HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/2019 Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall January 14, 2019 Meeting Called to Order: 10:00 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich. Members Present Councilman Bill Ruland, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Planning Director Heather Lanza, Jim Kalin, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, Police Chief Martin Flatley, Jim Baker, Frank Field, Highway Superintendent Vincent Orlando, Nick Mazzaferro and Tom Fox. Also Present Grace Griffin- East Marion Civic Association Six residents of Great Pond Way, Greenport Approval of November 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes After suggested edits by Heather Lanza and Jamie Richter, a motion to accept the amended minutes was made, was seconded and was carried. East End Transportation Council - Update There was no EETC meeting. Planning Board Requests Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan It is expected that the Town Comprehensive Plan will be available for the Town Board’s review by the end of January 2019.. NYSDOT Determination – Traffic Light at Intersection of NYS Route 25 and Oaklawn Avenue – Southold - Update The Supervisor and Councilman Ruland met NYSDOT’s representatives at that location and expressed the Town’s disapproval of the proposed traffic light. Further discussions on the issue are expected. Mattituck Park District Second Request for Roadside Signs MPD’s letter of December 10, 2018 repeated its previous request for the placement of No Parking signs at that location. Councilman Ruland met with MPD representatives and reported that some cars were seen parked partly on the travel lane of Peconic Bay Boulevard. He also suggested that, while it was largely a weekend problem, the no parking signage along the south side of PBB should extend to the end of Veteran’s Park at Marlene Lane. He also recommended that the Town Code should be reviewed concerning parking at that location. Traffic Safety Concerns at Mattituck Library Due to parking issues on the south side of Route 25 associated with visitors to the DeFriest - Grattan Funeral Home on the north side of that roadway, the Library requests that “No Stopping at Anytime” signage be placed as appropriate to alleviate sightline concerns regarding egress from the Library’s parking lot. It was also observed that funerals for well-known persons often result in parking on both sides of SR25, with resultant slowing of traffic on that roadway. Investigation also has shown that there has been overflow parking in the Library’s parking lot during Saturday evening mass at the 1 adjacent church. It was recommended that motorists exiting the Library’s parking lot should exercise increased caution at those times. Three-Way Stop Sign Request – Great Pond Way & Private Road 26 - Greenport Six local residents voiced their concerns about activity by heavy dump trucks in that vicinity. They also requested the placement of two additional stop signs and that speed and weight limits should also be considered. Jamie Richter advised that NYSDOT regulates speed limits on Town roadways, although caution signs may be considered. Highway Superintendent noted that paving extends to the of the Town’s right of way. After further study of ownership and a review of the Town Code by the Town Attorney, recommendations will be submitted to the Town Board. Planning Board Request for Speed Limit Reduction on CR48 in the Area of Moores Lane, West to Chapel Lane As it has been some time since the last traffic study along that roadway, SCDPW suggested that a request for a study be submitted. The matter will be tabled until further advice from the Planning Board. The study should also include the impact of a proposed 40 MPH uniform speed limit from Greenport to Orient. Public Requests Flooding on Rocky Point Road – East Marion Highway Superintendent Orlando reported that French Drains had been built along that roadway. However, due to the clay undersoil, further excavation to the depth of underlying sand will be required to allow for faster adequate drainage. He will reach out to the EMCA accordingly. Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests Pike Street Parking Lot Rules of Operation – Mattituck The issue is still under consideration. Current Transportation Issues - Updates Southold Bus Shelters - Update SCDPW will apply to NYSDOT concerning placement of the proposed shelter should be in way of the new Town Court (old Capital One) building, as there is an existing S92 bus stop there. Jim Kalin will advise when SCDPW issues shelter contracts. The bus shelter issue will removed from further consideration by the Commission, pending any new developments. Traffic Study at SR25 and CR48 - Greenport Neb’s letter of November 5, 2018 thanked Senator LaValle for his support for the proposed traffic study. Love Lane & SR25 New Vendor- Mattituck The matter remains subject to funding issues. Peconic Water Taxi Proposal There are no new developments. Old Business None. 2 New Business Utility Repaving Problems – New Suffolk and Greenport Jim Baker and Trustee Phillips noted that repaving after utility work was inadequate, with numerous resulting potholes in both localities. Missing Speed Limit Signs - Greenport Trustee Phillips reported that some speed limits were missing on the Town’s portion of the Main Road in Greenport. Chief Flatley will investigate the situation. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town Hall. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fox cc: Town Clerk Town Government Liaison Officer 3 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall AnnexrV SUUTy® P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �Q �® Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 cr, www.southoldtownny.gov Ir4UNT`1,��' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman Members of the Transportation Commission From: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Members of the Planning Board Date: January 31, 2019 Subject: CR 48 Between Moore's Lane and Chapel Lane The Planning Board is requesting review of several safety-related improvements to County Road 48 between Moore's Lane and Chapel Lane in connection with the plan to construct 50 new apartments in this area. We are seeking support from the Transportation Commission and a recommendation to the Town Board to pursue these improvements from Suffolk County. The improvements are as follow: 1. Reduce the speed limit. 2. Re-route the S92 bus to travel CR48 between Chapel and Moore's Lanes to make public transit available to the dense development along these roads. In addition to the 50-unit apartment complex along this route, there is also San Simeon, Breezy Shores Condominiums, Sunset Motel, two campgrounds, and a retirement community. This will allow a bus connection to the downtown Greenport and the railroad for this area. 3. Add a bus shelter to the Vineyard View apartments (they will provide the funding if it is approved prior to their finishing construction). 4. Add a bike lane or shared road signs and pavement markings to improve bicycle safety and connect this area with the Route 25 bike route. Consider improvements to the entire length of CR 48 for bicyclists. 5. Add pedestrian safety measures where possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Please feel free to call the Planning Department with any questions or comments regarding the above. ZE:N8-Parking https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/viewmessage'lr=<request><mal... 1 From: "Richter, Jamie" <Jamie.Richter@town.southold.ny.us> To: "William Ruland" <rulandfarm@yahoo.com>, "opajim" <opajim@optonline.net> Cc: "Neb Brashich" <nrbl@optonline.net> Date: 01/28/2019 09:32:57 AM Subject: RE: NS Parking All Looking at the indicated parking areas I would calculate a total of 42 parking spaces would be available. Jamie Jaynes A. lUchter James A.Richter, R.A. Stormwater Manager Office of the Digineer Town of Southold,New York Stormwater Management Control Plan Website: http://www.southoldtownny.gov/index.asi?x?nid=195 Office: 631-765-1560 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable,laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From: William Ruland Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2019 9:49 AM To: opajim Cc: Neb Brashich; Richter, Jamie Subject: Re: NS Parking The info came from some New Suffolk residents William R Ruland Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor Town Councilman E-mail:rulandfarm@yahoo.com Phone-631-566-4107 1 of 3 1/30/2019, 12:24 PV li RE:N&Parking https://webtop-webmail.optimum.net/viewmessage'h=<request><mai... l On Sunday, January 27, 2019, 7:58:09 AM EST, opajim<opajim@optonline.net>wrote: Glad you received my photo, Bill. I wonder who prepared this study? Jim On Jan 26, 2019, at 1:27 PM, Bill Ruland <rulandfarm@vahoo.com>wrote: William P.Ruland Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor Town Councilman E-mail:rulandfarm@yahoo.com Phone-631-566-4107 On Saturday, January 26, 2019, 10:28:02 AM EST, opajim <opaiim@optonline.net>wrote: I Bill Perhaps you didn't get my other email. I found some problems with the study you handed out at the meeting. Attached is a description of the problem. Twenty parking spots as depicted on the diagram are illegal; therefore there are not 52 spots. The number will change when the diagonals are converted to parallel. Three will go away completely because they are too close to the intersection. Thanks for providing us with this study, otherwise an interesting document. Jim 2 of 3 Ij 1/30/2019, 12:24 PN ' .+� .. .�.- S jL k ` y„�4j a '� ! � •. a .,. k Yf^yr^+ YY w 06, iN ! Z t ( •f { � 4 ' ; L ene se`s Place . : : w t ti P Summer Girf x, u• rr , I't 7 i E w _ ■a i^ j'}' A LiF �l�IaIn a s�ilr• '"'' ..Fw ,�e � ..3 10Ap , !�• 'fir .. �` 'r,,���"�► e g r � , � �r q �,. � 2�'�\�"{c �-�'r 5 x....•!:'+r'/F1F.."Y�*�Hr S.t�k£ ���;• II. .lT.a��•► , t Ta SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION 05 � COMMISSION ,:o ,. Town HallK :F;5 P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library DATE: January 15, 2019 Further to our November 5" memorandum on the Library's request for "No Stopping Any Time" signage, this was discussed at our monthly January 14th meeting. As indicated earlier, several of us studied this location at different times during the intervening period. We found two occasions when parking occurred close to the egress from the library: • Saturday early evenings when the services were held at the Roman Catholic Church next door • Very occasional parking when the funeral home across the street held viewing services The conclusion reached was that this request should not be granted. This was based on the fact that if one pulled far enough into the shoulder of the road, stopped and looked, the line of sight was good and did not impede egress. Ingress was controlled and posed no problems. IN SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall 4>> P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: Great Pond Way Residents' Requests DATE: January 15, 2019 Attached please find a memorandum we received requesting the installation of two additional stop signs at the intersection of Great Pond Way and Private Road 26, turning this into a three-way stop as well as a reduction of current speed limit from 35mph to 15mph. Also attached is our interim response. Some six residents came to our monthly January 14th meeting to discuss this request in greater detail. They were told that this will be reviewed by the Commission subsequently and that our determination will be forwarded to the Town Board. Two commissioners visited the area (see the attached map) with following clarifications and findings, partially identified by the above meeting: • Road "H" is a paved and designated town road while the unpaved portion of the extension status is unclear. • Two empty lots are located on the unpaved portion, one of which is showing evidence of active dumping of materials while the other is currently not in use. • Residents in the area complain that many large trucks are using their road. • It was determined that there may be a zoning code violation on the use of these two parcels. w , . xJ After subsequent discussions within the Commission, we find the request for two additional stop'� signs problematic and do not recommend approval in a comm,unity hosting only 5-8 residences. The request for speed reduction from 35mph to 15mph is not feasible. The zoning is residential, so there is not a use in the code allowing dumping of brush or other materials. In that regard, the-Commission, through the Planning Director, has requested that Code Enforcement investigate this situation and report their findings. Additionally, we recommend that the Town Attorney also investigate who has legal access over the unpaved portion of the road and report his findings. Finally, we would like to recommend also the following improvements: • On the paved road section, place a stop sign on Road "H" as one approaches Soundview, Avenue. • Placement of a metal post to hold the road name sign (it rests on a stump now). R a7 17 A I SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT Mattituck Park District's Reintroduced Requests DATE: January 15, 2019 Attached please find Mattituck Park District's December 10th letter reintroducing a request for additional "No Parking" signs along Peconic Bay Boulevard. Specifically, it calls for extending their roadside "No Parking" signs at the Veterans Park to their property line to the west and to have "No Parking" signs in front of Peconic Bay Beach (formally known as Yacht Club) from the east to the west within their property lines. Attached also is a review of the current "No Parking" restrictions adopted by the Town Board for this area along Peconic Bay Boulevard in Mattituck. All this documentation was reviewed by the Commission at its monthly January 14th meeting. The decision reached is to approve this reintroduced request along the attached two maps of the areas in question. Southold "No Parking" Local Law The following research was done by the Commissioner and Police Chief Flatley: The 'NO PARKING' restrictions for Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck were found only in the following Local Law adopted on August 10, 2004 entitled, " A Local Law in relation to No Parking areas along Peconic Bay Boulevard" and reads as follows: "Purpose — Parking associated with the Park District beach located along Peconic Bay Boulevard in Mattituck has resulted in overflow parking along both sides of Peconic Bay Boulevard, as well as along both sides of the ends of Sigsbee Avenue and Marlene Lane. This parking overflow has resulted in a dangerous condition, which impedes the access and maneuverability of emergency vehicles, Accordingly, it is necessary to limit parking in the immediate vicinity along Peconic Bay Boulevard to one side of the street only, and to prohibit parking at the ends of Sigsbee Road and Marlene Lane within 30 feet of their intersections with Peconic Bay Boulevard. " The Board then amended the Vehicle and Traffic Code to prohibit parking at all times as follows: 1 . On Peconic Bay Boulevard on the North side of the road from the intersection of Sigsbee Road easterly to the intersection of Bay Avenue. 2. On Sigsbee Road in Both directions from the intersection of Peconic Bay Boulevard northerly for a distance of 30 feet 3. On Marlene Lane in Both directions from the intersection of Peconic Bay Boulevard northerly for a distance of 30 feet.