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Asphalt Road Materials
Automatic Generator for Police Headquarters
Chowder Spawning Clams
Cleaning Police Uniforms
Compost Tractor
Diesel Fuel
Dodge Ram D50
Drainage Pipe with Bands
Drainage Rings & Domes
Fence at Two Drainage Sumps
Ford 4610 Tractor
Four Replacement Tires for Fiat-Allis
Four-Door Sedan - Highway Superintendant
Fuel Oil
Half-Ton Dodge Van (Or Equal)
Insurance Proposals
Outboard Motors
Police Cars
Printing Town Records
Resurfacing of Sound Avenue at the Western Town Limit
Sale of Scrap Metal & Paper
Snow Fence, T-Posts, Rock Salt
Street Lighting Fixtures
Tandem Steel Wheel Roller
Used International Payloader Model H-60E