HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/1996 List of Recipients of Lane...._Ark Plaques at the September 1`1;- 41996 Town Board Meeting LAUREL NAME OF HOUSE/SITE/PROPERTY Mrs. Kormendi Raff-Keuster House 540 Franklinville Rd. (with 7 mile Benjamin Franklin Laurel, NY- 11948 Marker) MATTITUCK Mr. & Mrs. James H, Pim "Reeve-Pim House" 1705 New Suffolk Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Ms. Agnes Lyons "1766 House" 1192 Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. S Mrs. Robert Harper "Reeve-Wickham House" 2600 New Suffolk Ave. Mattituck, NY 11952 PECONIC Mr. Paul McGlynn "Isaac Overton House" North Road Peconic, NY 11958 Mr. Gerald Barry "The Old Castle" 39515 Main Rd. Peconic, NY 11958 SOUTHOLD Mr. Peter Stoutenburgh "Doctor's House" 3075 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Mr. 8 Mrs. Claude Carlson "Joseph Reeve House" Bayview Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. 8 Mrs. Wesley Dickinson "Abijah Corey House" 7635 Main Bayview Road Southold, NY , 11971 Mr. Josey Verwayen "Bayles_Tuthill-Corey House" 20705 Main Rd. Southold, NY, 11971 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grimston "Joseph Horton House" 51250 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. James Grathwohl "John Booth House" 875 Oaklawn Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Adrian Baer 8 Margaret Reilly "Deacon James Horton House" 10585 Main Bayview Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Mr. S Mrs. Gregory Wolff "Colonel John Youngs House" 450 Youngs Avenue Southold, NY 11971 'Southold Historical Society "Southold Historical Society Main Road Properties" Southold, NY 11971 The First Universalist Church "First Universalist Church" 51970 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 The First Presbyterian Church "First Presbyterian Church" of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Mr. Eric Haesche "Vail-Booth House" 59405 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 LAUREL DESIGNATED LANDMARKS-ONE fl)IN TOTA: 125-3-11 Raft-Kuester House 540"rrankhnwlle Rd LL-5 Novemoe,1 E 198E c 1800 1983 Map x i Me:artnv House (Old Main Rd-soutn sloe, a:mterseebon with Alan=Lane Also has 7 mile to Suffolk CH marker on property Located in FrankiimiIle.the hamlet named for Bentamin Franklin. "this structure is a fine example of a classic North Fork dwelime and one of the few remaimn_ear)x'original Cape Cod sn'ie homes that once imed this road. Stated as"the oldest house in Laure'_"this residence is said to be a duDIlC.ate of the L Wickham farmhouse on the Village Greer. The attic has heavy oak framing and broad-axed beams. mortissed and tenoned " (From SPLLk forms l Also on the properris one of the circa 17`5 road mile markers indicating z 7 mile distance to the Sufoll, County Courthouse located in Riverhaed dunnz-the Colortiai era Tiie sne of the house and the arez mlmediatehi surrounding it provide a good example of what Route 25 mai•have been like before the e)aensive 20th century'development MATTITUCK DESIGNATED LANDMARKS-THREE(31 IN TOTAL 114-1 i-30 Reeve-Pim House 750 Reeve Ave MK-8z Novemoe:1E 198E mid 18th C.1826 1983 MaD# aK8 1705 NeW SUfTDIK Ave c 8 corner of Reeve The easy wing is oldest section with hand hewn oak frame:wide floorboards:pegged rafters.small window-., with much original glass:random rock foundauor. The central section or the house is from the earn 1800'& It was built bY irad Reeve to face nortiL looking to the British encamnmem. in Craven's 1906. :"�^�•of Matutucs-he writes that the road to the noose led through the enc amvmea: The house has rte to New Sufioll,Avenue which came through later From 1984 Down Hall oocument 1 114-11-6 Wells-Lyons House 13250 Main Road MK-51 E November 18,1986 c1765 1983 Map 0 5 "1766 House~ Wells-Howell House According to the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiouites which surveyed the house in 1973, the house is "one oftwo 18th century hooses remaining m MattiwcL" Craven's History of MattitucL written in 1906,pictures and describes the house. British soldiers were stationed in the house during the revolution. The house has later arrhitaxival additions. Wide attic floorboards which were probably original wainceoatinc Also,"wide,probably original main floor floorboards can be seen between joists in the basement (from 1984 Town Hall document.) 115.-9-3 Reeve-Wickham House 2600 New Stttfolk Ave MK-86 December 11,1990 c 1892 Mattnuck.NY 11952 A 1906 photo of this house reveals that a tower was once present on the northwest cornier of the house. which was removed sometime before 1956. it rose another story above the present second floor,appeared to be octagonal m shape and was topped with z steeply inclined hipped roof. There was also an ornate ist baner rail from the floor as well as an ornate rail that hung down from the porch roof. Man'original details still grace the interior,there are ven,unusual patterned moldings throughout the first floor-five heav}•,walnut newel posts brace a rather ornate.Eastlake style balluster stairway ascending from the ft M. to the second floors.original Queen Anne windows with Amber frosted glass as well as a large stined glass "•indow upstairs are still intac-4 a very ornate pair of brackets create an arch in the entre•hall upstairs. PECONIC DESIGNATED LANDMARKS -TWO(2)IN TOTAL 74-Z-15 Isaac Overton Nouse 3305 Peconic Lane PE-2F Novemoe-1F 198E c 170', 1983 Mar)'22 Comer Mill Roac North Road(Rt 4B) fine old 18th and 19th genion house.«'nigh once upon a time had a covered well right in the kitchen The cover had into slots for the ropes to go through and a wheel around which the rope ran was fastened to a ceiling beam A family deed establishes the ownership of the land at this period The back part of the place was the 1791 home(a house in itself)of Isaac Overton.farmer.and his teife Abigail Vail Their son XVilham Horace. was horn at the house in 1791 He later marred hiartha Horton-daughter of Maior Gilbert Horton of Great I-logcNecke(Bat Vie%%) Franklin H Overton.son of William Horace and Martha on his marriage in 1839 with Esther 3 Horton. came to live in his larandfather's homestead and added the large forepart of the house Frankim H Overton teas Town Supervisor 186?-73 during the Civil War years and was responsible for raisin,the Town's quota of soldiers under the Draft Act He was a proponent of Count care of the Poor at the Counts Almshouse at vaphanl. He was one of Southold Towns prominent citizens and a founder of Southold Savings Banl: The Overton homestead can claim seven generations of Overton ttho have belonged to its familt histon_ It is thought that its oldest pan with the well goes back even farther than 1791 in age. 85-2-F The Old Castle 39515 Main Road PE-8 November 18,198E c 1724 Home of Co! Hutchinson 1983 Map*1 C- Bauer House north side This fine old homestead-with its many windows(twelve over twelve panes of glass)carred the name of "The Old Castle"of the Hutchinsons for many years The oldest part was probably built by Matthias:later enlarged.and the properties increased bt Elijah Hutchinson The great holdings of the Hutchinson familt members covered various areas of South Harbor.Indian Necke.and westerly into Corchau2 division. Man, acres of fertile lands and woodland running front Bay to Sound surrounded "The Old Castle" Samuel Hutchinson was a man of prominence.ability and influence The beautiful 18th centum entrance(eight panel door-hordered by narrow leaded window Iights of fine design)the interior mantels and woodwork.the"buttene."the unusual ice storage room signified opulent family living Three daughters of Col Eliiah Hutchinson inherited the estate: Martha.who married Jared Landon-I`4an,who mamed Liet.Moses Case.and Elizabeth who marred Abraham Davids "The Old Castle."was aloned to Martha and was held by the Landons.eventually passing into the hands of Horton All information comes tram Guide to Historic Markers Southold Historic Society, 1950 unless otherwise noted T ax Lott House Name Street Address SPLIA Desionation Date Construction Date Record 9 soUTHOLD DESIGNATED LANDMARKS.TWENTY(201 IN TOTA! 1903 Mac 3. Town Doctor c House' 310 AcKenv Pond Roac SDA 8'. Novemc_-1E 198E c 1740 70.5-5 Early Semernent House a k a isowery Ro a:i_owe-Roac 196C`Soumoid Towr ,,uiae to Historic LandmarKs>=4C Tni,i,the early house which has been described a,belonpine to se,,era]earn Town Docior<who)red her: neside the Billbem Swamp and the atm of Dickmeon s Creel,(Jocket Creel,t which at that time e,lended to and beyond the dwelling The)louse%vaq nigh to the old Post Road.to a tome)hndoe crossing the creek. and to the milk,of the l itis 1 Rti1_and 19th centuries which stood on the hill slone� Mom valued is this 17th-18th centun &wIlitig for the retention of much of it,original construction and feeling-especial) -the small entre'and its original closed-in siairuav(6 treads of 17"risers to the2nd floor) ciinging to the great center chininel:the oven built into the rear fireplace wall: chimney beam.ceiling beams of irregular size The place was called in the 19th century the Gardiner House.Capt. Samuel Grover, (Glover'??)Gardiner.a whaler.and"Aunt Lun_ "Overton his wife.lived here Be sailed to the Gold Coast an. never returned Aunt Lur•was a great rug maker and she had a parrot famous thro;.,Jiout the village for its spicy remarksi Asa Smith and his family moved in ti the house in 1791 There it`a choice legend that Hannah-hi,little daughter.while plavin&stucl,a stick in the ground which became the great Buttonwood tree by the house toda%. It happens to be the largest in the township(proved b-, exact measurement):and as Hannah was born in 1795 it now count about 200 years of life Asa Smith's.yife was Elizabeth.widott of the Master of the American Frigate. "Shelala."Capt Caleb Dyer On her tombstone in the Southold Burying Ground is this inscription'Sacred to the memos,of E)izabetE Rehci of the late Asa Smith and former)-,-wife of Caleb Dver Esq-.Sailing Master of the united States Frigate Sheioin which was lost at sea with all on board viz.365 Souls in the year 1781 Airs Smith died Jul,, 12. 1825 Age.66. 1983 MaD x 30 Joseph Reeve House 1515 Lower Rd SD-179 November 1E,1986 c 16- 69-5-13 t or Reeve-Carlson Hse aka 675 Ackerly Pond Rc Identified as the Joseph Reeve homestead of 1702 In a 1677 Town meeting he was given land It is possible that this is where his blacksmith shop may have been built Reeve's shop was mentioned in the Town Record of 1680. The lands for many years were held in the Reeve family (earlier settler Thomas Reeve had his homelot recorded in 1656 on the Town Street.)This house of Joseph Reeve on the Lower Road has a ver•old foundation but has undergone radical.penod changes It is remembered as the home to the 19th century of the Reeve's famih and ofHenr_•Talmidee who marred Mar-,-Catherine Core-\ 1857: also the home of Stephen Walters 76-9--30 1 Abgah Corey House 7635 Main Baywew Road SDA 13 November 18,1986 c 172E North stae at Ceaar Lane m 1726 Brush's Hill marked the entrance to Hogg Necke.The road ran not through it as it does today-but around it. Corevs held land,all through this Corer Creel,area In the Town Records.Abraham Corey is recorded with 17 acresof land at "the going into Hogg Necke." AbiJah Corey had possession there too and lived in this house A mill once stood on Brush's Hill nearbN In the later 191h century the house is rememebered as the ear) 'home of George Henn•Terry.then the home of Nelson Dickinson Though enlarged in recent vears.the house has retained its low ceilmg rooms. fireplaces and a mvriad of small cupboards tucked into the walls.with one extremely long one for storing wood.no doubt. A fine doorway at the front is sheltered by old lilac bushes:the cellar door is at the corner. Some of the largest field stones vel found in these many old cellars are in this one.which shows also its rough hewn bears,and unusually}arge sills. In its oldest parts.this is one of the earliest Hogg Necke homes 7C,-.,-7 ', Bavler-lutnill-Gore, 50705 Main Roar 1c Novemoe•1E 198: 1557.6- 1950 Guioe;3- E_anv House in Onoir 1993 Mao�33, 198:Mar maces tors nouse at 4BE-5 Main Road but uMess tnere'nas peen a roac numne'cnanae tnA numoe•is mos'lireiv actuam 5070: , B•, the i cirri Records Stenrten Aietcla" William Fansex and Thoma Scudoe-were pre-,10111.holnelol owners to John Baku f or Bail-or Bailex) cnrner it, 1656 who dei,aned"cion front Southold nit; 1c1 Haile\ oeccendanis Stephen Meicalf ua i ou'n Recoroet iohn Tuthill boucht house and lot of Bah-e,in 1661.havim!sold ht,.former- first homelot io Joseph Sutton orSouthamntorl 111 )66(: fie marTied Deli%erancc Kina his first uiie.sestet oi,Samuel Kill.hliZ nelehhor Oil the preVlou�snc He ua,,one Ofthe forenios-i earh settlers and)argc)and holoerc ano at an earh period moved to Clyster Ponds(Or)ent I John I uthill and De)neranee I:mg Here the ancestral forebears.m direr: lute-of.-firma S%mrnes •t rife of President William Henn Harrison-and of President Bemamin 1•iamson. litna's and William Henn s grandson In 1667 Jacob Core.weaver. Town Overseer,Town Patentee of 1676•bought this house and land ofJohn Tuthill. The place yeas later handed dow•ii through the Honons and Cases It became the home of Charles 4 Case and Hannah Honon- Miss Sarah Case and J linnon Case.who wrote for the Lon,Island Traveler )us"'nobbles.snout Town " These "Hobbles"have proved of treat interest and help in the research on man-, ofthe old houses understud-, - especialh•tbme located on Southold.,;Alain Street There are all the siens of age representing several periods of change in the old house T)it 1960 Southold Historical Socien's Guide to Historic Markers indicates that there was once a ven "large chirrnie,, an6 fireplace which at one time tuned out into the room with its bncl,oven opening at an unusual place.and there is a small w'lndovt or two with handblown panes of glass" 1983 Map=35 Joseah Horton House 51250Main Roac S---2-" November 11_ 198E c 1553-founoations west side.5rd house west of Lenton Hall Joseph Honon eldest son ofBamabus Horton the first.w•as horn in hlousele•. L.eicestshire.England -came to this eounin•with his father and brother Beniamin He marred Jane Budd daughter of John Budd Southold each settler Joseph's house stands on its original homesite When he departed from Southold for Rve,Neu Yorl- Baniabus.his father-bought his home for another son. Joshua (marred Alan 7 uthill)who :N-as carpenter.constable and Town Patentee of)676 Various Honons have held this homestead for seven generations in recent Fears a silver spoon was found in the cellar.probably buried there for safen•with other treasures curing Reyolutionar•days. 'nus ver•small cellar shows its centunes of aec:rough toe heam".summer oeam and pegged umber shell.hair.cla} crumbling mortar appearing between the stones of the walls. frith difficu)r one stands upright: The house is strong built double Cape Cod which has retained its fundamental 17th century proportions. Once•two large chimneys were at either end with inienor fireplaces and brick oven Though remodelled and chanced in the interior.the house remains one of the notable old homes of Southold Few traces of the earliest house remain.and these are seen in the 9'X 14'basement entered through a trapdoor in the original kitchen In this basement are the remains of a dry laid wall,possibly from the 1653 Joseph Horwn House Stones in the origianl dry wall were pointed with mud at some later date.with a lime and mud mortar even later.perhaps c 1750 Three other time periods are visible within the house The first is from the late 18th centun'. In an upstairs bedroom there is one of the esrhesi window still in use in Southold a 9/6 window with muntins mortised through the rails and early prat glass 9, and hewn red oa),rafters are visible The-,•nse to the apex as there is no rideepole All the risible ;vuctual timbers bear Roman Numerals. In the attic a boarded off niche in the wall is faced with board-that were origtnaDy two doors The upper ane was a handsome door. c, 1930 with a decorative panel of wall paper The outside moiuldines of this door are gone.but the boards show traces of blue milk paint. The lower door has two panels of hand planed and scraped pine An earl-hammered iron handle ii,attached to this door. Were these doors used in this louse. or brought from somewhere else) Another mystery ,pe•file on house by landmarr,comm in town hall) 1983 Mao t 3E Jonn Boom House 87c OaKmw,Avenue SC-140 Novemoe-1E 198: c 1c"5 •'Mucn moved HOUSE \lame- john Booth un Ensign Booth -,las a larLe iandnolaer and rnnstandmp cnizen among earl-, setller} I le wag.accoerated-,%ith Cantain\athaniel Svl•este-nt the purchase of Sh_lie-Icland front tree indiam it 1652 Ile had large holdtn21,ut Mattnucl_ Pesaninil,\epi_ ai,,u Ronin':Island Neel.. nnw \ev. Suffolt_ and an expamnr stretch of lands in C.orchauL(Cntchogtte) Presumabl\ thea noose st000 on ns firm 1656 homemte on the Town(Main)Streei The Bootie land stretched into Crike'�\eckc 13v the mid-nineieenth century the Booth house had stared rt,ionrne%s T ormer Towls l)tstonan V%a%land Jeflerson oescritted the man\ nim m2,-of\)aster Booth's house from on: sne to another in the viliage cwvned h-, as man\ or more familie,,ac there were moyutg: )t had returned near to to original spot ly the yen earl menmeth eennin but to the homesite lands where it stands Coda, Alcester Bootli.the first rmne: was a horse breeder as cell as a large landowner Alam 17th centun'horsey were bred and reared on this area of his lands The house has not suffered from its travels.and is as staunch with old hand hewn supports as ever The lines have been 1:-,­of the double Cape Cod house-Mth the small w•indowc and panes The hand car;--•J comicec and the fine Dench door with its twelve inch hinges and overhead fan hghi are of later period and add to the interesting storti and character of this old house The house may have some of rte original hardware BE -1-5 Deacon James 10585 Main Bawiew K)_1 IF, November 1F 198E c 171 1 moved from Corey Creer. 1983 Map V 27 Horton House Roac north side Former Town Histonan V%av)and Jefferson provided data about this remarkabl well preerved eighteenth centum Horton homestead The west wing wa.once a small house on the shore of Core•Creel_about 1711 This is where Beth* Welk Horton.widow of Captain Johnathan Horton.had taken her son Jame (Deacon James)to In e on land which was pan of the 400 acre allotment of Captain Johnathan in the Great Hogg Necke land division. Captain Barnabus.the son of Deacon.lames was active in the Re-o)umom tran-Tortmp refugees and gamine on some pnvateenna Privateering is when one ship master will raid the ship of an enem% to hir king or queers ret the king's name hilt usual)-to his own benefit This war cause for reprisals and the little noose on Core\ Creel,was bombarded Two of the canon balls are now in the Sufioll: Count\ Museum m Riverhead In 1793 Colonel Beniamin Horton and his brother Gilbert.sonc.of Captain Bamabus.mored the shell of the house to where it now stands and the larger east wing was added.including rivo fireplaces. a large bncl,oven in the west wing a single chimne>. and five fireplaces in the east wine The total cost eras 300 pounds sterling The attic of this house held the James Tuthill school.said io be the first in Bax N-iew in 1851 David Austin Horton added two more chimnevsin preparing to receive his bride.hiargaret Conklmg of Montgomen.Orange County The house has)on-been known as the"uncle Austin House " From 1711 to )956 it remained in family ownership. 245 years Miss Adan-L DaNgon wag the last Horton family owner 64-1-5 Co! John Younas House 450 Younas Avenue SD-14P Novembe,18, 1986 c 1656(foundations) Possibly Younoes-Riener- Youngs.Ave 1983 Map#41 Bawoam House This house was called for many vears the Col John Yonees House of the earl,, )640 settlement. The record of lands of John.S'onges.Southold's man of greatest prominence in the 17th centurl and son of Re, John Yonges.is found in the published Town Records.dated Februan 2. 1656 These lands. extending from Town Street (Main Rd)were his recoded homelot propem•. Deeds and papers establishing fill] proof for the luston•of the housewere lost or misplaced as several historians have stated Certain documents and an account book record discovered about iwent. or more years ago Impelled the '6--)ief that the house originated with Capt John Prince. 1732. Captain of a vessel.who carte from Boston From the Prince famih•genealogy he rs recorded as ancestor of the Sothold Town Prince fail•descendants Tile construction of the house indicates sections built in different penods and possibl-, at a different site W'hich ever of Southold s families ma, have built this house and exact)•when "this is one of Southold's mos: rnterestina old houses There are recollection-of"its ponderous chintne,, 7X R feet at the ha_se rte massive fireplaces.the large cupboard filled with crocken arid the man\ small window-panes ofhand- blown sna_­' The house has peen Pictured and descrtoed mar time,in nrm: From 1960 Guide io Sout.nold T oun's Landmark, 195°Man=d= 'i nomas Moore House Main Roar. SD 6__ Novomor c 198h C: nre 165% -tounoattons vecemoe- 1990 T►honia�,door:,L,La,a snipnuildei nk%ner of les„els.merchant i own \IaRiItrate and the 01,%I1Cr of man•, parcel,of iana In COtlfnold T duh: Trier.h,a oefimte record that h:came iron,Soullmold Lnelanc H: marred,Martis: )on2es-sister of Rei John i onges the first murisier of SOL11110)d and the dauJner of key Chrisioriher i-onges -�Icar of Soutnuoid-England fin the zne of thi,house on Novemeher - 16 13. Dutc't; Commissioners met with Southold s firm refusal to knuckle lo Dutch nus The nouse stand-on tike orwinal homecne Along time Tour Street the iand,ran easterh do-wrl to a branch of-the creel. -filch at that time cut throueht th, Town Street.a itih the Shipwrights Riwi of homes on m other embankment Peter Pavne'c,was Moore's neighbor on the west . Cap'l Charie,Glover on the south The house passed from Thomas who died 1691.to his soil Nathaniel Thomas had purchased other site,in tme villaee for his several sons.Thomas.Beniamim Nathaniel and.lohnathan In it was bouehudonated to the Southold Historical Societ\ It has also been deemed that lite house.while old. is probably not the original 17th centun•structure (SPL1A 's?votes ul 1N'. No.3 Oct 1968 ) However the house has preserved much of its antioum•.the large central chimne%.four fireplaces.one the great fireulace with oven at the rear wall.the narrmk.steep closed in stairs The front door Is a beautiful example of)ate; doonrays.from about 1830 with to onstnal loci-accordms!to Jo-, Bear's 1981 Historic Houses ofthe 'worth Fork Tile "butierfe-”later called the mill:house,stand,as z separate little structure.Close to the house (All below from Southold Historical Society) Architectural historians have referred to the house as "Connecucut tvpe' or "North Shore Double Cane Cod" Authenticated b1•Richard Candee.architectural historian of Old Sturbridee.1`lA 11 has been restored to nearly a,possible to it,conditionin 1790 its furnishings include articles from the Xiuseum'e collection of)640-1 930 decorative arts The earliest pan ofthe house appears to have been a wen•small dwelling probabh consisting of onh•the east room and one other room with tlhe chimne-, on the outside wall facing the road Throughout the eighteenth century the house grew-in all directions The most recent addition fs the batten-board.brick Insulated lean to at the back.c 1860 Dunno the restoration carried out b-,•qualified craftmea under the supervision of Museum director George D 'Wagoner.original floorings and hearths were discovered under later hardwood floonng The present flooring ofthe ground floor rooms came in pan from from the second stony where it was laid with rose horded nails and in part from various eighteenth centun•barns in the vicinin An experi (my note ?"?) has declared that some ofthe hardware is from the )7th centun-(•where is it is it original to the house or brought from vicinity) Sheathed pule walls.were found tinder plaster or modem masonite Intenor colors. except for in the east room were copied from those found beneath lavers of paint or wailpaper lmerestingl}.it u,as found that lie mantels were all painted black in respectful mourning at the death of George'i'ashington in ]799.according to Joy Bear's 1981 book. Historic Houses ofthe North Fork The house was sketched in lsham and Browns book Ear)v Connecticut Houses of 1900 with a view drawn around 1894 The book also notes that the house has""no summer" beannPs" A)so.a measured drawn, ofthe door,is contained in this book 63-6 E 1 First Universalist Chrch 51970 Main Road SD-30 May:. 1986 183537 south side (or 51 PDO) Originaliv desirzned and built b� Richard Lathers(Artist.architect and landscape gardner who later studied under Alexander Jackson Davis.the architect famous for creating the concept ofthe American'Villa and for-the picturesque movement) and N illiam Cochran.who also constructed the Cleveland-Charnews house.the second house east of the church as well as at least 2 others in town one now demolished and one altered Although the structure has been altered(decorative woodwork above cornice has been removed.the interior gallery has been renovated.a vestibule added pews.added.Two rear windows were removed in 1903 to create a larger pulpit platform enlarged and in 1926 the front ofthe church-was altered to install the Mitchell Painting.)tl still retains the spirit embodied in Ins ongianl construction (Trom The Architecture of Movement.. Suffolk Count% Catalogue Hecksher Museum N.Y April '_'>-Ma\ 30 1971 )"BN 1937 when Wilham D Cochran built t_ibe Universaim Church in Southold.the romantic notion that Gothic is the appropriate st%•Ie for churches had gained currene\ and Cochran did hi,best to conform The C.ireel,ke%n•ai was ai,o filtering into the countnside The lower roof pitch cornice,and entrance to the church shoe Greel.Revival influence Tri:pointed winacwLs and hattlemented iox%er�«nh its tall octagonal belfn crmrned a nit Spirelet,are in the 6othio manner of the um: The attenuates corner Pilaster .ellintical gabie w•inoov s.and«indo%k over. the entrance are suffiecientl% comnicuou, features to ivatif-k ciassifym!z thi,buiidnie a,.essentially. late Federal survival in style in some unaccountable wa-, .the stvimic mixture Produced a real}: charming cnurch which ought to he famous lo- having perhaps the onh Gothi.Palladian'.iindov, in exisience "( Long Niandet \l atchman an anicie in SPLI.;file NaN ako be be in Southold Librar, file T57)i In 1907 the steeple was reeomtructed in enact renhca The original one Hca,deeemed sinieturall. unsaf: In 1910 a striking Painh Hall and kitchen were added to the ear and tea! The stunning de-;inn for the Parish Hall was featured in Scientific.American that year In 1921the organ instalied E1 -2-10 3 Tne prince Builomo 54255 Main Roac SD-6C JUK 5 198, 1671 norm sloe to 1974 Henry Prince.a Civil War veteran.and his friend G.Frank Hommel built the double brick store with the boundary running right through the middle of its double brickw•all. In 1900 when Henry was the agent for Long Island Gasoline Limps.he set up a gaslight in the front ofthe store creatine"a big improvement in the light line.as it lights up the whole ofthe business section"(From Descendants of Captain John Prince 1983 by Helen W.Prince.6th Generation footnotes) At some point Henn ought the otbher side ofthe store from Hommel Over the years.the building has housed a general store,restaurant post office.telephone exchange.shoe shoe and nearh eventhing in between Apparently Henn-kept a small itotebool,on the erection ofthe building entitled "Time and Other Emenseson Ne« Buildin" He most have known that Time is money' Some Epxpenses incurred such a, Man and team for caning 29.475 brick to 51.50 per 1000 co,t 544.21 \lost bricks came from Brenan, some from Grahams S39.00 was spent to can loads of lumber(26)at 51.50 a load Tile note pool; also documents the names and wages or masons and carpenters as well a,materials used in a period stretching from October 26. 1874 to Februan•2. 1875 in 1898.the Prince store contained a "telephone exchange that served as central.for Peconic. Cuthcogue and Southold 'The master ofthe Southold ,academy used to take his graduates to the oyster bar in the basement ofthe prince building to treat them for having a good vear." according to Cliff Benfield. Chairman ofthe Landmarks Preservation Commission "The building was nearil•torn down in 1979. The Historical Society purchased tiie building in 1990 and imediately enhanced it,facade by adding a long.open porch that would have been consistent with sivles during the era in which it was built. For four years the Prince Building has housed historical artifacts and the museum shop In 1994.through an anon\lmous bequest,the historical socieT•w•a,able to refurbish the second floor ofthe building The second floor now house.,society archive,while the Southold Historical Society office and museum shop operate on tite ground floor"(From Sufoll.Times Ma\ 19. 1994) Cleveland-Glove:• Historical Society Grounds SD-6P December 11 1990 1SAS Frank Gaoen This was one ofthe important black.-smithvs ofthe 19th-20th centuries.Henn C Cleveland was famous over the countnside as a shoer of horse,(c.1845-1902) Be w•as a man of great•.12ot.strength and height "The Smith.a mighty man was he" Mr Cleveland is also remembered for his remarkable flow of stones and for his long snowy white beard William H Glover.blacksmith from 1871 to 1936 was close to him in fame Frail;hi.Gagen,who joined the shop in 1910.continued it until 1941.cainirig on the tradition The forge lighted up smoked rafters.the anvil rang and the bellows bleu-for almost 100 years Built in 1842 and operated coninuously for over a hundred years.first by a Glover then by a Cleveland and last by Frank:Gagen. It was located on the north side ofthe main road west ofthe American Legion hall near Jasmine Lane The shop was given to the society to 1976 by Ais Gagen It was dismantled.re-erected and restored on the Musetim grounds The forge was reassembled with old bricks. The shop's original hand nellows are at the Suffollc County Hiostorical Society Museum in Riverhead Haliocl Currie-bell Hou-;E Historical Society Grounas SD 6% Decemoe- 1990 189; 55200 Main Roac When ]oseph Halloci, bought the 7ratelcr. r. ;eerned ,emihie to mrne hi--taniir• mut inwn from In. ancearal Hal loci, ionic on Bavvieh; The anccstral home became the Retaon C nuntt Clun anti late" apartments 7'h:archnec: John 1, Ht2gim. a retain- of-Ell:: holdr. r\fr- Jo,,erhih llialloci, ae;,ugned lth: new hou<< He fulfilled Vii: Haliocl,reauemt for a red mingled Dench colonic hilt hemi unac-im influence of luc famous coniemnorar.-Stanford Whn-.he dia not hesitate w nu%architectunai-ivies and periods lie therelorr emhelhmiled the hour:with a Palladian ttmdm% m-e-the trout entrance and siu:ci -wag-of Lour-X V1 in-titration.to Eninire bowknot-and hellhower,ahot a the w nhdrntc,nhmide ano oil; \fr and Mrs Hallocl,,,daughter. .-knn began the Southold Hmorical Socten She tool, a lead in th, Southold i ercenienart in)640 and produced tale gtndehook to the 7 own's Historic houses in the hamlet"of Cutchogue. Peconic.Southold and Arshamormoque (Need to check) Today thi- house is a museum run by the Southold Historical Socten which is open to the public and contains a sampling of the Societt- intersung collections Dine Neck Barn Historical Societv Grounds SD-6c December 1, 1990 c 1800 Believed to have been built to the 1700's it war moved to the Socten-Ground-from Pine Neck in 1961 It was moved piece M'piece.each rafter and upright being numbered and mored indivioualh It .vas then reeonsinicted as it has onginalit-stood Even the laree boulder-forting the foundation were numbered ano moved So that iodat m visnors may see hot'these old structure- «ere built.a section of the wide floor noards ham been removed.revealing the hand hewn timbers.still hearing the rounded contour of tie tree trunk from which it was made These umbers Mere Coined together ht mortise and tenon Coiner. .-, center post between the vvo barn doors k removable so that a large havwagon could he moved uh and out initials carved to the inside of the doorva-, attest to the age of the buildmc Dooms Carnage House Historical Society Grounds SD-6s: Decemoe•?' 199G 184L Built in 1940 and donated ht imine Dotxns It w•a-moved here from Jamespori in 1975 The original doors of this structure rolled on an iron track It contains two surreys from the Downs family plus a farge hay wagon. The SavvleW Schoo' Historical Society Grounas SD-119h Decembe 1990 Prior to 185E 'rormeriy located on Alain Ba,,Tjew Road (where it had already been mored once before from the triangular plot of land just west of where Jacob's Lane meets Main Ba.vview Road This building note on ine ground.,of the Southold Histoncal Soeiet\ is"Significant in the histon of the Southold-Great Hog Neck area because in the nineteenth century it was such a populated area that it required its own school house. In )835.accordineto the Coastal Survey of that near it was"lined with farmhouses all the way m Cedarpoint Beach Today ti is all area of scattered houses.open fields and goods The i reasure Exchange Historical Society Grounds SD-6c December 11 1990 uncertain Chicken coop???"?-, 50.1-11 Horton Point Lighthouse Norton Lane(north end) SD-243 December 11 1990 1855 rt is often said that when George Raashineton visited the Horton Point in 1757 he proposed building a lighthouse at the site As President.he commissioned its construction in 1790 but as things sometimes go in Washington,DC. Congress did not get around to appropriating the funds for another 67 years Tbe, station's tower rose 100 h from sea level. The lighthouse.which was equipped wvitha third order lens. showed a fixed whiteltght for the first time to 185 7.Eight keepers.including on a female keeper vdho loved the line while Robert EbbiL-recouperated from a thirty foot fall.monitored the light until 1933 when it became automated with a 90.000 candle power electric light shown from a skeleton tower In 1934 the entire entire lighthouse property,which had been deeded to the government in 1957 was tumed over io the town of Southold with the stipulation that the goverment retained the right to repossess it at anytime. Southold at one time considered raizing the structure but local opposition dissuaded them from doing this Work beean to restore the structure in the late 1970's and it became a )A seum exhibiting a variett of nautical artifacts (FROM Long Island Sound LighL-post 1986) Pust Dresovienan Chcr, 53150 Main Roao-soutnsioe SC>-4f huous' 1 oc_ 1 R1'. remooeied 165C• Initial]•, constructeo in 1 ROS_the aeep)e in 1 RN The interior vas rebuilt m'l 850 Tne area i�the sitz of the oldest meeting house in NY State Built shortly after the founding of the iowwtt in 1640 Tnc second meeting house Was buih in 16R4 and the present church wwat,incorporated on April 6. 1784 az per the request of the Sufioll, Count\ Court ofSescionz meeting in Southampton (from Around the Fork-b% t eager 1985) After the second meeting house vac built the first one wag sold to the count-, for a prison which was used until 1725.(Sketches of Sufioll.Count\...R.\I.Bayles pages 974-5)In 1974 it was still possible to see "a deep excavation.ww'hich ma-, be seen in the graveyard at the present da%.tq the remamq of a dungeon which wag conctrticied beneath the building.and now-, indicates the site of lite onginal church" t third building erected in 1711 it, attributed to Anton Tabor 1 of Onent in an amusing stor"in &iflen'i, Journal This building ww'ac used until 1903 when the present structure w-,•ac built The structure built in 1711 became first church in Suffoll:organized under the authont-, of the net-, New-, )orl,State after the Revolution The boot, Voices in the Wilderness—bw R.L Saxon 1985 page 37)states that "earhv in the coil gre gati oil's life.the 1/4 of the men at worship were required in be hilly armed and sentinels were posted throughout the meetinz house to wham of an Indian atiacl: In 1832 the church became fully Presbvtenan .lust west of the church lies the "oldest English burying ground in Nev Fork State-per placque at roadside)it -,w•a� known as"Gods Acre"(per NRHPINF(SPL1A y SD))Those buned in the church mi-6 are Hugenot Presbyienan and Congregational 'Until the fim quarter of the eighteenth century Southold was the parish for the entire north fork ferom I-Vad nn River to Onent.Thus the meeting house was the focus of north forl, political.religious and social Iife For fifty vears staning in 1803 "the third church continued this tradition functioning as a meeting hall for the town and sen•ing a large parish from Cutchogue to Onem The Great 7 riangle That Called the Congregation to Worship."came down from the bell-fry in 1855 and dedicated November 1975 in observance of the bicentennial year of our counts per plaque 56 -3.5 Jeremiah Vail House 59405 Main Rc SD-86 1653.56 This house vms orietnall-, located on Tucker's Lane.near St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church It has since been moved twice,pnor to 1940.(Per L.1 7rave.Watch 1946)Jeremiah Sail was a skilled blacksmith who's services were in meat demand Southold was so anxious to have I& Vail as a resident that when he balked at joining the local church.Southold changed its Town laws.Previous), to live in the tovn and vote one had to be a member of the church From that time on.c. )656.one could be a freeman(vote r tinder a halfwva,covenant (From A Summer ofHistor Official Program Town of Southold 1640-1965 325th Annrveisan Celebration) The pan of the hoose is the oldest pan.It was moved to its current site at the corner of Laurel Avenue sometime(uncertain)before it wag restored in time for Southold's Tercentenary in 1940 Will need information from Landmarks