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Piu-suant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provisions of
,the: amended Building :?one
'\{)rdinance of the Town of
''''Southold, Suffolk County, New
York,public hearings will be held
by the Zoning Board of Appeals of
'~,~own of South old, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New, York, on Janu<'LJ ::, 1972 on'
the following appeals:
7:30 P.M. (KS.T.l, upon ap- ,
~tion of George Capon, Jr.,
509c 7th Street, Greenport, New
York for a variance in ac-
cord~nc~ with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article III, Section 300, I
.Subsection (6), & Article III,
Section 3tl9, for permission to
-ere.ct ~ccessory structure
(swimming pool) with in-
sufficient side yard and rear yard
setback. Location of property:
west side of 7th Street, Green-'
port., New York, bounded north
by E. & A. Richter, east by 7th
Street, south by A. Stanilaus,
weS\ by H. Singleton, & others.
7:'45 P.M: (KS.T.), upon ap-
plication of Thomas Muncy, 35
Jefferson Street, Garden City,
New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance; Article III, Section
300, Subsection (6), for per~
mission to locate accessory
buWling"in front yard area.
Loc;ation'of property: west side of
~Bayberry Road, Lot No. 119 on
Map of Nassau Point Club
Properti-es, Amended Map "B"
No. '789, Cutchogue, New York.
8:00P.M. (KS.T.l, upon ap-
plication of Thomas Szala, Box
299 B, Southold, New York, for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 303, and Article X, Sec-
tion l000A, for permission to
"oi'fideproperty and set off lots
with insufficient frontage.
Locatioo of property: east side 'of
private road (Williamsburg
Drive), offsouth side of Bayview
Road, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Stanley Peters,
east by canal, south by J. F.
Grathwohl, west by private road
,(Williamsburg Drive.)
8:15 P.M. (E.S.T.l, upon ap-
plication 'of Stanley & Catherine
Pe,ters, 41-02 Vernon Blvd.;
Queens, New York, for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 303, and Article X, Sec-
tion l000A, for permission to
divide property and set off lot~
with insufficient frontage.
Location of property: east side of
private road (Williamsburg
Drive) off south side of Bayview
Road, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Robert Berg,
east by canal, south by T. Szala,
. west by priyate road (William-
sburg Drive'.) ,
8:30 P.M. (KS.T.l, upon ap-
plication of Samuel Frey, Fifth
Avenue, Greenport, New York,
for a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 306, for permission to
construct private one family
dwelling with insufficient front
yard setback. Location of
property: southeast corner of
Bayview Drive and Cedar Lane,
Lots 125 & 126 on Map of Gar-
diners Bay Estates, Section II,
East Marion, New' York.
8:45 P.M. (KS.T.), upon ap
plication of Kathleen & Waite
Potocki, 9 Opage Lane, Lak
Ronkonkoma, New York, for
variance in accordance with th
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 303, Article X, Section
OOOA, Article X, 2nd Sectio
1008, for permission to divid
roperty and set off Multipl
esidence with less than
required area per unit. Location
of property: east side of Kenney's
Road, Southold, New York,
bounded north by P.Oliveri, east
by Ralph Glover, south by Burns -
Kearns, west by Kenney's Road.
Any person desiring to be hear
on the above applications shoul
appear at the time and plac
specifie.d. -
~ ss:
..... .Stuar.t .C. .Dorman. .............. being duly Sworn.
says that .... be. . is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK
WEEKL Y TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said
county; and that thPDotice:. of which the ClDDexed is a printed
copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times
once in pQch week, for .'. ..... .Qne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. weeks
successive-Iy oommencing on the ... .1ili~1\ty.-:tl):i.rci. . . . . . . . .
day of ... ~~C~rn.b.~ . . . . . . . " .. 19..71
!-'_ :q;'?i. ~"...'~.L. :.~.'.::. ..............
.) " - /
Sworn to before me this ~. . :-:' . . . . . . 1
,/ / '-J I
day of / ",','. l' '" 19 ,/ J
.. .. ~-. .'c. . . . . . . . . . --., T----" . J ,
, ,/; ) /
. . . . . . . . . . ..,-"'-.--. . I' <i' . ~-'. z. ~" . ',"2.,. . . . . . . . . . . '. . ......( . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . .
-) ,
Pursuant to Section 267 or ~ ''?,e .
Town Law and the provisk A
the amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New
York, public hearings will be
held by the Zoning Board of
Appeals of the Town of Southold,
at the Town Office, Main Road,
Southold, New York, on January
6, 1972 on the following appealS:
7:30 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
cation of George Capon, Jr, 509
7th Street, Greenport, New York,
for a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article
III, Section 300, Subsection (6),
& Article III, Section 309, for
permission to erect accessory
structure (swimming pool) with
Insufficient side yard and rear
yard setback. Location of prop-
erty: west side of 7th Street,
Greenport, New York, bounded
north by E. & A. Richter, east by
7th Street, l!outh by A. Stanliaus,
west by H. Singleton & others.
7 :45 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
cation of Thomas Muncy, 35
Jefferson Street, Garden City,
New York, for a variance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance Article III, Section 300,
Subsection (6), for permission to
locate accessory building in front
yard area. Location of property:
west side of Bayberry Road, Lot
No. 119 on Map of Nassau Point
Club Properties, Amended Map
"B" No. 7~, Cutchogue, New
8:00 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
cation of Thomas SZala, Box 299
B, Southold, New York, for a
variance in accordance with thfil
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 303, and Article X, Sec-
tion l000A, for permission to di-
vide property and set off lots
with insufficient frontage. Loca-
tion of property: east side' of
private road (Williamsburg
Drive), off south side of Bayview
Road, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Stanley Peters,
east by canal, south by J. F.
Grathwohl, west by private road
(Williamsburg DriveL
8:15 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
cation of Stanley & Catherine
Peters, 41-02 Vernon Blvd.;
Queens, New York, for a vari-
ance in accordance with the Zon-
ing Ordinance, Article III, Sec-
tion "'303, and Article X, Section
l000A, for permiEsion to divid~
property and set off lots with
insufficient frontage. Location of
property: east side 6f private
road (Williamsburg Drive) off
south side of Bayview Road,
Southold, New York, bounded
north by Robert Berg, east by
canal, south by T. Szala, west by
private road (Williamsburg
8:30 P. M. (EST), upOn appli-
cation of Samuel Frey, Fifth
Avenue Greenport, New York, for
a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article
III, Section 306, for pe!'mission
to construct private one'; family
dwelling with insufficient front
yard setback. Location of prop-
erty: southeast corner of Bay-
view Drive and Cedar Lane, Lots
125 & 126 on Map of Gardiners
Bay Estates, Section II. East
Marion, New York.
8:45 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
ation of Kathleen & Walter
I'otocki. 9 Opage Lane, Lake
Ronkonkoma, New York. for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 303, Article X, Section
1000A, and Article X. 2nd Section
1008, for permission to divide
property and set off MultIple"-
Residence with less than required
area per unit, Location of prop-
erty: east side of Kenney's Road.
Southold, New York, bounded
north by P. Oliveri, east by
Ralph Glover, south by Burns-
Kearns, west by Kenney's Road.
Any person desiring to be heard
,on the above applications should
appear at the time and place
1 T~-23
t ss:
C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says
that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND
paper printed at South~ld, in Suffolk County; and that
the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch-
man once each week for ...o.~..C/j.. week$'
successively, commencing on the ............:;z~.?:~........
/ 1/ ~ ..,0 ';, 'l'
day at ......4Y.~.'.&JI~~4
Sworn to before me this .........:;[7..... day of
........jS)~........, 19.,il.
/) /J " (/
Le c~A.... (t:LL:hJ~-L.L.......
.......... . Note.ry Puti;' /
Notary PII' !,' ~..,^ "f N
Resici>, ':, ' , , '0. I ew York
r;'.., ... Ccunty
Commission Expires March 30, 197;5
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May 5, 1912
Mr. Benjamin Goldberg
2006 Jericho Turnpike
East Northport, N. Y. 11131
Dear Mr. Goldberg:
We are enclosing herewith a copy of corrected
Action on Appeal No. 1483, Kathleen & Walter Potocki,
as requested.
Yours very truly,
RWG: rom
Robert W. Gillispie, Chairman
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Southold Town Board of Zoning Appeals
Southold Town Clerk's Office
Southold,New York 11971
Re January 6, 1972 hearing on application of
K &W Potocki for variance to divide property and set
off multiple residence with less than required area
per unit re property fronting Kenney's Road.
On behalf of Kenney's Beach Civic Association,
Inc., whose more than 150 members are residential pro-
perty owners in immediate area, strongly urge you reject
said application.
Application is (1) contrary to total residential
character of neighborhood - master plan provides for no
m~ltiple residence in this area. (2) We-are already
beset by eyesore on the adjacent Oliveri lot - abandoned
snack bar - proving area not suitable for commercial
ventures. (3) Area has problems with sewage and water.
Exterior examination of present Potocki hotel
shows property not maintained up to residential character
of neighborhood.
Urgent that you inquire if variance is granted
whether Potocki plans to expand multiple use himself or
whether this is prelude to sale to third party.
Robert Ravitz
Kenney's Beach Civic Association
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89 Dartm.outh Steet
Rockville Centre, NY
Jan 1 1972.
Southold Building Zone OrcH lIance
Town of Southold
Main Road
Southold, New York 1197l
I am a resiKent in the Kenney Beach area of Southold and my property
borders on that which Kathleen and Walter Potocki are requesting
a variance on their property.
I read in the L.I. Traveler-Mattituek Watchman that; they request
a variance for the erection of multiple dwellings. Since my
property is adjoining thMrs I want to be put on record as an
objecttr to this request.
Since I am a taxpqer for this area and I would like to see this
section of Long Island remain a rural area I do think that the
variance should be denied at this time.
Thanking you in advance for acce,ting my letter for record and
hope that you will see fit to deDT this request.
;;;::; ~ ~~~
Kar.r tr. ~~ (Bee Kearns)
(Mrs. George McGowan)
Rockville Centre" NY 115'10
Jan 3 1972
Southold Building. Zone Ordinance
Main Road
Southold" New York.
In the Long'Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman I came across the
notice that a variance was requested by Ka~een & Walter Potocki
of Lake Ronkonkoma" New York on the property joi,ntly owned by them
on Kenney's rOad, for the building of multiple residences.
I hereby want to be recorded as an objector to this variance" in as
llluchas this is a section mainly of one family homes and the erection
of multiple homes will cause the section to lose its rural look,
I ,
and p~fore long .it would be an over crowded area wi,,* ;homes very
: .. i I .
010.. to each other. II
I strongly' urge that the vari'8.I1Ce be denied to the p. tocki' s at
this time.
S1ncor~ ~ A: _ ~
January 6, 1972
Telephone call received from Western Union
notifying the Board of Appeals that they are
in receipt of a telegram sent by Robert J.
Rovitch, Pres. of Kenney's Beach Civic Assoc.
registering their opposition to the granting
of the variance application of Walter &
Kathleen Potocki.
(Te~egram sent out today, will not be receive~
until tomorrow.
Mr. John J. Jazwa
1564 East 36th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
Dear John:
NEW YORK, N. Y. 10005
January 5, 1972
Enclosed is a copy of a telegram I sent
today to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
''''', _,.,..c,......"\.,...__,
~, "'"i
...., \
, f
Southold Town Board of Appeals
january 6~ 1972
The Board finds that strict application of th~ Ordinance
would,produ.oe practical diffioulties OJ:' unnecessary :tlardSh.1p;
the hardship oreated 1s ~nlque and would not be shared by all
properties alike in the immediate vioini~y of this property and
in the same use district. and the varianoe will not ohange the
character of tbenelghborhood and will observe the spirit of
the Ordinance.
On motion b~ Mr. ~:tll:1sple) seconded by Mr~ Bergen, 1t was
DSOIjVBDSamuel'hey, Fltth Avenue~; Greenport, New York,
be <mA.NTJ.t)permlss1on.:uo 'eohstruot; private onetal11ily d~1l1ng
witb ~D$uttieient front yardaetbaokenpreperty looated on
the southeast COrner of' Bayv1ew D1'ive and ,Oed~ Lane, as applied
tor, 8ubjeo~ to the tollowing oonditions:
1. That there be no further red.uctlQn of sldeyards eX' front
2. That there 'be ne expansion to the northeast or the west.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gil11sple, Bergen, &rigoni.,
Hulse _ Doyen.
:n~LIODwt[NG.;'A.ppeai-Nb~' 1483'-' 8:4$ P..H.tl~~>>~8.TlI)" upon
applleatl:o~ot',:l[atli1e-eJ.1 &Wa1ter Potocki,. 9 opage' Lane,,,Ilake
Rorikotiko_1 New, YOl"lt~ tor ~ var~anee -:tn tocQ:f,danoe..1d.tb tae'"
$on1ng Ord1n&J1ce" .bt1.o~ III. aact,1on' 301, ,htle1&,X, seotion'
ltOOOA.,' ~nd Artlcle .1:. 2nd ~etlon 1008". f01" perm:~liIs1~n to"dlv14e
p:t'op.:t-tt ant set, ott., :thlt1p1e llesldencew1th less than requlr,e~: -- .
area pel' unit. LO'oat;l,oii, of pr"Qpertfl east s1de:,()f ltenneJ','s'R'oad,
SGilthohi; "N.. York,' 'bOunded north'by, P'. Oliveri" east by' Ralph
Glover. south by Burns - KeaJ.'ns, west.,by .Kerine~'s Road. 11'6e paid
$i>.OO. ", '. . -- . . _'. .' .2.
!fhe Oha.htman opened th8 heu;l,q'br reac!llng the ~)l:l;eat 1QU
tel" Q, vartflnce, :J.egalno~lce of hearing, Utldav:f.ts attest1nsto
proof of publleat10n 1n the official newspapers, notice to the
m C:tJAIRM4NtTheapplleat:Lon is acoompanlee b,- ~orreapondeno.&.'
~, Gha1&an'--reaa.: Letter frolrl Ma:7iyKearns McGowan C~s."Ge~:pge
HeGowan)~ 89 Dut.Ol1th,Str~.t, Bockvl11e Oentre~,lt. Y.- requesting
t~t the varianoe be denied.
I ".
1" ,-
Southold Town Board of Appeals
January 6, 1972
The Ohairman read: -1.atter signed by Ann M.iulse and Walter
T. Hulse, Roekville CeJ;ltre) NO. Y.- strongly u.rging that the_
variance be aen1ed at this time. (Dated Jan. 3, 1972)
..- Letter signed byJobn J ~ Jazwa, 465 North
Sea Drive, Southold, New York- requ.esting that Zoning Board of
Appeals disapprove the reqnest. (Dated Jan. 2, 1972) -
.'Letter t:rOM Helen Jazwa- requesting tl>>
Zoning Board of Appeals deny the request. (Dated Jan. 3, 1972)
Telephone ea.ll reeelved from Western
Unton (Jan. 6, 1972) notifying Bo~d or Appeals--thatt:Q.ey ~. in
reoeipt .of' a telegram irem Robert~- J. Rov1,.toh" P'Pes.-.Gt Kenne7;!s
Beach Civtc Assoc.~ registerlngopposttion to :l;lhe granti.ng ot
the variance . application- ot ~.. alter &. Kath1.een Potocki. {Teleeram
sent out today will not be r~Qeiveduntil tomo~rGw... Jan.. -7th). .
(MP. JohnJ. Jazwa produoed copy of tele.'graIn
which had ~ot am yet be~~ del~veredto the Board 'of Appeals 1'8.
WaJ.ter &. Kath1.een Potooki- from.. Robert Ravitz- at-rong~J urging
Board of Appeals r:~ject sald appl:loatl<m. 1I0ontr$rY to total.
re81dentl~1 charaoter .ot nelghborhood ... master plan prov~des tor
nQ multiple It8s1denoe "in this area. We are aJ.readi beaet by e,-esore
on adjacent 011vert lot - abandoned sJ}8.ck'ba1- - proving ~ea'not
sQltable for commerolal v~mtu:t'es. Area has problems ~tth sewage
Qnd water. 1Ixte:ttiorexam1nat~on of ,present Potoold hotel sb,ows
property not maintaln&.d up to residential e~aot.r otne1ghborhoQd.
Urgent that '7OU inquire it variance is granted whether Potocki
plans to expand multiple use himself or whether this is. pl."elUde
tG sale to third party.. .,
, ... . .. - 'Telephon~ . call fr~n.t Mr.St$.n:LeJ""Possess,
94 8wndview Ave. ,-. sta1d.ng that-he o0Uld ;n~'b- r~ach~Wes1iel'n Union
and,1f1shed to.:registe~~_h1~ d1I!1apP1;'oval. (Jan.,,6,-1972). _-
TBB""OB.A.m:MA.N'- . The prQpel"t'y..-is on' ~nn~~~8 R{)aQ.. "~~ depth
ot the.' pr9~r't7 . -o~ tb.e. north s1ele is _ 2P.2u fee.t, .~.!.$O. teet on
thes~thern dlme ns ion. Theeaptterl,. dlillllns1'(!)n3~2.:02fe.t and- .-
t~ :frontage on Kenney,ls a,oad 18 .330;.34 t;eet. !he lotgetswlder
a.s 70U gQ s~th arid it'.'lsJ.1'l'esP,lal." in shape. The aver~d:t.-
mens1()n is 225 ft. x 340 :tt. The northern end ot the prol>erby 1111
zoned HQltlple Residence.
USW11~ we 'heal' trom people . who are tor an appl1oation before
WEt be~ -tr()m- those who are aga:t.nst it 'but in cases 1.1k& this we
read everything that1s ,tnthe t1~s first.
TBI oaIR'MiJt: Is tl:l8re anyone present who wishes to speak
tor this !lPp11~at'1ont _ __ _ _
--1118. XUmBBN PQIlOC1tI: . I Suess it would only- be myself. - M1
bu..band was,not ab~ t. be ,here.
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Pg. 12
January 6, 1972
THE CHAIRMAN: This is not a popularity Qontes~. It everyone
is againstyour,applioatlonand you are right We would act in your
MRS. POTOOKI: I1"ee 1 that all. otthese people' pOUl'ed into the
neighbo~ho9Q. 4~r1Ilg the t1m.e we had Business zoning. Now we have
Multiple zoning and. they.. are ~tl11 e~1~1n1ng:,
TIm CHAIRMANl You ~ougl}t this property in 1?60.
.. . .., ''I.'
. MRS. POTOOItI: It was zonsd Bus1nessl the. whole area. Instead
of div1~l1ns it.we, took'" one Deed. Weha.d baen under .oontraot .for sale.
Ifb.e day this contract was to be signed (I think it was the end ot
November or earlY DecEtmber) one oftha 10 0 a.'l lawyers out here
heard tha.t Hllt1ple zon1ng~ wa.s being ohanged. Business zoning was
J.Utedthree years ago and o~a~ad_:to M zoning.~.
~HB OHAIRMAN: What improvements do 70tLhave'l
,.; ~." -". ._.. , .... '-- .--
~ " ,', ~ .'
MRS. POTOOKI: I hAve four apartments 1nons building. What .'
I wanted t~_dowa~ to dlv,;d~__t~~: pro~~rty,1p.totbree plots ot~la~.
, ,THI ORA.IRMAlh , ,You understand that under the o:J.d,Ordlrlanoe You
needed. 12,,$00 sq. ,tt. per a.partment unit ~ That;~ Bone :reailon wll;y:
the area 1s not littered wlthapartments. In Brookhaven you can
have 400. apartments on 12 1;0 15 aores but outhel'e you wou.ld have
to have 100 e.01*es for tbB.t "lIiA!Ln7 apartmants.. so.. 1n that wa7.. we
kept our open space. Appllea to }TOU. 50, 000 sq. 1't. would be .
l'equll'ed undel" the old<< Ordinanoe..... ".'
MR. iIOWARJ) TERRY.. ..~ld~. J:'n.spel)tor: She- has 77 ..~66 ~q. ft. in all.
. . '. ~ - . ,
. MRs. POTOOlCU"! wouia like to d':vide it lnto3/5 or 3/2..&Ozoe8.
!fhls was 8..l1,Ieguri'\;y for us. ;,
TBZ ORAliDtJlh You would like to divid.e 50..000 sq. ft. out and
sell the:rew.a;l.p;i.ng two loti.
HRS.; POTOOKII I wanted to ~ve a d.ouble. unit on eaoh plot.
I _y.. ~tl11. b. abJ,e to sell :1 t to the same man that I was under
GontJ:"aet with.
!fBI, OB:A.IRHANt Thls application come8under .the old Ordinance
ar,td was, 1n1 ttatod " before the passage . of the neW Ordinance. whioh
1s a' 'bz*e~ tor 'S'&uas. :tt reduces tlie requlrementfJ .on lot size.
A" dOl1ble hou.e"un,dep tbe. 014 wd:1nance' required. 2$,000 sq.. 'ft.
'ion would. 'be . permltted.' one double unit. You. a~. us1ng.$O,OOO sq. .ft.
of tbe 77,000 sq~t'1;.' that you have' tor the toui' unlt$' that 10\1 now
have. ~he'r.qull'e_nt was. fer .12,500 sq~,: tt. per unl~. in..
deubletardq situ.ation 10U requue a double amou.nt than is
reClUtltecil tor a s1ng1eU'J:11t ~ fh18 property could be seld in two
lGts 'tor Bingle house. .~ ene lot tor a dOQble house.
...\ ;
~ .'~ r
.1 .'1;
Southold Town Eoard of Appeals
January 6, 1972
MRS. POTOCKI: How much footage do I have to ~eave on that
THE CH:IA.1Rl-fAN": 'Under the new Ordinance you-would only have to
leave.36,OOO-sq~ ft. 'without sewag~ and water, but you would be
required to leave 40,000 sq. ,.,ft. for a ,new single family dwelling.
:MRS. POTOCKI: I have not been notified that it was not
Multipl" ~l1tn€h~' , .
!me 'TmmYZ I was advertised. It becam& effective on Deoember
17, J.971. ,
MIlS. P0200KI: ~1s is ~~ s~c~n~ time ~hi6 has happened.
. .
THE OHAmMAN'1 . This 1s a change of 30:ne.
.... - '-""'.' ,
, ' MRS.., POTOCKI: These people who areoompla.1n1ng shou.ld".not'-
have Ploved there .1;lnderBuslness zoning. Bve:r;oy:Pem1'1 thatM7 husband
and I saved was put- :tnthere. M1' husband is retiring. It we want
to sell this prope~'by it ls w0r'thless. I th1nkouX' h<;luse was one
ot the nioest houses the1'8., It there were any bu1i.d1ngto be done
1n ''the tutlU'e it would' be new. construot:l.on. Even if 1t was twe-.. '
f'ami17, lt would not be an &1&SO~!. " .
. "" ',' . 1" .
TliBCRllRMANl "1 wOuld assume-that yon could appiy under the
old ,Ordln~e a.~ ,,.ou oould get pe~m1ss1on to put ,In; a dou't)le
t$iq un1t on the southsI'D portion'ot: f:h:ls Pl'.Op81'ty_ That 1s one
optiGo. l1nder the new O1'dlnance you would be at a, disadvantage.
You. wouldCi>n1:y require ,36,000 sq. :tt:. 'to be. retained on this non-
oo~.ol'mlng use bu.t that onJ.y leaves 4O~OOO sq. ft." whioh 1s one
lot, and 'Iou oou.ldnot put a two faml1:y hou.S8 on 1t." !!h1s ,whole
lot is n~t enough tinder the pre sent .Ordinance' tor ~wo-fam.il.'1 but
ton _va' the advantage of appl,.lng u;o.der the old OX'd1nanoe. U
1911 wish, we can deny this and we oan suggest to you what .we think
you can do.
at 70111' mf.U~"Q1'.. ,- . .
:r would lik.e you to he 1p me in s om. way.
I am.
iJ.'SO:E:IAIRMA.1i: .U":'w perlD.ltted mOre .tb.an' one ,d.O\t~le ram:117
lW&sidenoe',wf) ~woQl4. beobAng1:ng the' law whlch MIS been "in eft..at
sinoe 1966. The' O1-dlnance was ohanged at that t'1me to require
25,000 sq. tt. to" a ~W'fi) tamtl,. 1'~s1den~,e.,.. ._
MRS. POTOOXIt ,Oould I have the three plots and two single
tamllJ ~s~4enoes'
'fB'I OHA.mMAN: At 12,SOO B,q. ft. eaoh, that would work.
_ mooni i.:wotlld b~8 to b.&ve3o,OOO sq. ft. 'under the
new '01'4i~ap~e. .' . ,ID)W do 7011 thlnk I would \Dake ou'b better! ,
SOllthold. Town Board of Appeals
January 6, 1972
:rHI OUIRMAN: Two single fam11yres1dences would be 'better.
MR8~ POTOCKI: Then I would leave 130 feet on the house I
now. . Itls, 250 feet deep.
, " !I'BlIO~: Yourbest'betwQuldbe two 101;13, 100 ft. x
12$ tt~eac~, ~~ngle family resldenoeson ESnne~l$ Road.T~
remalnlng part would be the area requirem.enttoryot1l'tourfam11y
resid.ence. We would be glad to recess the hearing. Thls 1s a
prelimlna17 ~uggest1on. We wiJ.l have to hear from the peopJ.e who
are against your appeal. ,Jlur discussion may have heJ.ped the peopJ.e
he~e to understand it.
S OlfAIRMANt Is there anyone present wha wishes to, speak
against tb1$.app11cat1onf
MR... SAL D. SSPOSIT02 I own the propert'1 On the southwest
eorner d11'$ctly ao.r()l;IS tl:;te street. I a.m.ereoting abuilding there
and I strongly object to Hlltiple other than what' the Ordinanoe
provides. I am.'using theplaoe as e. au.'Dl.n1$P l'estdence"and I'don't
want anything to detraot ,fi'E>m getting peaoe and quiet.' My' second
OGnoern is about the qua:lltly of water' as a result ot all the
additional people that m1~~,be.ther~..
:-Tim CEf.llRM4N: You. understand that it ,yO\1 have 80,000 sq. ft.
'1'ou. can bUl.J.d ~"double' tam11'1, ~es1denoef Under the old O1'd1nance
you 01'1 OQl1J.d build a ~o...ram1~ dwel.;1-ng, on 2$,,000 ~q., ft. '
MR. _POlITO: r'don1t objeot it she builds according to what..
ever the 'Ordf.n.anQ~ oobffJrma to.
D. JOmfJ. JADA,'Hra.Potook1 said thE'- ent1re area Wa$ "
zonid,'Bua1t)~ss-: It"l1$4I, bl1s1ne"s tram' North ',Sea !Ji''t...e te I8nneY,I1Jf'
Road... Dogwood, Lane. 209 teet en her side a~d 208 teet on-Dogwood
Lane south ot.. thePotook:1. pt-operty: The entire area outside or
that was Resldenttl.ll. a~d Agr1o,?:1t~al.. _, ,
TBB CBA:mMAN: Wl;1at was on tbe cornerT
'MR. JAiwA.: ~re .was a lunop.~onette': It W~Sl.lsed for a'bWt
Qn~ w...k: 'lll;,ti-~~,.es.r. "When I bought my' property :I was not notified
by the real estate p&QPJ.e that there was any business pl"opert'1 1n
the at'ea.
MRS. Pf1!OOKIl Mr' sisnwa:~ outside.
Hi~' .1'_11, 'We just cilid not bQy t~re, knGw1na'.that there v,as '
Buslnees. :1t.$8 "nf'o~unate that in 1.957 this happened to,be one
piece of spot zonlng.
'l!1:1S0SAlRHA.'N1 Usually tbsre wasBus1~as sening because in'
each oomum'.,t,. 'lOU did need aOJl.8 Basiness such a8~a' cou.nt1'7 at,r..
. I ~ - - ,. II'
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Ja.nuary 61 1972
Ml:l.JA.ZVA:I Qm not finding fault with the original zoning.
Unt ortuna"be 1y . ve bought and did not know it was- 'Bus in&:8 S . . A :lot
of people bought there. We invested our lite savihgsalso. I
want to k~ep,_~he onetam1)..y oha.racter of this area.. ASk1ng for
~ variance now with the new Master Plan and the new Z~ming-Ord1nanoe
J.S llke downzen;ng lnthe sense of ~noreaslng the del)s1ty o~ houses
and tenot in conformance with the present Zoning Or.dinance. It
we have a new zonlngord,1nanceJ wh:r do~lt - w~ _ upholg. -it? What I am
conf'used about here 1s that theapplloant put an app11oat\on -1n on
December 4th and on the ~7~hthe new Ordinance was adopted.
THE CHAIRMANt You can,lt _ohange everything tha.t has happened
in thepa.$t It T:b&t has to be taken into consideration in the new
Ordinance. It-_dGest}'t mean that every lot w1ll grow to 40,,000 sq. ft.
.. - ~ ., . ~.. - --
'MR. JAZWAtWhy is thel"ea request for Article III. This takes
into oonei4Qr.~tloll the 'area of lot arid tl'ont~ge on the.:road. May
rask you if this frotltage is out down to 130 .teet for l-blt1pls
Dwelling with -tour u.nits with, 200 teet depth in back would this be
the requ1red area"-- When tb:ls 'division is made, the )hltiple residence
will have an L-shape .~a~!l11 go ~nbe.~k Gf the otl:1e~ two _~ots ~
TD G:a:t.mNl'N: Article In, Section 303~ 'concerns the area.
These two19t~wo~ld~haye :l2,$OO'-sq,. ,'ft. and 100 n-~ frontage.
Art1cle X, Seotlon-l.OOOA. ttNo-lotsJ etc. ot less-than that
preacrf.b~dn. Sec. 30) l).~trolsthe area and Sec. lOOOAe,ontr'ols
the ria_inlier 'of the pJ:eope1'ty on whioh Mrs., PQtoek1 bat a t~ '
unit aparrtiDant. You -C8.Jl,'t set oft lots so tllat the part remaining
is less than 1 t should be. ,',
HR. UP08n!O: ,So, tit- liould :be It- shaped' and there wou.ld" 'be two
lots tfJrs1ps~e. :faiDilt dwelllJl8s~ Would this be used ;t.n oonjunction
with th$ motel 01'. w~ld the,- be__:pr~~ate'
MR. TBRRY: TheY_, o~ld_bE! rented to-__ one.:t_~m1~.
'f1iB-a~. Mrs. Potooki could sell the lots first and
someone. eJ,s, ^ Q9uJ4 ?u.1ld plng~ family- houses there.
m. JAZWA: What -a.b(:)ut sewage?
..~ . ~.. -
Tn oiIi.1RMA.Ni ~ti;'_a .~oveI'Ci)d by the BOax:d_,o~~alth.
m. J.dw&: ~ - i h9,1'e b8apd-- 01' e:aae-s where a. zoning change was
mad.- at'te:r "p~qple _ started to build and tb8l'& was hardship, and they
did notab1de b7 tba ~~,~lk::aou~tT_~~"lt~~p~rtment.. -- ..'
.. TBB. oJiA.J1Uwa We are o~ cove~ing Wb.8t we ;8.l'. authorized to
do lIh1ch 1a.. to .at on t~.onlng: ordtnanoe althollgll- oon.slder
manr things in oUJ.' d.llber@.tlons~. The:r:e iea new agenoy, th4a.
Bnv:l.ronm8ntal Oontrol Ageno'[.. Han'1. subdivisions have to go
11b.l'cmgb. the B~d' 0t lte.a1th and the lIn",tronm.ental a ontrol Agency.
We dOtlt'..t control them.. We are a 1tlI1ch 188.881' oog 1~ the wne.e1.
Southold Town Board of Appeals
.Janua.ry 6, 1972
MR. JAZWAt There is a. high water ta.ble in that area. The
luncheonett~,~d to operate with paper servioe beca.use the water
dld not meet the Water Depa.rtment' requirements. Last year the
sawage system was:worked on tldoe.
:MRS. POTOCKI: ~ have v~ry good w~ter at my p:roperty.
R '. ,
14Ft. JAZWA: Does this have to a.bide by the new zoning ordine.noe
as far asp~l;t~ng,1'a.cilities go'l
THE CHAIR.M.Dl: This would 'be urider the old Ordinance but I
do~lt see apy i~equity b~cause th~ old Ordinanoe required 50,OO~ sq. ft.
. MR. JAZWA.:On my map it shows that on the south side 121 H.
BUl"IlS" Hul$QJ. Q.nd ,Kearns. Why was not Mr. Hulse's name mentiolled
as bordering on the south stde?
MR. WALTER llUISEt We own that property. We bought it from
Kaelin. ~. sold it,t9 m~ about seven years ago...
MR. 'JAZW.A.: I would like to 'keep the density . of the buildings in
this ~ea @Of ).cw a.s possible in 8.eoerdance with the new or old ..
Ord.lna.noe simply because'ot, the type ot buildings we haVEt the~e.
IV lot is 3/4 of an acre.
'..'... ..1..
MR. ESPOSITO: My 10t~s.)/4 01' an acre.,
MR~ WAi1fim mJLs:S:t I have 123 feet on D'ogW'ood, loB teet on
X&nney;~ s' llQad and 1.33:_f:eet on n1xo~. ~ ~a,1.5oo, sq. f~.}
THB' 'CHAIRMAN: This will not decrease the size of lots in
that area!!,
'... .
MR. "-w.AJ:IlER mrISS: I have no object1ons except to Multiple
dwe llip.g. .,,-
TED' OHA.IRMAJh I assume you want us to aot as faVorably as 'we
can. ,I w9UJ-d .~peQ1ty thatthttse two lots be nBsd tor single tam.1J.y
res1dences whether Mrs. Potocki builds, them or sells them..
. v .
:MRS. POTOCKI: At le~a.Bt I wouJ.d ,have frontage.
MEt: wA.mBm mJ:L8Z:0an' they build anything on the part belonging
to whel'e tbe tour apart~nts are'
-..' .-..
Nothing other than a tennis court or something tor
V'" .
MRS. " PO!OCXIs The old Ordinance ls the most' favorable tor m&.
I lost ~$50.tQOO, la,t mon~~, _b/i)oa.us& I COU~ljlt 1!ell~,
" lit. 1IIlC8rfOI,. In terms of 'What I paid ,tor lIIJ pl'oper1;J last
year andwbat T~~,pa:ld 1n 1959 'TOU will probably do all ript.
1: ....".. 'I:. .
o ~,
'( .J
SOtJ.thold Town Board of Appeals
January 6, 1911
MRS. POTOCKI: It I wanted to add on to my four family building
Gould I ad!1 (m?
MR. FRED 1IUtSE, JR.: You could not add another unit.
, .-.- ..
(There was ne response.)
. '
Uter investigatten and inspection the, Board finds that app11~
cant 1;'squ8sta permiss10n 'tQdiv1~e property and set oft I-rult1ple
Residence with less than re,quiretI" area per unit ou' east ~ide of '
'Xenne,.~lsRoad, Seathold, New York. Tb.8Boa1'd finds that applioant.ls
let is'77,066sq.tt. ahd'that app~ioant requests'permission to "
divide and sell th1'ee separate plots' indivldo.alq. Applicant has
a mu2tlple dwelling on the property oomprising tour ,-,partll18nt,s 1;n
one bu11dlngwhioh'requ'-res 50;000 sq., ft." ot land under the old
Ordinance. Applicant w,"sh&s te have twodol1ble un:Lts on the two '
remaining PJ.9tS. !fhe Board finds that the reml11n1ng p;t-opertyoom.-
pr1s1ng 27,066 sq.. ft. oould be sold in two lots for single houses
or' one lot for a' double honse under the ol~ Ord1nance whi~h pequued
J.2,500sq. ft. foX' a single availing and 25.000 sq. ft. t'ar a'
doubJ.edwelling. The tlmU.ngs, o.t.'th.8Board &r.e that the best
solution for the. applicant.; wOl1J.d' be t~ divide the ,8wtherJ.:y portion
into two J.ots tor s:Lng1e tall'11q it.aldenoeson K6nney!ls Road. The
I'ema1niDg p?-,opert7' 'wou1d be the aI'ea requirement tor the' .tour family
residenoe."l!lplloant applied for varianoe before the new Zoning
Ordinanoe took effeot.
The Boardtlnds that strlotappJ.1oation of tbaordindiloe'woald
not produce pra-ctf.caJ. 'dlf1'1culties or unn$oessary b.aJ:,'dsh:LpJ the "
hardship created 18 not unique and wou.ld be shiU'ed by ,allpropel'tiea
allke 1'il',the imme41ate v101n1ty of this property and in the same use
district; and the v~iance will ohange the character ot the neighbor-
hood, and wtll not observe the spirt t ot the Ordlnanee.
,__I _ _ ~ _.
On motion by Mr. Grigonis J secon9.ed by Mr. Bergen, It was
. .,...: .. .. ~ ' .. _. ~ -
,,' RBsoLWD Xath1.eer.c&, Walter pijtockl~'~ OJ>age 'Lrlne:'Lake" . .
Bonkonko_~'ll.W York, be nBNIID p..:.in1sston .to divide prop.~ and
set 'oft Nliltlple Beside-nee w1th,less t~ r8qu1red area, as ,
applied tor. ,'- ,---- -'_- ,',". ,,' ,
fheBoard GRA.'1f..r8 ~rml.ston to ONate tll'onew lots fronting
on Kenneli' a'Road.. "eaohlOO teet by 12$ feet in depth, O~ the
[ /
Southold To\~ Board of Appeals
. -18.
January 6, 1972
southerly end of the Potocki property line. The rema1nde:r of
the property, as desc~ibedin survey of Van Tuyl (10/19/62),
shall be cons1del'ed a.s part of the lot 0l1. which the four family
Mt11t:t.ple Residence is located. This - :Leaves 13$ to()t fronta.ge tor
the Multiple Residence plus about ,52,000 sq. ft. The property
wh1ch becom.espart of the four family lot may not be improved
with other major buildings.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis,
Hu1se, Doyen.
On m.otion b1 Mr. G11l1sp1el., seconded 'by.~. B.ergen!. ,it was
H.1lIOLVBD"thatthe M1nutes of the Southol.dTown Board of Appeals
datedDQQember 9, 1971" be approved as" submitted, subject to ~inor
Vote of the Board: Ayest- Messrs: G;llllsple" Bergen, G1'1gonls,
Hnlse, Doyen.
On motion 'by Mr.. Doyen, seconded by Mr. Hulse, it wa.s
.. " . _......... ,_, _. 1,,-<" ,," . , . . ,,~'..'
DSOLVBD that the'South91d Town BOlU'dot Appeals set 71)0
P.M. (Bt3..~.)~ Thursday, Ja.mary',n27, J.972, at ,:o.e' Town 01't10e"
.in Beag,. SOUtliold, N~w'York~,s.s the.' time and pJ.a~eot.hearlng
1.1ponappl:1.c~t1on' of: George Capon, ~.; 509 7th Street~ Greenport,
New York, for $. varianoe-ina.coordanoe with tM.ZotilngQrdlriance,
Artiole III, Seotion ,309 tor permission to erec'taecess.o1"1
$tructUre.(8w1mmingpo01) wlth1nsuttlc1ent side yard an.d rear
yard setback. . Looat lQn~f . propel'ty: -'we st side of 7th. S'breet, .
Greenpol't, Nttw York, bwnded north 'by E. & .A.. R1cht'er,. east b,.
7th Street, south by A. Stanl1aus, west byli. S1ngleto~ & othe:t's.
Vote 01' the Board:
Hulse, 'Doyen.
Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Gr1gon1$,
On m.otion by Mr. Hul,se, seoondedb7.Mr. Gr1go~1~, 't was
RlSGLVBD thatthe-. SoutJ:l,old ToWn Board of Ap,peais set 7245
P.M. (S ..,.'t. ) ,.Tbursday,JatlU8.l'i1' 27, 1972, au the T~ otf.~e. "
Mali! .Road, .S(iUthold" New "{ork, ~s tM time. andplaee o1".he$.Plng
l1Pon s.pp11o@.tton of': J{11ton L. 'It>l>. B~X"ch'Jload,. 'SOilthold.. New
York, 'tor a V8J."ls.nce. in a{)QojLl'dan:oe. wtth tlil,e Z'01'll-ng: Ord1na;n~~,
Article III; seotion )03 &: fJeot1~~ 306, ,and Article,..X, 8&0\lon
:J,OOOA tOler-ardlnanoe) - (Ne~ or~lnance -. .~ttc.l. II:t~~et1en"
301 ~ Section )04), fop perml~s1cnto oon~truotpr1vat~one famt17
dwelling with 1nJuttlelentlet area and tre~t yard setbaek. Looation