HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutRevised Site Plan Recvd 12/10/2018 (2)Approved Floor Plans and Building Elevations 6/18/2019Approved PlansDesign Report LK McLean Associates Recvd 3-12-19Elevations recvd 4/12/18 & 7/3/18FEAF Supporting Narratives & DataFinal Site Plans Recvd 1/25/2019Floor Plan and Elevations Recvd 1/25/2019Floor Plan and Elevations Recvd 6/14/2019Irrigation Plan Revised rcvd 3/6/2020Landscape Plan Revised rcvd 3/6/2020NPV Ecological Review 8/2018Public CorrespondencePublic Hearing Response & Revised Visual Impact Study 8/20/2018Pump Station and Force Main Plans Rvcd 3/12/2019SCDHS Approved Sewage Collection System Plans Rcvd 3/12/2019SCWA Approved PlansSite PlanSite Plan Drawings and National Grid Easement Plans rcvd 2/4/2020Site Plans Revised 12/18/2018Site Plans Revised 12/2018Site Plans Revised 2/12/2019Subject FileSurvey recvd 2/28/18Transportation Access and Safety Review received 9/17/2018Vineyard View PHVisual Impact Study recvd 7/3/18Visual Impact Study recvd 8/7/2018