisor in proportion to the balances remaining unpaid, all moneys so collected until such bo|mncmo one paid in full; for all of which payments made by you to any officer other than the County Treasurer you are to require duplicate receipts and you shall file one of such duplicates with the County Treasurer on making your return. ' 5. After the payment of such bo|onooa in fu||, all the nae/dua of the moneys so ooUooted, to the County Treasurer, and such payments shall be made at intervals of ten days from the completion of the payments above provided |nsubdivision 1' 2. 3and 4hereof. ' You are further commanded to pay to the Supervisor ofthe Town herein mentioned such aunn or sums as may have been collected by you during said period for fees, pona|baa, inbenost, and charges on taxes or with respect to the moneys herein mentioned. If any persons oho|| neglect orrefuse to pay any fax imposed on him you are hereby authorized an may be provided by law to levy and collect the same by distress and sale upon any personal property in said county belonging to or in possession of such peroon, and cause the same to be sold at public auction for the payment of such box, and the fees and pono|Uos hereinafter imposed and expenses of collection, and no claim of property to be made by any other person thereto shall beavailable toprevent such sale. You are further required,. after the receipt of this xnanmnt, to cause notices of the reception of this byo and moeaeemant roll and warrant to be given as required by law and that the boxoe and aeaaeomnente therein rnoy be paid to thaF�aceivarofTaxes at the Umegand vvithpena|Uoaaoprovided by |oxv. and you are fu�herrequired tocause notices to bgiven as required by law of the dates and places other than your principal office when and where you will attend for the receipt oftaxes and assessments. You shall make your nabumn, mohfiad as required by |ovv to the County Treasurer of all unpaid taxes and assessments on the tax and assessment roll annexed tothis warrant which you shall not have been able to coUeCt, on or before the fifteenth day ofJune 2OO8.-onprovided bylaw. I I You are further required an_ _-)mmanded out of the money so collet___ by you, and as above prowi`ded to pay over TO SUPERVISOR OF SAID TOWN FOR: Amount School Districts ' $ 71,406,666.37 Highway (Town Wide) 41133,186.00 Fire Districts 5,801,434.20 Fire Protection Districts - East/ West,Fire 589,163.00 Southold Solid Waste 1,507,540.00 Fishers Island Ferry 590,000.00 Orient Mosquito 70,000.00 Refuse and Garbage District Fishers Island 399,800.00 Southold Waste Water 4,500.00 Park Districts 972,761.00 Fishers Island Sewer- Unpaid 2,421.56 Orient By The Sea Road District 4,560.00 Demo Charge 34,742.44 General (Town Wide) 20,165,953.00 General (Town Outside Village) 713,928.00 TOTAL PAYABLE TO SUPERVISOR 106,396,655.57 I I ' TAX.,WARRANT State of New York, County of Suffolk Sheet 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YEAR 2008-2009 TO THE TREASURER OF SAID COUNTY, Amount The residue of the money so collected by you for: County Tax- General $ 4,479,942.00 2007 Actual Surplus - County Tax General (5,586,783.00) 2008 Estimated Deficit- County Tax General 2,639,732.00 County Tax - Suffolk Community College 177,006.00 District Superintendent of Schools 547.19 Sub Total $ 1,710,444.19 Less Credits: (605.97) Total Payable to County Treasurer for County Purposes 1 1,709,838.22 Erroneous Assessments & Tax Refunds - County 20,437.71 Erroneous Assessments &Tax Refunds - Suffolk Community College 3,248.59 Erroneous Assessments &Tax Refunds -Town Only 479,978.37 Total of Adjustments Mandated by Law- pr 503,664.67 Excess Due to Tax Extension 371 .74 Total Payable to County Treasurer $ 2,213,874.63 TOTAL AMOUNT OF WARRANT $ 108,610,530.20 In Witness Whereof the County Legislature of said County has caused this warrant to be signed by the Presiding Officer and Clerk of said Legislature, and the Seal of the County to be affixed thereto and have caused the same to be annexed to the tax and assessment roll of the town above named this SECOND day of ECEMBER, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presiding Officer " 11/06 WAR