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Notice of Hearings
Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions
of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the
Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on June 15, 1972, on the
following appeals:
7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Robert Parkin,
Bay Avenue, Cutchogu~, New York, for a variance in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 C-2, for
a permit to build a swimming pool in side yard. Location of
property: north side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, bounded
and described: north by QuiltYi east by lands now or formerly
of Petruccii south by Bay Avenueiand west by land now or formerly
of Kelly.
7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of William M. Rapp,
Main Road, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Articles~VI .and VII, section 600 C-3a, for
permission to enlarge ground sign.iLocation of property: corner
of Main Road and Factory Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded
north by G. Drumm and othersi east by Factory Avenue; south by
Main Road; west by Getty Oil Company.
7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of John Larsen, North
Road, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance
with.the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 C-6f, for
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Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provisions of
the Amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New
York, public hearings will be
held by the Zoning Boa I'd of
AppeeJs of the Town of South-
old. 8t the Town Office, Main
Road, Southold, New YorK, on
June 15, 197:3, on t'!"}e follow!ng
7:30 P. M. fEDST). upon ap-
plication of Robert Parkin, Bay
Avenue. Cutchogue. New YOlk
fer' '3. variance in accordance
witli the Zoning Ordinance, Ar-
ticle III. Section 300 C-2. for a
'J permit to build a sw!mming pool
,~ in s:de yai'd. Loc'.\tion of pr()p-
h erty: north s;de of Bay Avenue.
I}. Cutchogue. New York, bound(~d
I tand d~l'cribed : north by t~ul\ty:
\ f~i ast by lands now 01' formerly of
PetrucCi; sout.h by Bay Avenue:
land west by land now 01' formerly
of Kelly. ~
7:40 P. M. (EDSTI. upon ap-
plication of WilHam M. Happ,
Main Road. Mattituck. New
York. for a variance in accord-
ance with the Zoning Ordinance.
Articles VI and VII. Section 600
C-3a, for perm\ssioh.' to enlargl:'
ground ~;~n. Loca.:' of prop-
erty: corner ofMatl~rRoad and
Factory Avenue. Mattituck, New
York, bounded north by G.
Drumm and others, east by
Factory Avenue; south by Main
oad, west by Getty Oil COll1-
any. _
7 :50 P. M. f EDSTl, upon ap-
plication of John Larsen, North
Road, Southold, New. York, for
a special exception in accord-
ance with the Zoning OrdiQance.
Article III, Section 300 C-6f. for
permission to maintain an off
premises directional sign \ on
premises of Warren Hufe, M\ddh'
Road, Southold. New York. Lo-
cation of property: south side
of Middle Road. Southold. Wew
York. bounded north by MIddle
Road: east by Booth; south by
Kaeli,:} and we1 t by Koster.
8:06 1". M. fEDSTI. upnl1 ap-
plication of the North Fork 'fe~'I'
Centre. Inc.. Route 27A. Mattl-
tuck, New York. for a specJ31
exception in accordance w;th tl-.e
Zoning Ordinance. Article III
Section 300. Subsection B-14. f01
permission to conduct a vard
sale on July 1. 1972. rain date
July 8. 1972. Location of prop-
erty: North side of M;ddle Road
Mattituck.. New York. bounded
north by 'Kaiser; east by Born:
south by Middle Road: and we~j
by the North Fork BaptiH.
Church. .
8:10 P. M. fEDSTI. UOOll IIp-
plication of .Isabel G.. Samohel
Main Road. Cutcho!t'ue. New
York. for a special except.ioll in
accordance with the Zon;n~
Ordinance. Article III. Section
-,iII. Sect ~1 for pern
to divide property and off set
lotsof less t~n required frontage
and area.' 'ation of Property:
North sidt Rabbit Lane, East
Marion, New York, bounqed
north by Marlon Lake: east by
Crowley; south by Rabbit Lane:
and west by Schmidt.
9:20 P.M. <EDSTl, upon ap-
plication of Constantine Zervos,
Main Road, East Marion, New
York, for a 1:pecial exception in
accordance with the ZoningOrdi-
nance, Article III, Section 300
and 301, Subsection B-1, to use
an accessory building includinl;t
cooking facilities as a full second
dwelling on the lot. Location of
property: South side of Main
Road. East Marion. New York.
\bounded north -by the Main
Road; east by Old Orchard Lane:
1:outh by Spinthourakis; and
w2st by Doyle.
9:35 P. M. (EDSTI, upon ap-
plication of Gary Tabor. Navy
Street, Orient. New York. for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
ection 300, Subsection A. for
permission to use premis~s for
landscaping and storage yard.
Location of property: East ~:ide
Navy Street, Orient. New York.
bounded north by Foster; east
by W. Lenzer; south by W. Len-
zer; and west by Navy Street.
9;55 P. M. (EDSTI. upon ap-
plication of Helmut Hass, Nortn
RO,ad. Peconic. New York. for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance. Article III.
Section 301 and Article VII Sec-
tion 701, for permission to divide
pl'operty Wit!l less than required
frontage and area. Locatio:l 3f
property: South side of Middle
Road (County Road 27), Pet.:ollie.
New York, bounded north by
Middle Road: east by Roland
Hingle; south by land of Sllfl'olk
County: and west by other land
of Helmut Hal'S.
10:10 P. M. (EDSTI. UPO:l ap-
plication of John L. Ploclt. Jr..
Nort,h Bayview Road. Southold.
New York~ for a special exception
in accordance with the Zomng
Ordinance, Article III. Sect:iol1
300, Subsection B-14. for per-
mission 1:0 conduct a yard sale
on July 1st and 2nd. 1972. Loca-
tion of property: north side. of
'North Bayview Road. Southold.
New York. bounded north by
land of John L. Plock, Sr. east
by John L. Plock. Sr.: \\'fst by
Private Road: south by .John
Plock, Sr.
10:20 P. M. (EDSTI. upon ap-
plication of Margaret Dellanno.
Noi.th Road. Southold. New York.
for a special exception in ac-
cQl'dance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article III. Section 300.
Subsection B-14. for permission
to conduct a yard fa Ie on July
8. 1972. rain date July 15. 1972.
Location of property: North side
of North Road <County Road
271. Southold. New York. bound-
ed north by Hertzbe~'g; east by
".u.~~I...:.... c.....~.+\." h.. l'\J,-,,-th Rf'\~ln
_....une 17, 1972, raindatb'
1972. Location of property~<-
side of Hobart Road, Soutl\O.
New York, Lots 36 i 37, Map
of Founders Estal Southold,
New York.
11:40 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Frieda J. Behlen
7325 Nassau Point Road. Cut-
chogue, New York,. f~r a~u~..
!'!.{Cs,wtin- .ift. aCC(Jtdancewlt'h the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300. Subsection B-14. for
permission to hold a yard sale
on June 30, 1972 and July 1. 1972.
Location of property: East side
of Nassau Point Road, Cut-
chogu€. New York. Lot 54, Map of
Nassau Point, Cutchogue. New
11:50 P. M. IEDSTI, upon ap-
plication of Charles and Evelyn
Witherspoon. Private Road (Hor-
ton's Point I, Southold, New York,
for a variance in l;iccordance with
the Zoning Ordinance. Article
III, Section 301. for permiSSIOn to
set off a lot with insuffieiellL
width :md area. Location of
property: North Side of Private
Road (Horton's Point), bounded
north by land now or formel'1:1 of
the applicants: easterly by land
now or formerly of Reed; south
by Private Road: and wes: by
Any person desiring to be
heard on the above applications
should appear at the time and
place above specified.
Dated: June 2. 1972.
:..;;.~- ~' ..,~~..'~,~:~,..
swornr says
public news-
ty; and that
:>PYr has been
,Ituck Watch-
././. weekj
)....... .............
day of
Notary Public (J
Notary Pub:ic. State d i'1DW Yorl(
ResidiQg in Su.ffo:l< Ccu~ty
No. 52':~l;!'tl(:;):! -8
.;ommiss;on [Xci: cs r!,2r -.:i 30. 197
Notice of Hearings
Pursuant to Section '}Jj7 of the
Town Law and the provisions of
the Amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New
York, Public hearings will be
held by the Zoning Board of
Appeals of the Town ()f Southold,
at the Town Office, Main Road,
Southold, New York, on June 15,
1972, on the following appeals:
7:30 P.M. (E.D,S.T'), upon
application '.of Robert Parkin,
Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New
York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300 C-2, for a permit to build a
swimming pool in side yard.
Location of property: north side
of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New
York, bounded and described:
north by Quilty; east by lands
now or formerly of Petrucci;
south by Bay Avenue; and west
by land now or formerly of Kelly.
7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of William M. Rapp,
Main Road, Mattituck, Ne
York, for a variance i
accordance with the Zonin
Ordinance, Articles VI and VII
Section 600 C-3a, for permissio
to enlarge ground sign. Locatio
of property: corner of Main Roa
and Factory Avenue, Mattituck
New York, bounded north by G
Drumm and others; east b
Factory Avenue; south by Main
Road; west by Getty Oil
7:50 P.M. 1\~.u.:s.T'), upon
!!pplication of John Larsen, North r---
1(J:20 P.M. (E.n:S.T.)~ -upon
.. annlication of Margaret
~ ss:
. . . . . . .9t'Q.llr:t. .c.-. .~'?~~~. .............. being duly Sworn.
says that . .he . .. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK
WEEKL Y TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said
county; and that tht'DOtiC'&. of which the annexed is a printed
copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times
once in t'Qch week. for ... .... 9;t~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. weeks
successiv~ly oom~l:l.~t:he ....... ,j.gl1:tP. . . . . . . . . . . . .
duyof ....~A.~.
?-cJ ----z.-o.-z..~........_
Sworn ,TO be e ~;' th~~ . ~/:}~~: ~ .. . .. .. .. o' . . . . . . . . . . .
'J(t::1 .....
day of ..~ I...... 19.(:...
p....." ~Z ~~ .~.....
, ...~ . . . . . . . . NbiJi?~l~~.J'.' itlJ.,9~:~..~~. ~;. ~,,~~ori<' . . . . . .
N... ~~:.' c6633~,
QUi Iii" '.' i ' ,~ ff .,1:\ County .--,~
Commission [!.pi;'cs Malch .00, 19..~(
FORM \NO. 3 .
To ....,. ........._.... .... ... .... ... ......... .......................................
File No. .............. ;......... ....... .......... .................. ....... Date .... .... ...... ..., ....................:.......... ................. 19.. t....
. I
........... ........ ....................... ..... ...- ................................ I"
.. ......... ....... ..... ....... ........ ......... ...... .. ....... ........... ~.
for ::~:::::a::.I.l;:::cd:::;:.;=~:~~~~r'-
......4....&.~.......~~h~............. Street ~.~ :' I
Map ... ...... ....~............ ........... ..Block ....... ...~. ................... ...... Lot ..... "!i........ ...................~. ....!.......I is
~~~mloc' ~n-eufv~ ~d disapproved on the followinp- ground!'; .....~....""~~ .... .
...e~..... J~................~..m...~.m.......~~.bQQ~..c:.='.. .~"
........................................... ......... ................................. ............................,............... ............... ........................ ....
.............'1.............................. .....'............... ..................... ............................................ .................,..........._.......... .....
Nature of work (check WhiChc:".ble): New Building ....................... Ad, ~:>n ..................... Alteration...............
-' '. '''"--'. .' .. "',
Repair ................:........ Rem .......................,. Demolition, ...........0........ Other Work ..5L.~4.............
, (Description)
Fee ....... II ,..,). I":::::::::' II.... ................................................... ....................... ...........
(to be paid on filing this applicatiQnl
Estimated Cost ............s!.Qf?..:::..........
If dwelling, number of dwellingunits ................. Number of dwelling units on each floor ..........................,..............
If gara.ge, nu moor of cars ,..... ....... ........ ...... ... ..~........ ........... ........... ......................... ..............4..................................-............ ';
.. 't:'" '1.~." h
6. If business, commercial or mixed OCGupanc~, speCify nature and extent of each type of ute ..................u...,............~'
.~',- \III, '.' , -, ' ',: ,,' I:,~
7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ..................... Rear:..:;...................... Depth ................................... '
l ," ,
Height ..... ...... .., ... ............ ......... ........... ................ Nu mber of Stories ..................... ...................................... ...................
, "
Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions':.F.ront ~;........................ Rear .........................................
'". p-~J. \~4
D th ' "', ..~ H . L.... . , ' . .' ;1' ~ . . ',~ . ,'( N be f St . .'
ep ............................................. elgn'C.~\.'.j..~.....;:-.._...,~......;...~....li....~.: um r 0 orles j.~......................................
8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Froryt...~.~....,................ Rear~...,......................... Dep~h .................................
~. I! l ~
He i ght ....... .'......................... :'~..;.... .\;'- .... Nu moor of Stories ................... ... ........ ....... ............ ............. ... ,. ........................
9. Size of lot: Front ...............,....................... Rear .......................................... Depth _..........!II..:..,....~...~~...:........................
. .. ' ,":,,:~ '-" !
~.. 10.
. : "-",,,,;.,\-,:-,
He igh t ........... .>,..... ',~: ".; t;' ,.~.:,-~ .t................. Nu m ber of Stories ................ .................... ......~...,.~. ......~;~'~....~:.........................
. , _' ," i">
Date of Purchase ....................................~ Name of Former Owner ...................................~,,'~,.~~~,.'.;~~.~U!.......,~................~_.
." .
- , .
, " '.:,"-';";' . , '
- ):, "-, ''-,' .;
Zone or use district in which pre"lises are sit""ated ......:.......................~.............~.....~.....;....~i~~~7:...~.............................
~ \ .'-' < - , ~>',~;', -- ' j , ,
Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ..................J.:.u.......~:,~,;..~...................~..
Will lot be regraded _m...................,......WiII excess fill be removed from premises: 1 1: Yes
t, ,
Name of ,:Owne~ .of I?remises ... ~.. ~~..... ..... ......... .,... .......... ..~...... ......... ~.... ...~......... '........ ..............~..."....:iI.... ... ~ ~. ,.. .-e... ..... ..... ..~_.~
. (Address) , ........... 'JPhooeNo.) .,
Name of Architect ................................................................................................ .~....~.....,... ...... ................... ........ ..... ,
" ,(Address) ..),'!. "". ~". (Phone No.) ..' """
'," :' " '-",' ': <_, ,', ,!;( _ ,:,'::I-.,. i, ',~l.: . .,,' , ~,_ ,.-_:' ; . ,', .' ':':". ,.'::';.~/:~.,,::'.'f
. Name of, Contractor _ .. ...:~J~'...,... ..~.Il... ..u ......:........~..~.~...~IJ........... ......:.'... ... ...,._..~~:~'~'.......It.~.. ......~'~.~,~~...~~~.... ~~,. .~. .~..;..:...~ ..~.... .,~_ ... ..'~..~i,~~.~~~.i:~ '. 1,,:J
, , (Address) "~ I .'. ; '., .',": (Phone No.1' ';i" /ii,:
:"<~;.' .
~~~~~~/%~......................: $
" "
D "r T
Iii 'IT J
.h. -L' j 1." J.....-,~~UrlMr:_.! 1
~."'jlp:..t .. ,~1!l!_?...Ali,:~
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DATE .s..pt......1, 1972
Kodltloatlon ot aotlon on
Appeal No. l,$Sl
Dated Deolslon ot the Board- 6/lS/72
To WIUla. M. Rapp
.1..'" AftllU.e
Mlttttuo~, ..~ YaPk
at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on
septeJl1b.1' 7, 1972
the appeal
was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your
( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property
(x> Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance
( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance
( )
1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be
granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section
Subsection .................... paragraph
.................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be
confirmed because 111,.0 P.M. (I.a.f.), Jane 15. 1972, upon applloatlon ot
W1Ula. K. Rapp, 1'aoto17 Aft.e. Mattltuok, ... Yet, tor a epeolal
9'30 P.M. (B.a.f.), Septe~r 1, 1912 - f~ Board at
Appeab a.ndeet tbe .otin on Appeal .0. lSSl 4ated IUM 1S, 1912.
2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that
(a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or' unnecessary
hardship because
(b) The hardship created (is)
(is not) unique and (would)
(would not) be shared by all properties
alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because
( c) The variance (does)
(does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would)
(would not)
change the character of the district because
and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and
that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed.
Hal'jorle MoDer.ott, aeoreta17
Southold Town Board of Appeal.
Atter lrrr..t1.t10n and lnapeot10n th8 Boud tlnda that tor
rea.ou ot aaf.ty tbe oondlt10ns aet torth 1n the Aotlon of the
Boar4 or App.aU aat.4 .rune ]$, 1972, App.al Bo. lSSl, ahall be
.oaUI.a '0 that tbit lower .age ot tha algn .hall b. at :w..t
.1sh' te.t ab.... the pound to ptn1t ouato arlY. . u84er the
alp. t128 upper .d. .hall be 19.6 te.t abowt_ .._ml) an4 t1>>
alSD aball b. looat.d S t..t troll aIV' ProP.rt, l1n.. !'he Board
tl.a tbat tbe OYer-all aurtac. ot tlw a1gna a..a Dot .xo..a
81 .q. tt.
!he Board tlncl. that tbe pub110 oonvenl.no. aDd weltu. and
justl.. wl11 b. a.ned and tb8 1ega11l' ..tabl1ahed 01' penalt,..
.a. ot nelghb.,hood propert1 aDd adjoining .a. diatrlot. will
not b. per_aentJ, or .ubataDt1allT 1njured and the .pf.l'lt ot
the OJtd1nan.e will be ob..r....d.
TBBftBi'<IlB II\fA8 alaOLVB1> that t'h8' a_thoU lOb Board of
Appeals a_lid Aotlon aat.d Jun. lS, 1972, A.ppeal 'NO. US1. Wl111all
M. Rapp, P'aotGrJ' Ave.., Mattltuok, New York, to r.aa a. tollow..
1. Lowr .a. of alan ahall be At. least a te.t above the
2. Upper eaCe of alln sball be 19.6 teet aboye t128 p_nd.
3. Slgn ahal1 be looated at. ,..---t S t~tI)t :trOll .~ prop.rty
4. Tbe over-all sartaoe ot alcDS ahall not exoe.d 81 .q. tt.
Vote ot the Board. ",e.,. Me881".' Gl111.pl., Bel'PD, Grigem!_,
, i
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