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Previous Plans from 2015
Architectural Plans for Models & Clubhouse (Recvd 9/1/17)
Basement/Foundation Plans Recvd 4/7/17
Building Elevations and New Model D Recvd 10/23/2018
Building Elevations Recvd 3/7/17
Cluster Elevations Recvd 3/9/17
Construction Operations and Phasing Narrative Recvd 1/6/17
Construction Phasing Plan Recvd 04/07/2017
Construction Phasing Plan Recvd 3/28/17
Construction Phasing Plan Recvd 8/7/15
Existing Tree Inventory Plan Recvd 8/7/15
Floor Plans & Architectural Elevations Recvd 8/7/15 & Revised B1 Recvd 2/10/16
Landscape Management Plan Recvd 1/6/17
Off-Site Improvement Plan
Phasing Plan and Narrative Recvd 1/6/17
Plans submitted 8/11/17
Property Survey Recvd 8/7/15
Recreation Building Elevations Recvd 5/22/17
Site Plan Recvd 7/16/2015
Site Plans Recvd 1/6/17
Site Plans Recvd 6/2017
Soil Management Plan Recvd 10/19/16
Tree Relocation Plan Recvd 2/15/17
Tree Relocation Plan Recvd 3/28/17