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1000-61.-1-14, 15.1, 15.2
1000-70.-5-34 & 35
Akscin, Raymond Jay
Angel Shores
Arbeeny, Henry
Aylward 1000-89.-1
Baxter, Mark
Bay Haven
Bayley, Robert
Bayley, Robert (2)
Bayside Terrace
Bayview South Harbor
Bayview Woods Estates
Bayview/South Harbor Par... (2)
Bayview/South Harbor Partnershi
Beach Plum Homes
Beixedon Estates
Betz, Ethel H
Bitses, Catherine
Blum, Reynold
Booth, Edward C
Born, Franklyn J
Brantuk & Pearson
C L Sanford Brick Co Inc.
Calves Neck
Cardinale, John & Joan
Catapano, Salvatore
Cedar Beach Park
Chardonnay Woods
Code, Mary N & Nelson, Agnes D
Community Development Ag... (2)
Community Development Agency
Conway, Julia
Corey Creek Estates
Cranberry Acres
Crowley Estates
Damianos Park
Damianos, Herodotus
Dart Edward D
Dart, Alice J
Dawson James W
Dayton Farms
Deerfield Farm
Dickerson Farm
Dickerson, Parker et al
Dowd, Theodore
Druhl, Philip
Duffy, Alice Estate of
Dzugas-Smith, Steve & Donna
Eastwind Shores
Elysian Fields
Fairview Park
Forestbrook At Bayview
Founders Estates
Founders Village Section 1
Founders Village Section 2
Georgiopoulos, Constantine
Goldin, Nathan
Goose Bay Estates
Goose Neck
Goubeaud, William F
Haman, Carol
Harbor Lights Estates Section 1
Harbor Lights Estates Section 2
Harbor Lights Estates Section 3
Harbor Lights Estates Section 4
Harvest Homes Estates
Highpoint Meadows Section 1
Highpoint Meadows Section 2
Highpoint Meadows Section 3
Highwood At Bayview
Holly Park
Hurtado, Christine, John & othe
Johnson, Robert W
Kelly, James Patrick
Krupski, Andrew P
Laughing Water
Laughing Water Section 2
Leeward Acres
Lewis Homes Company, Inc.
Lighthouse Associates
Lighthouse Road 26
Long Pond Estates
Long Pond Estates Section 2
Manor Grove Corp
Manor Grove Corp (2)
Manzi Homes
McCarvill, John & Patricia
Messina 1000-55.-6-35, 36, 56.-1-1
Mill Creek Grove
Mill Creek Preserve
Mount Beulah Acres
Mullins, Eve
Nathan Goldin
Nelson, Robert C
Nickart Realty
Nickhart Realty Corp
Norkus, Robert & Aldona
North Bayview Associates
North Fork Beach Condominium
North Fork Estates
Northwood Estates
Nunnakoma Waters
Oakridge Hills
Orlando, Vincent
Osani, Donald
Overton, Jonathan T
Papadopoulos and Maragos
Paradise By The Bay
Paradise Point Section 1
Pearson, John & Nancy
Peconic Development Corp
Pellicano Woods
Penny, George L
Petrocelli, John & Joan
Pipes Neck 1000-45-5-4
Plock Shellfisher Preserve
Pudge Corp
Purita, Frank
Puritan Farms
Reydon Court
Reydon Shores
Reydon Shores Re-Subdivision
RHR Realty Co
Sandy Ground LLC
SC New Drinking Water Protection Program
Scharf, Charles & Amy
Schneider, Ernest
Seawood Acres
Sleepy Hollow
Smithfield Park
Solowsky & Rzeszut
South Harbor Homes
Southold Gardens
Southold Villas
Southold Villas Section 2
Stanton, 1000-64.-1-29
Stegner, Daniele & Patricia
Stepnoski, George A
Sterling Harbor Inc
Sunbeau Associates
Sutton, Alexander & Tracy 78.-9-54
Terry Waters
Tertis & Goose Creek Associates
Too Bee Realty
Town Harbor Terrace
Town of Southold
Tully, Shawn
Verity, David at Laughing Waters
Verveniotis, Plevritis & Yianou
Wells, George H
Wells, George Jewett
West Creek Development
West Creek Estates
West Southold-On-Sound
Wexler, Allan & Ellen
Wiederman, Joseph
Wiepzynski, Stanley & Marta
Wildberry Fields
Willow Point
Willow Point Open Space
Wolf, Leonor
Yennecott Park
Zoumas at Bayview