HomeMy WebLinkAbout1687 ~ o o Legal Notice Page 3 9:30 P.M., E.S.T., upon application of Felix Laskowski,' Anne Laskowski, Frances Bordinko 47-52 l89th Street, Flushing, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide property into two lots with less than required area and frontage. Locatio of property: west side of Bay Shore Road, Arshamomaque, New York Lots #101, 102, 103, Map of Peconic Bay Estates, Arshamomaque, New York. 9:40 P.M., E.S.T., upon application of Arthur Giella, Hobart Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection C-3, and Section 302, for permission to build accessory building in front yard area. Location of property: west side of Hobart Road, .Southold, New York, Lots 118 and 119, Map of Founders Estates, Southold, New York. 9:50 P.M., E.S.T., upon application of Mattituck Shopping Center, Inc., 504 Walt Whitman Road, Huntington Station, New York for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 600, Subsection C-3a and Article XI, Section 1100, Subsection 2a, for permission to erect oversize ground sign (shopping center identification sign); location of property: corner of Main Road and Factory Avenue, MattituCk, bounded north by Bethany Cemetery Assoc.; east by Bethany Cemetery Assoc.; south by Main Road (Route 25) and Ard Property, Inc; west by Ard Property Inc. and Factory Avenue. ~~TICE OF HEARINGS b 11-,'\9' ~ant to SecUon 287 of the .'~ ~ ..1..aw and the provisions of ~'P.....~ Amended BuUding Zone. ~r- "'dinance of the Town of Southold. Sufrolk County. New York. public 'hearings wiU be held by the Zon- ing Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office, Mall Road. South61d, New York. op N'Qyembe'r, 2. 19.'i2..on. the fol- lowing appeals: 8 :00 P. M.. EST. upon appli- cation 'of Joanne Schlierholl;, 2925 Middle Road. Mattttuck, New York. fOf a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordi- nance. Article III. section 301 and Section 302 for permission to build garage and reduce re- quired ride yard and setback. Lo- catton of property: north side of Middle Road, Mattttuck. bounded north by R. Monahan; east by G. Anderer: south by Middle Road: west. by R. .Armbrust. 8:15 P. M.. EST. upon appll- cation of Mr and Mrs J -F Font, Deep Hole Drive. Mattituck, New York. for a. varta:nce in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article. In, Section 300. Subsec- tion C-3and Section 302. for per- mission to put accessory building in front yard area. Location of propetty: 'SOuth ~lde of Deep Hole Drive", Mattituck, bounded north by Deep Hole Drive: east by M. O'Keefe; south by Deep Hole Creek: west b:r K. Tuthill. 8:30 P. M.. EST. upon appli- cation of George A. Kophen, Sun- set Lane, Southold, New York. for 8 variance in 'accordance with the Zoning _ Ordinance, Article III. section 300. Subsoctlon C-3 and section 302 for permission to build garage aod reduce required side yard and setback. Location of property: north side of Middle Road. Mattttuck, bounded north by M. Dickerson; :ea...o;;t by- J. Zevits; south by Private Road <West. Lane): west by F. Han- cock, 8 :45 P. M.. EST. upon applt- cation of Valentine Ruch. Rllch Lane. Southol~. New York. for a variance in accordance with' the Zoning . Ordinance. Article III, Section 301. for. permission to setoff lot with less than required ar~a It'ft over from filing a minor subdivision with two full Fize lots. Location of . property: west side of' Ruch Lane. SouthoId, bounded north by ot.her land of V. Ruch: west by Private Road (Ruch Lane); south by Valerie Ruch: west 'by Mill Creek. 9:00 P. M..' EST. upon ~ppl1- cation of WilHa.m Wickham. Esq., Main Road. Mattituck. New York, on account of Mary.Zene... ski, Cutchogue. New Yorttor variance in accordance with S a. tlon 280A. SUbsection 3 01 :;:- State 01 New York Town L e tor approval ,of access to f.nter~:; Jot. Location of propert side Little Neek Road cui~ east bounded north by other lan~U:i aPPlicant; east by Norwald S b division: south by Dunhuf~r: :~~~u::1. K. Dunhufer and H: 9'15 P. M.. EST. upon apPIt. I cation of Allen W'.. Ovsianik LttU. Neck Road C t h . Ny' ucogue ew ork and Roland W Boll' -, man B .... .N': . eebe Drive, Gutchogue . Y.. for a special exception ir: a~cordance with the Zonin,)' Or ~lnance, Article VII. Sectlo; 700- ubsection B-f. for pel'm1s~ion t~ operate a Used car lot Loc tl ofpro......t . aon ..-.=-1' y: southeast Conler of Eugenes Road and Main Road Cutchogue, New York. bounded north by Main Rood (Route 25)' ~st by P. Aba.te11t; south by M' Ua; west by Eugene's Road . 9'30 PM' . . .. EST. upon appli_ cation of Peli"", La.o:;kowskl Ann LaskOWski, Prances BorcUn'ko 47~ ~~r~~h Street" FlUshing. New , ai' a Variance in accoi'd ance with the Zoning Ord. - Article III Sect!' manc'!", missi ' on 301. for per- on to divide property into t~o lots with less than required al,ea a.nd frontage. Location of _ pi operty: west side of Bay Shore . ~~d, Arshamoma.que. New York ~o. 101. J02, 103, Map of Pecomc Bay Estates. ArFhamom~ aque. New York. 9'40 P M - : ..., EST. upon apPH- :-hon of Arthur OlelIa, Hobart oad. Southold, New York fOI' a 'Variance in accordance with tho Zoning Ordl . nance, Al'ticle III .Section 300, Subsection C-3 . Section. 302 ' ' and _ .., for permisSion to' build accessory building in front yard al"ea, Location of pl'operty.' . west side of Hobart Road. South~ old, New York. Lots 118 and 119 Map of Pounders Estates, South~ ald. New York. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, saY5 that he is the Editar, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at South old, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .......~..Cj./. wee)6 successively, commencing on the ................;;L6.............. do, m ................~..~.~.~ Sworn to before me thi5 ........d../..... .........rSJ...r:;r......., 19.72 day of ............(]!&&......P~. NOtary Publlc {I ADELE PAYNE Notary Put,lie, S~2[C Df New Vorl( Resld~,?? :11 Su::()I'; County I,n 'I '"OJ Cor,Hn,:~S':lfl '-",-,:, .'- " -I 01 ..3 . "/_"'.J '.,~I L; -J'., 197 - 9:50 P. M.. EST, upon appll- catton of Mattituck Shopping center. In('.., 504 Walt Whitman Road. Huntington statton. New York. for a ,special exception In accordance with the ZoninK Or. dinance. Article VI, section 600, subsection C.3a and_ Article XI. section 1100. Subsection 2a. for permission to erect oversiZe grdund sign (shoPping' center identification sign I: location of property: corner of MaIn Road and Factory Avenue, Mattituck, bounded north by Bethany Ceme- tery AfSOC.; east by Bethany Cemetery. AsSoc.; south bY Main Rmid (Route 25) and At"d Prop- erty, Inc.: west by Ard Property Inc. and Factory Avenue. 10:00 P. M.. EST. upon appli- cation of Earl T. wnson. 160 Cedar Birch Road. Orient. New York. for a. variance-in aecol'd. / ance' with the - Zonl'rig- ordinance. Article Ill. Section 300. Sub,aec- Uoo C-3 and Section 302 for per. mission to build garage in front yard area. Location of property: south side of Main Road {Route 25); Orient, bounded north bY Main Road (Route 25-1; eMt b:-.' Private Road fCedar Birch Road I; south bY W. Taylol'.; west by N. Chapman. 10:15 P. M.. EST: upon' appll- cation of John and Florence Bat. tenfeld. 51J114&8& Place. Rock- vUle Centre. New York. for a. variance in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article III, Section 301. for permission to divide property with less than required widtl.1 and area. Loca- tion of property: south side Pe- conic Bay Boulevard. Laurel. bounded north by peconic Bay Boulevard; east by P. Warrt'n: south by peconic BaY; west by Arch Davis. 10:30 P. M.. EST, upon oppll- cation of Thomas Caf~Y, 646 Pal'kstde Drive. Jericho. New York. for a variance in accord- ance with the ZoniDg Ordinance, Article III. Section 301. fo\' per- mission to construct dwelHI\l! on divided lot with insufficient a.rea. Location of property: south side Park Avenue. Mattttuck, bound- ed north by Park Avenue; east by Private Road;routh by P Han- lon; west by C. H. Wickham Estate. Any peITon desirinll: to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place speclfled. Dated: october 20. 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS IT-IO-26 - NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 'JB1 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will he held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office. Main RDad, Southold, New York. 00 Novemher 2, 1972, 00 the following appeals: 8:00 P.M., E.S.T., upon LEGAL NOTICE app~ication _ of Joanne SchIierholt. 2925 Middle Road Mattituck. New York fo . va~ance in .accor~Ce 'withr th: ~g Ordinance. Article m Secti~n .301 and Section 302 fo; permlSS100 ~ build garage' and reduce required side yard and setback. Location of propert , north side of Middle Roa~' Mattituck. bounded ilorth by R' Monahan; east byG. Aoderer: south by MiddleRoad;west by R' Armbrust. . . 8:~5 P.M.. E.S.T.. Upon application ,!f Mr. and Mrs. J.F Font, Deep Hole Drive' Ma~tituck: New York, for ~ vanance m accordance with th Zoning Ordinance. Article me Sec~on 300. Subsection' C-3 and Section 302. fer permissioo to put accessory buildiag in front yard ~ea. Location of property: south SIde of Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, bounded north b" ~p Hole Drive; east by J. .0 Keefe; south by Deep Ifole Cree~;, west by K Tuthill. . 8:30 . P,M..~.S.T.: upon applicatIon of George A. Kophen Sunset Lane. Southold. Ne": York, fOf: a.variance in acc?rdance with the Zoning Ordinance; Article 'III section 300, Subsection C-3 and Section 302 for permission to build garage and reduce required side yard and setback. Location of property: north side of Middle Road. Mattituck. bounded north by .M. Dickerson; east by J. Zevlts; SOUth by Private Road (West Lane); west by F. Hancock. 8:~5 .P.M.. E.S.T., upon applicatIon of Valentine Ruch Ruch ~e, Southold. New York;' for a vanance in accordance with the ~ning Ordinance, Article m, Section 301, for ~ion to set off lot with lesSthBnl'llQu1red arealeftn'ver~_ " 'Su~i6ii~r*~ Location of property : wesfside of Ruch LaiJe,. South!>ld, bounded north by other land of V. Ruch; west by Private Road <Ruch Lane); south qy Valerie Ruch' west by M)l.I~. ", . . 9:00 P.M., E.S.T.. 'uMn appli~atioo ofW1lJiam wic;khani, Esq.. Main ~d; ~ttituck, N~ Yom. ,-,,;(,'.. -l'JL."~.,L-;.-."'.~. f _ f _''' _ _ ~___ ... - _ ~ )- zeneski. CUtchogue. New ark, fOl'a variance ioa~ with section 2IIOA, ~ $'91 the state of New YotkToWI1 LIIw, tot approval of8CC,llllS ~liiterilir 101. L?cationof . p.~~: _side Littie Neck 1IiiI!f'.~, bounded IIllttb~Otfiii'!ilIId'of app!. icant.; '~ ';1' J.c~' . !lId SubdiviaioD; Iiiiltll. '.' . . t .," _ , _. '-". ',' '~<l _ '.' west byK.l!JimlIlIlei': '. . .. II. Andruski~:-: _:'c _ - :-,' :_-:\~{"::_; 9: 15 . P :tot,.{ l!l;s;fJ;\'1.P9'n a pIi .ea..tiOQ.... ..... .......... ......... "'..'ti'it%"J: P - _."",~"_,,._.,,__, Little ..l'illl:IL RIl!I4:"'" ", NewY"~lmdd=.w. Bollman;' . Beebif/5.: I>rite; CUtchogue;' N......fQt'.a . opeCja1 exceptioo in ~cewltlttiJjo Zonmg' <JrdIn8'Jiee .At'tlae'.... < ,,', _" , -,,-,u, Sectioo 701), SidleecticIq,'.... (or permission to ORetat~~;...d ~ lot. LocatiOll" of. all'jlliM:l't; . southeaat cijmer of. ElCeIIes Road and If!lIn IqNu!;... . . ..' , New York. .~ ...... ','f Main Road (~2S); . l'. Abatelli; south bJJI. . i_est by EugeDll's fttl8!L '. 9:30 P.M.~<~.S.T., upotJ. application of tlilix LaSkowskf, Anne Laskowski, Frances Bordinko 47-52 189th Street Flushing, New York, for, ~ variance in accordance with the Zoning OrdinaUce. Article m, Section 301, for permission to divide property into two lots with less than required area and frontage. Location of property: west side of Bay Shore Road, Arsbamomaque. New York, Lots No. 101, 102, 103, Map of Peconic Bay Estates. Arshamomaque, New York. 9:40 P.M., E.S.T., upon - LEGAL NOTICE . LEGAL NOTICE appliCation' Of Arthur GieJla. property: South SIde of Mam Hoi!art II!Jad, Soutbo1d, New Road (Rollle 25), Orient. bounded York, for a vari&nce in north hy Main RDad (Route 25); accordance with the Zoning east by Private Road (Cedar Ordinance, Article III. Section Birch Road); south by W. 300, SulJsection. C-3, and Section Taylor; west by N. Chapman. 302, for permission to build 10:15 P.M., E.S.T" upon'" being duly Sworn. accessory bJilding in lronl.'fard appli~tion of Joim 8IJ.d F!oi'encesher of th SUFFOLK area. UJcatiOoof property: west . Battenreld. 51 Judson Place, e si~ iJfH~~, IWacf.SolrtiJold, Rockvi1IeCentre, New York. ford crt G t i "d New York. Lots 118andlI9,Map 'IIvarialleeilia~~ththe reenpor. n SlU of FouiJdtrS 'Estates.'. Souibold, ~'Ordinance" ~~e m'le CIlUlexecl is a printed New York.. .. Section 301, forpermlSS1on to 9:50 P.M., E.S.~., upon divide property with less thanSuffolk Week~ Times application of,. -":attituck required width and area. Shopping <;enter;I!IC.(SO't Walt. LQca9~ 'of. J>l'Operty: south side ~"! . . . . " . . . . . .. weeks ..WbitmsJit":lo. 1Id........HlJDtingto~.. '. PecllI!JC,..!iaiBoulevard, Laurel"ant i th ..,.....~_.-....y_..=............~.:.;...................._...by..p-......- Ba' y-s X ,;'~~~~~~c,,~~7;ZSt;Il/.'~TMren~"'""""""""" . =~~~:&Z~,;~::~~~,~:Jest by ___ ~il"r;x:t;:,:..se~~;11~,;;,;;!,;,'10:3Jl'..J'.~,.\J\;'/l;'~;, upon .... :................... ~bseCtioD.*".f(!r~ont08pp1l"'tiOllof 'lliomas Casey, 646 . ere<;t oV'll'Size ground sign ParlrBide Drive, Jericho. New (~opping_teridentification York, for a varillnce in . d =~.o:.OC.JIa.... a:~o:..a~~. r?a"':~ ~~.::.~':~~: '~~.e.~vc~_~ h A venue, Mattituck, bOunded 301, for pennission to ciJIlstruct . . . . . . . . . . . r " , . . north.bf Bethany CemeterydweJIing 011 divided.l!>t with ?~V;~.S.E.Npj .J~. . . . . . . . . Assoc.; east by Bethany .iliSufficie!It area. Locatioo of.;'~'~'.~~ N,w tork Cemetery;Aasoc.; southby Main property: !Il!uth'''idePark,~ii7:;( (;~,unty 7J Road tRol!te 25) and Ard Avenue, Mattituck, boundedes ,'dJrch 30. 19./ P1Werty,.lnc;; wes('by Ard .~ by P~k Avenue; eaat by ProperlY. Inc. and Factory P~vllte Road;SOllth by P. Avenue. HanlOn; west by C.H.. Wickham 10:00 P.M., E.S.T~, ,'upon Estate.~';.4'! application of Earl T. Wi1aon, 100 Any person desiring to he heard Cedar Birch RoRd, Orient, New on.the above applicatio!!$ should York.. for a variance in appear at the time afKI place accordance with the Zoning specified. .' . OrdinaUce, Article Ill, Section Dated: Octoher 20, 1972 . 300, SuQsection C-3 and Section. BY ORDER TO THE 302 for pi!nJiiasioII to build gal'lIjje SOUTHOLD TOWN in .front yard area. Location of BOARD OF APPEALS o FORM NO. 3 c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ..................................................................Date ........................r:?...~......7...., 19.7~ To ..~...4...~.~....b:~ ~ tl;0 [~~.tJi~) ...y.J..~.5.:b........!.~..:..::.~..................................... . ie". ,.. ( Iv' /' I II" ( ............fk;b..\.......:..::..(:......................... . PLEASE J~KE NOTICE that your application doted .......(J:r;;.-t....7..........................., 19-7..1.- . Qc 1 (" . . '. jS "j ,1 for permit to r-nne+..",.t ~.A1-.s......;~.........l.......~.....at the premises located at."...i,.j./.:i...../~d-.....J:li:.I;~ ~ U 7 .........I.~~.:.:.:~..;....................................... Street Mop ...(Y>...I,..~.."'..6}~~laoCk ........................................ Lot ./.(l...!'/../.()):.;.,..j../..g.(............. is l~h'ilII.IS - hel ,'''itA aru' disapproved on the following grounds ......~t.<'t..A-'u.......-J-....~~~............ ..&,.,..\!;&.~...t'...k...)r..P...:~h~;:J."....::.e.,......................./..~..;..f4...!Z>~..L....{.D....."'/q.a.4.') ...~r..f...~..._...................C""".;.,..JjI::-.:.....c"...."..."-~..'~..f........................................... ....... ... ... ......... ..... .... ............,... ... ...... .....~.. .., .... ..... .....,.............. .............................. ... .... .... ... "~"'" ..... ......... ;..,/ -/ ........~i;;;;~~tE...~..()/"/7 .~-- I I .._____...'"...,~." ~ ~ '-' o THOMAS R. COSTELLO ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 4!1B GRIFFING AVENUE P. O. BOX 29!5 RIVER HEAD. N. V. 11901 BUS. PARK 7.1090 . 3284 October 18, 1972 Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold, N.Y. 11971 Gentlemen: Enclosed you will please find an Application for Variance to divide Lots Nos. 101, 102 and 103 into two lots having a width of 75 feet by 125 feet. Also, enclosed is my filing fee of $15.00. Will you kindly advise me of the date that this will be heard before your Board and whether or not my presence is necessary at that hearing. TRoia Encls. (6) V~~ lurs~ 1.,;:';;: ~,' -~-~-_..,_..'-_...----- .1 ,.....~ ~ . 'f... r ~ .. "--"~.A . C' eo'.' ,...1 ('Ill.t. ~""JN' .\ ,....... I' (". j .; t ",,.' , . - J o o TOWN OF SOUTH OLD. NEW YORK /tR; APPEAL NO. / ( e:u- 1 ['( 11-- DATE .............................. APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS", TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. FELIX LASKOWSKI, ANN~ LASKOWSKI 1, (We) ~.~~.. .f.AAi-'!.c.r;.~...;e.QaP.;J;~.rK................. of ...... .~.'!.::??....~~.~.~!?-...p..~ ;r;'.':l.!':.~........... ........ ....... Nome of Appellont Street and Number .................. .J\.+.1-!.l?~.+.~g,................. ........................ ............ )~.~!!".. I.9.'f IE. ......HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State ::L~:~':: BF~:R:E:I~::~..FROM.T~E..DEclS'O:A:D ~E..~~.:I.~pNS;t"~ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ................................................................................. Name of Applicant for permit of ..... St';~~t'~~d' 'N~;;;b~~"'''''''''''''''''''''' 'MC~i'~'ip~ i ity.................... St~t~""""""""""'" ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FqR OCCUPANCY J- n~ _ () // _ ~. ~ (/~ _ ..-:.-. rl-.. ~ ~ peconic Bay Estates A DIST. 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ......................................,.....................................,...,..................... Street Use District on Zoning Map .. J:I.~..~ ./. ~i?~... ....... .... ..... .,. ...~ ~ .l?f.l9.;J,...*9.?.. .~.. 193 Mop No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- se~tion. aad Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordi,nance.) ART. III Sec. 101 . 3. ~E OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (v1 A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~as not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) / Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (V A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Permission is requested to build a dwelling on ( ) each of the parcels of land 75 feet by 125 feet is requested for the reason that on attached survey for the reason that, on November 3rd, 1962,the date of purchase of this land, the zoning ordinance permitted the building of a dwelling on each lot. The zoning ordinance has been amended to permit the erection of dwellings on larger parcels of land and prohibit erection of a dwelling on 75 fOot by 125 foot parcels of land. Form ZBl (Continue on other side) ." -~"--"I I. REASON FOR APPEAL o Continued o 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because other dwellings are erected in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district on the sgme size parcels of land. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because if permitted, this variance would not change the character of the district because other dwellings are built on the same size parcels of land. J i I(;/.)( 14::1 ,l{;wr/Cj ~/ ~ /JdMI#4 Sworn to this ....................:.1................... day Of......~............................. 19 ........s~............tj.~......R.G~J~PJi~........ Notary Public TW'MIIS R. Cf"i~~l,l" NOTARY PUB'.IC. ,,^'F '1C NEW YORK r,~o 5:;>.('"/75710. QuaHfled in Sui:-olk County -J.:l Commission Expires March 30, 19 /.-:;/ ,. N.Tuber . nintt..." hundr<<l and 1ilxt)'... tar~ . . .' d;' '""'to . ., CONSULt YOU. LAwnir u.OIlI ,;11 II. ~ 1 Jt s..L.~....~-2.. .'. ( ~~~~; IMbEN'nJRE. 'd day Of 'nfIS -'--":;"1,.,-' made tbe r BETWEEN ' . ' ," IU.lUit J. IRION and LOTTIE LOUISE !RIOH, .. Tenant. br the Ent1retl1 reu1d1ng at Str$et, R1Terhead, Hew Yorx ., his Wife, 442 \fest Main party Df1fI.Yf U~r8WSKI, FRANOES BORDUKO, and AllNE .LASKOWSKI, all residing at 47-52 l89th Street, Flushing 58, lIEH ltoRK, as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, with right of aurv1vorship to the survivor forevor. \ ~" party" f the second part, WITNE.SSETH. that the party Df the first part. in NnsideratiDn of Ten D,)lIars ao<\ ~ther valuaLle considerati~n paid by the pany of the oecond part, does herehy grant and release unto the I"'rt)' ot the second part. the heIrs or suceesllll'1 Uld assign. of the party of the second part forever. AU. that certain plot, piece or pared. of land. ,,1tW'_~lWXiPOA........,..gJht~.~ft situate. lyinc and beiUC IIUIB at Arshamomaque 1n the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled "Amended 1-1ap A, Peconic Bay Este.t.es" dated ].'JaY 12, 1933 and filed in the office of the clerk of the County of Suffolk ae Map No. 1124, as Lots Numbers One Hundred One (101), One Hundred Two (102) and One Hundred Ihree (103). SUbject to easements and rights of way which may be of record affect1ng the said premises. Subject, too, to the following restrictions: that neither the parties ot the second part nor their heirs nor aSBigns shall erect or perm1t the erection upon any portion of the said prem18eB any bu1lding other than two single detached dwelling houses tor occupancy exclu~ively as residences by one family o~11 and containing a floor area of ~ot less than 600 square feet, Lad oxcert D private garage for each house. lleillg and lntelvl ed to l;e the premises conveyell to tile party of the first part ~y ~e~d da~p1 August 14, 1957 and reco~ded in the .>uffolk Jccmty ,l'lrk" ctHce In Liber 4;,. " or < at pa~e 321 on Augu~t 21, 19:=:7. .. H TOGETHER with..\1 right. title and interest, if any. of the party Df the first part in and tu any streets an.\ roads a\Jutting the above descriW premise, 10 the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the :'ppllrtellaIlC(" and all the estale and riChlll of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premise. herein granted unto tU~~...or-.mt~~IiIOnRJl'oU'J.9[~Wlid;xgt laid Felix IA\skowSkT"rrances Borar-Mo ano- OW8 . 0 nt tenants and not a8 tenants in oo=on, >ri th l'ig ot survivorship and to tbe helra and assigns of thp sarvtvor forever. AND the party of the fint pan covenants that the party of the first pMt Ins not done or suffer,'" anyttill!: whereby lhe said rremise. Ilave been encumbered in any way whatever, except as alore.<aid. AND the rartY 0 the fin! part, io complianre with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenanls t1.'lt the f"'rty .,f the firo! part will rc:ccive the con.ldention [or this cnnveYlUlee and will hold the right 10 receive such eonsid. eration ll5 a InlSt fund tn be al'l'lied fint fM the purpose of paying Ihe enst of lhe impravemern ",,<I will apply the ""me first 10 the J.lllymenl of the <-001 f'f the improvement before us.in!: any part 01 the 10lal of the s:une for &JI1 other 1l\Irpose. The word .lparty" shall he l"onm-ued ll5 il it r~ "partico" IN ~~, the party of lhe Drat part has d wrllteD. t . ,"1, \ ~ Y.... "'.. " .' l,..r .oil ....r~_II. .,~ "-. ~~ ~l..t L.3. '~"v .~ ;,,' ,r-'f *' ,~,' '<;' '~"".;'. J,t.1. -, , -! r. ..~.. ~. L.S. Jr'~'~~ if. t~ '~-..~, I..lO!:'l"1 __ " .... ~ n....TE C)I. JaW YOIlIC. , . ~ ""'l~ . 011 tho day of November personaHy C~ HARRY J. lRION and LOTtIE LOUISi IRION to m. known to be: tho individual descnDed in and ..ho executod tho forOlloing instrument, a aclcn.:>..~ that they executod the same:. .',;~~ (!, ~~. ~ '. ..."1; ," ;' ~Ior~'!ft\t 'On ~ ...,. .,J ..' 'pets.=Uy came 19 . b!{oroz .. " to me known to be the individu.! executed the fOl'eloill( instrument, executed lhC SIDl~. dooIIYib<o<l '" and orb> o.nd ~.., l1u Notary Pu lllOMAS R, COSTFIIO IIOTAIlY PUBliC, STAT[ Of ~EW YORK No. 52-orr.210 QUlft':ed in SiJftf)ft( Count)' Cornmls,ron fxpires "'arc" 30. t~~ STAll 0$ HlW YOIlC. CO",""Y ()!l u, STAn 0$ NEW .,.Gmt. COUNTY Of _ On tho day of 19 , before '"It I On the day of 19 , helMe roe personally Qm~ l,~rsonally came to Illr knowl1, woo, b<ing by me duJ)' .worn, did deposr and I the subscribing wit:lcss to tho forOlloing instrument. with say that he f~id.. at No. whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly swom, <lid drpo>c and say that he resides at No. that he is thl' of that he knows , the rorp<>ration describ<d in and which ex....ul.d the 10rOlloing instrument; that he knows the seal of said rorporation; that the seal affixed to :-aid instrum-::ot is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by, oder of :hr board of directors of said corpora- tion, and tl.,! he signed h name thereto by like order. to be the individual de<eribed in and who executed the foregoinl: instrul1lent; that he, .>'lid suhscrihing witness, W.1.S present and ~w execute tht" same; and that he, said witness, at lhe sam. time sub$Crihed h nal1l. as witness thereto, , "":'!JE H ," II t; _ ~ E l>4 '" ii c: 5 '" U) ... .. ..-::l I .~ w '<J .~ ~5 i ... " ..... (,0 or, " ~ . \ (,0 '" , . \:'\) .c a I><: I~ 0 .. ?; t"- o ~U) l- I 0 0 .. -':; . . ~;1 1(,0 z -;:: ...-1 w . <: I- " -.:: .~ or, r-i ~~ 0 z . " " I '" ::::: , ou 0 pq :"; l? Q) :> ~ ~ ,,-'" " .to I'l H M -5 ~ P:: +> :f w - <; ~ (~I , l/Jt I- '" "" ~ '. .. It; -:.; '" OU\ . =.1 ;;;, '" ,.,a'O 0 It r I H ~~ " c:: ol:J OO\~ w ... ~ ~ -.:: z - .<l CX\I of Q". --= <: c >, I- " 0 V 0 ~'l = ~ 11 .- " <: ~ - .. :~ '<J :::: H III ~:;:~ 'lo<ou ... cS = ~ " fl " " ~ ~ H ~~ 0 ~: .. . V I- U Z ... Q e-- \,J . H 8 :: z " ... 0 h ~ III .. " " ll) .t:l ... <: ~ '" m H ~~ .- Z ." ..c: ...,.. 0 = .3 - ",. . ." al '" .~ Cl a:> 'c) en> a, ~ . 1'1.... :or; \~~ . ~ H..-! ~~ ,,~ '" >- . ci gj ~:- MH ~" .. ~ . H~ Ul- ~ < % E-t ~~ ... w t ~ c.> ~o .5 ~ z " "' H ::: -' r..(Q Jj .. t= L i RECORDED 1. ~ , ' " , 'I, NOV 5 1962 r' ' l:::l Q c.. :- @ 10., 0 0 fl ,.,., -' " r " .. ,', :w:"!>. ,....J> . , . .. , ,to, I ~ It ~ , II) ~' . \) t ... . .. ... ::s ~ t ~ . L.01'" lOO N. ..5. ..7' zo".. /25.0 l..ot 101 <> Q Q 100) \Q t- J I I \ l..ot IOZ prohc6eJ _____,.._..._._.f':__._..~...._._..___.____._ --.-_. . 12S',a Di>l/5 ion -j : <> ... at ... . Q ... ~ ... '" 't t Lor 103 , $....5'.47'20-"'. /2$.a L.or 10'" I..a r HfJH1 be/"$ ,."/41" 1'0 H A-l11errded M<1p A - Ptu:o,.,/c $<1'1 Esf'af'es;' //I~J In .:Suffolk Co, Clerk-'s oll/ce Cl5 Map NO, IIZ4. '_~" __._~_..+. ,_,,0_'__,'_"'_' _ '_._ ~- .... ..', ..-"- Q ~ ~ to- ..... ~ ~ () ~ / / / / ~ / <> .... III Q '" ~ .. .; . 0 ... ~ '::t ... V) ~ ). ~ ~ ---' _.~. -~.- ".", ........- - ----1 'I /L/ ",' ,,// ,', pj' / , " " ,. MAP or~ PROPERTY OWtJE,O By F' /\ I /' :-K 0' '<.I<-~ ''''/ t--i, !..._ r-\ ,-,,' ~ y v u.J-\. . ..- . - ..------ _..----,--_.~ liNe; ,~.- - ^ . I -E .- B . ~... ( ~. ,." ' f !.., i....-::!-1 I"~_=_~_._ ORDINKO --' ~T A IZ <51-1.4 1.10,....1...),,(/1; TOWN of $OUTHOJ.O, N. Y. . Scale: 30'=/" Mapped Sept. 7, 197Z VAN rUYL- .f. SO{o./ /. '1~-7Z;; {.;:?tT7l/"'vcu-:. III. L/<::ensed L tfnd .5" v"'1or.s wrde:npoif, N. Y.