HomeMy WebLinkAbout1523 II' r .. Page 2 Legal Noee . 8:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Walter Haller for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to erect a fence exceeding 3 ft. in height in the fron~ yard area. Location of property: BayView Avenue, Lots 84 and 85, Summer Haven, Map 1133, Greenport, New York. 8:20 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Harold Raynor and wife for approval of access under Section 280A of the Town Law. Location of property: right-of-way off north side Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Dow; east by Gull Pond; south by L. Tuthill and others; and west by Pell and Dow. 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Ernest Maser for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, B-1, for permission to convert an existing dwelling into a two family dwelling. Location of property: right-of-way off west side Sixth Street, Greenport, New York, bounded north by J. Pirillo, east by Private road; south by Peconic Bay, and west by William Braun. 8:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Edward Houghton, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300-C,2, and Section 302, for permission to maintain a private swimming pool, located partially in the side yard area. Location of property: Lot #48, Green Acres at Orient, west side Greenway East, Orient, New York. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: April 20, 1972, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS * * * -j. * * * * * , I'll '.,.'--'-"", NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of t Town Law and the provisions - the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be he:ld by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the To'wn of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, South- old, New York, on May 4. 1972;, on the following appeals: 7: 30 P. M. (EDST) , upon ap- plication of tenant and Carl Schaub, owner, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 305. for permission to install a fence on a corner lot over 3 ft. high. Location of property: West Road and Holden Avenue, Fleets Neck, Cutchogue, New York, and west by Holden Avenue. 7:40 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Robert and Phyllis Mallgraf, Goose Creek Lane . (private roaId), Southold, New York, for a variance 1n accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, for per- mission to build an addition and reduce existing average setback. Location of property: north side Goose Creek Lane, wes~ side north road to Bay View, Snuth- old, New York, bounded north by Goose Creek; east by RumpleI'; south by Goose Creek Lane (pri- vate road); and west by Irmes- cue. 7:50 P. M. (EDST) , upon ap- plication of James Mulhall, Southold, New York, far a vari- ance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to erect a fence exceeding 3ft. high in the front yard are?. Lacl'lt;.on of property: west side Kenny Road, Lots 1, 2. 3 Map of Kenny Wood, Southold, New York. 8:10 P. M. (EDSTL upon ap- plication of Walter Haller for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 305. for p<'rmis~;on t.o erect a fence exceeding 3 n. in heig-ht in the front YRrd area. Location of property: Bay View A venue, Lots 84 and 85. Summer Haven, Map 1133 Greenport, New York. 8:20 p, M. (EDSTL upon ap- plication of Harold Raynor and wife for annrova1 of acce<"s under Section 280A of the Town Law. Location of prooerty: right-of- way off north side Manhanset AVenue. Greenport. New York bounded north by Dew; east by Gull Pond; south bv L. 'T.'11t.hill and others; and west by PeU Rnd Dow. 8 :30 P. M. (EDST), unon ap- plication of Ernest Maser for a spectal exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section ,300, B-I, for permission to convert an exist- ing dwelling into a two-family dwelFng. LocatJon of property: rillht of way off west side Sixth Street, Greenport, New York. bounded north by J. Pirill'), east bv Private rOlld; south by Pe- conic Bay, and west by William Br~un. 8:40 P. M. (FJ)ST), upon ap- nlication of Edward HnuP.'hton, for a varjance in ~ccordance with the Zonine: Ordin:mcp. Article In. Section 300-0. 2_ and S~ction 302. for permission to m~intain a private swimmine: pool: 10c8.ted partiallY in t.he side yard area. Location of propertv: Lot No. 48. Green Acres at Orient. west side Oreenway East. Orient, New York. Any person desiring to be heard on the above fl.po"cati0ns should anneal' at the time and place above specified. Dated: Anril 20. 1972 BY ORnER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; ond thot the notice of which the onnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....&::t./r.!j;.....J/./.. wee)9S successivelYI commencing ...?n the ............{.~Z.................. day of .........{~rl!;..f.'..,:.., 19;.:.~.. , ......m..........{;{?~#)................ Sworn to before me this .......,j..~..... day of ....(~.l'..Le~.f........., 19,1.~. / /) // Ii 0 .........L:<.~.G~.p,;L.c~........... ADELE PAYNE Y k N tary P:.Jbl:c. St~te e' New or o Rcsi~ilr'. in S\tHD:~, County No 'J2-~(Jlil;)O'J -3 l ~. I,h'ell 30 197 Comms:;lonx",11 e~ ".c" , NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, puhlic hearings will he held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on May 4, 1972, on the following appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Upoll application of tenant and Carl &haub, owner. for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to install a fence on a corner lot over 3 ft. high. Location of property: West Road and Holden Avenue, Fleets Neck, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by B. Saul; east by P. Griswold; south by West Road; and west by Holden Avenue; 7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Rohert and Phyllis Mallgraf, Goose Creek Lane (private road), Southold; New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 303, for permission to build an ad- dition and reduce existing average setback. Location of property: north side Goose Creek Lane, west side north road to Bay View, Southold, New York, bounded north by Goose Creek; east by Rumpler; south by Goose ereek Lane (private road); and west by Irmescue. 7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of James Mulhall, South old, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to erect a fence exceeding 3 ft. high in the front yard area. Location of property: west side Kenny Road, Lots 1, 2, 3 Map of Kenny Wood, Southold, New York. 8:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Walter Haller for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance.. Article III, Section 305, for permission to erect a fence exceeding 3 ft. in height in the front yard area. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK. ., . "" ,Stv~:r!;, ,C,', ,r:<?":,:,'!~ ..,."",...,. being duly Sworn. says that ,.i1~". is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Location of property: Bay View DotiC'(;, of which the annexed is a printed Avenue, Lots 84 and 85, Summer Haven, Map 1133, Greenport, lshed in the said Suffolk Weeldy Times New York. 8:20 P,M. (E,D.S.T.), upon application of Harold Raynor and wife for approval of access under Section 28M of the Town Law. Location of property: right-of- way off north side Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Dow; east by Guli Pond; south by L. Tuthill and others; and west by Pell and Dow. 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Ernest Maser for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, B-1, for permission to convert an existing dwelling into a two family dwelling. Location of property: right-of-way off west side Sixth Street, Greenport, New York, bounded north by J. Pirillo, east by Private road; south by Peconic Bay, and west by William Braun. 8:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Edward Houghton, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300-C, 2, and Section 302, for permission to maintain a private swimming pool, located partially in the side yard area. Location of property: Lot No. 48, Green Acres at Orient, west side Greenway East, Orient, New York. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: April 20, 1972, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 1 f ss: J !or , , ". 9r~. , . .. .. . , , . . . . . , . ,. weeks Icing on the ., ,t,lj"'lDtY~pll:'.e.l"lt,h . . . . . . . . )" ,..~ . ._19.?,~ . --'--~~ C ~ k~ "---~_~~_ 0..d:;<'.c..<.!.....!..,.i...--...............-...-... this...?7...1 . / .)j I . / .. . . . . .. 119..~... J / :Z"~ i..'. .C~~.'. .r.i.,; f.{.0.--4:.( ,{ .401.( '; .......................a............... o EPH L~WRENCE TOW~s~~~K )1 A.N PUBLIC OF NE \;tsi~ing in Suffolk County elks. No. 52.~3663:>O "7 \.../ ... -x Ires M,HC~1 30, 19~ Commlss;c;" .... . / o TOWN OF IOUTHOLD, NEW yoQ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NO. ,5),,3 DATE ..~...t.J.... t ~ "] "2- ., TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (W..) ERNEST 'E. MASER ........................................................................................of Name Rutherford, 23 Roliver Street Street and Number New Jersey Municipality St.te hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with, the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III SECTION B-1 SUBSECTION THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE Applicant is the proposed contract purchaser of the Cook property located on a private road off Sixth Street, Greenport, New York, on peconic Bay. Applicant hereby makes application for a special exception to convert the premises to a two-family dwelling for the reason that applicant wishes to provide year round occupancy which is necessary to limit vandalism on the premises during times when same is not being used by the applicant as a summer residence. One aPtrtment will be retained by the applicant for his personal use and the other apartment will be rented on a year round basis. There has been vandalism to the premises in the past while same has been vacant and it also appears that unauthorized persons have been living therein on occasion. The area of the premises is in excess of the required 80,000 square feet and the building thereon pre-existed the adoption of the zoning ordinance limiting the use to one-family dwellings. In addition, the premises are served by the municipal water supply and electrical service is provided by the Village of Greenport, N. Y. ~ey STATE OF NEW ) ) IS COUNTY OF Bergen) ....~~.................. Ernest ~w'2' to this .........J..1t.b...... day of ........~P.;-JJ......., 19.....7.~.... or~.......I:h":""..~.............n. Notal;)' Public Loretta M. Muel~er A Notary public of New Jersey LORETTA M. MUeLLER NOTARY PUBLIC OF N. J. My Commission Expires April 22 197'" Signature E. Maser FORM ZB2 ,'. Apl'U 26, 1972 Vl11ase ot Greel1port tbird n Greenport N.Y. GenU_en, W, have an appl1cation tora BI'Il8tt Mase., B.O.V. efr VjS 6th Str.et (tora.1' 11Uwortb property) tor spooW excepUon to COl1vert exl.t1111 dwelling to tvo tamily dwell1D1. Copy 01' lel&l notice .11010..... Pleaa. aoknOWled.. recelpt of this notice on copy of letter enclo.ed. thls lour. truly ~(;J' Q/~Jl-.'. Chairman, Bd AppealS. c9 ~~~L ;f~ ;j7~ 2fde{~ ~:2I1 ~~ I .~ .. __~''''''~'''K',~..,"",___..",,,-,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,,,,,_~,,-,____,, ~ ........ .-.. - W. ADRIANCE KIPP, JR. WALTER A. KIPP, m RIPP, SOMERVILLE & KIPP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 52 CHESTNUT STREET RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY 07070 TELEPHONES 438-0820-1 AREA CODE 201 OLIVER T. SOMERVILLE 1192S-ISH59) April 17, 1972 The zoning Board of Appeals c/o TOwn clerk's Office Southold, New york 11971 Re: Application of Ernest E. Maser Gentlemen: we enclose herewith original and copy of Application for Special Exception duly executed by Ernas€ E. Maser, the proposed contract purchaser of the Cook property located on a private road off Sixth Street, Greenport, New York. Copy of the survey of the premises in question will be forwarded to you as soon as it is received by this office. We enclose herewith check to your order in the amount of $15.00 to cover your costs for filing the enclosed application. please process the within and keep us advised of any and all developments. ,1iivry truly yours, f'D.~~1!T I; R ~rrr i'n WAK,III/lm Encs. I , .'....f' April 2~, 1972 Board of Appeals, c/o Town Clerk's Office, soutnold, Long Island, N.Y. 11971 Re: Cook to Maser Gentlemen: I hereby authorize James Olsen or william Natiscn, Jr. of Olsen Realty, Inc., Route 2~ Mattituck, L.I., N.Y. to appear on my benalf at tne hearing on my Application for a special exception scheduled for May 4, 1972 at 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) at the Town Office, Main Road, soutnold, New York. very truly yours, E~EST MASjR \ ~ v{Gc~"- _.......,'"'".~'..'-<....."._'_.~,..__.,.___"~_'~e.c""_"""',.."._._ ~ _".__.."'."......." ~_,~"-,,-.,~,, ~ ~, ~_.~_"~,...'~_~~'._,__"' -- ,...... - ~ /&y ~s7 J/~ {l~;:;( -?Ju1tu '?~71 r {f;d ult:/ /972 ~~f~ WJtVt xiw : , -:kt"-VwJ ~'tur r J~ dJ / / _ c~ . /JJu.--~ nL-- ~'~ tfJ1 CU" ~ cd4d ~ a;~ l~ iI ~ ~/ ~7Za "" -1LL- / /---? ,flY ~ L; M -,,~, ~ i , -' ',-rE. '~" . ~ v La ~~A ~ ch /'--'A~ __ 7", . ~ .7 ch ~'~;;~ . ~~ {1J~ fo ~ ern ~ 7/ . ~ . ~ ,A~A ,-"-/. ~ ~ - ~- ~ ~ ~I ~~tAJ ~ ~~~ . , r1?t/J ~ aAe-- .~~ arYl c2 5~, ./;/;./ ~ I ~~. -~~. ~-t:+~ . ~~~, Vw, .. . ...."". .. 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