HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout Perl, Richard & Stephanie100 Park Ave Corp1160 Snug Harbor LLC1460 The Strand, LLC1505 Birdseye Road, LLC1505 Birdseye Road, LLC (2)228 Chocomount Beach Road Trust2440 Village Lane, LLc40200 Main, LLC4760 Blue Horizons Realty c/o Alexander Fusaro500 Soundview Drive, LLC5415 Skunk Lane LLC67 Sound Cheshire LP8 Jan Court, LLC9450 Main Bayview, LLCAdamovicz, RolandoADF Ventures, LLCADF Ventures, LLC (2)ADF Ventures, LLC (3)Adimey, Marijo & Veronica LugrisAdler, SophiaAhlers, Paul & PatriciaAlbano, Brennan & CarlyAnderson, Bruce & SusanAndrea L. Simitch Revocable TrustAngel Shores HOAAnnabel, RobertAnnicq, ThomasArchivist Capital RE Jackson, LLCArmstrong, MadelineAstley, Christopher & AmyAttia, Samir & Jila SharifAustin, ChristopherAvella, Joseph & Jo-AnnAWC Dockside, LLCBaer, HaroldBailey Investment Group II, LLCBailey, JamesBarnes, LucindaBartos, Jeannie & MichaelBar-Tur, Amnon & KathleenBassara, Harjot & Brendan FrederickBattaglia, JosephBattaglia, Joseph (2)Bayview at Mattituck Home Owners Assoc.Becker, KathleenBeckstead, JuneBelkin, MelanieBen-Ami, Gil & TracyBender Family1996 TrustBenfield, CliffordBennett, James & Katherine BrandtBennett, JohnBernstein, LawrenceBetsch, QPRTBlanchard, DonnaBlue Horizon Bluffs, LLCBoger, RobertBogovic, DanielleBohner, Richard JrBonati, RichardBonati, Richard (2)Bovino, Charles & JaniceBoxer, Gene & Macdermot, MollyBroadwaters Cove AssociationBrown, JamesBrush, JamesBubany, NicholasBurnham, BradfordC. Meskouris 2020 Revocable TrustCamarano, NicholasCampbell, DonnaCampbell, SherriCapozzi, JamesCapozzi, James & KathieCarlen, DouglasCarroll, John & AmeliaCassaro, David & Mary JaneCassaro, David & Mary Jane (2)Castro-Tie, John & ArmandoCastro-TigheChadwick, WalterChamplin Holdings, LLCChamplin Holdings, LLC (2)Chase, StanleyCheng, Frances & TonyCid, Clifford & KarenCikolla, JorgoCiravolo, CharlesClausman, KennethCleveland, Donald JrClous, JamesCocolaras, PeterCohen, LeslieColletti, ScottColligan, AnnConcannon, JustinCondit, Joan MConfusione, Michael JConkling Advisors, LLCConkling Advisors, LLC (2)Corcoran, DavidCoritsidis, GeorgeCornell, ThomasCostas, AnnaCountry Estates at West Creek HOACrescent Beach Property Owners AssocCross Sound Ferry Srv., IncCurtis-Harvey Revocable TrustCurto, RoseCurto, Vincent & RoseCutrone, PaulCutrone, Paul & ChristinaCutrone, Paul (2)DAS, ESQ. Profit SharingDavis, JulieDe La Vega, Frederick & Lawrence HigginsDecarolis, Frances & PatrickDeckinger, MatthewDgheim, CynthiaDiffley, GerardDilollo, PatrickDiSapio, Charles & Perez, XanneDistante, StephenDistante, Stephen & HeidiDohnal, Brett & KimDotmedia, LLC c/o Todd O'DonaldDounis, HarryDrum, Henry Shelter TrustDunning, Susan MagrinoEaton, HalleEdson, LewisEisenreich, WilliamElsa Rivers Living TrustEl-Sherif, Nabil & Gioia TurittoEndemann, FredericFabb, ThomasFairway Farms Association, IncFarley, Mary KFauvell, JeannineFerrara, JosephFI Utility Co, Inc SubdivisionFinora, JosephFischetti, John & Deborah DeaverFishers Island Ferry DistrictFlaherty, Karen & CareyFlanagan, Brian W & Laura KFlecken, LeoForbes, DeanealFoss, Michael & CheriFrade, PaulFrade, Paul (2)Freed, Todd & Edith Webster FreedFrost Road Associates, LP.Fthenakis, VasilisFTKS Holdings, LLCGardiners Bay Estates Home Owner AssocGardiner's Bay Estates Homeowners Assoc.Geiss, GuntherGentlemens Ridge, LLCGerowski, DougGiacone, PhilipGiakoumis, NicholasGilchrist-Mancino, PatriciaGindele, Elaine & ThomasGitlin, WalterGlassman, Matthew & Heller, TracyGlendalough Properties, IncGoldsmith's Boat ShopGoldsmith's Boat Shop (2)Gordon, William & VictoriaGorsky, AngelaGoydan, William & Leary, PaulGreen, Kathleen AnnGreene, CharlotteGrillo, Joseph J Sr Rev. TrustGross, amyGruber, Erwin & HeatherGrzic, Steven & Persico, ChristineGuercia, Ralph & D'Alessandro, VincentGulizio, Michael & Cordoves, StevenHahn, RussellHalligan, KarlHampton Oyster Co, LLCHarbor Lights Property Owners Assoc.Hazard, David & BarbaraHeath, ElliotHeigl Family TrustHelfet A&M Rev. TrustHenry, JohnHerman, EllenHermsted, WilliamHicks, JeffreyHirsch, Doug & LeslieHJHW Peconic Sound LLCHochbaum, ChetHoffman, Herbert & SusanHovey, MaryHovey, Mary (2)Hutchinson, RyanHutson, J. MiltonIacovone, AnthonyIlgin, KaanIlgin, Kaan (2)Integrity Equity Partners, LLCIsabella, Barbara & JosephIsland View HOAJ. Manassah 2022 Revocable Trust & Eleanor KeresterJackson, Warren 2017 Revocable TrustJansen, Jay & BethJansen, LizbethJB Husing Family TrustJM Bogert FI Res. TrustJoanne M. Bryan Revocble TrustJSK Park Avenue, LLCKadillak, JosephKatsamanis, GeorgeKatsamanis, George (2)Kayser, NeilKehle, GraceKeisermanKelleher, MaryKelly, FrankKelly, Thomas & LindaKetner, ScottKhosla, Pankaj & NatashaKiernan, StellaKimogenor Point CoKing, BillKing, Lawrence & MarylouKinlin, Bruce & ElizabethKirsch, CharlesKnapp, Alfred & MaryKnise, Rosemary & DiGregorio, FrankKoehler Farm Ltd PartnershipKofinas, AlexanderKohen, SharynKoolik, Scott & SounaKooyker, William & Judith CorrenteKraebel, JoanneKreger, MichaelKrudop, RobertKrudop, Robert & KellyKrupnick, DavidKrupski Family LTD PartnershipKubryk, StevenKumar, Ajit & Ecclestone, JenniferKurtz, Michael & LisaKurz, Donald & JeanneLaDuca, RobertLagoudis, Ioannis & StephanieLalezari, ParvizLambrou, Georgia C Revocable TrustLanghans, Elizabeth J TrustLaoudis QPRTLatham, Janet & Freudenberg, KurtLaughing Waters Property Owners AssociationLay, Lester & EthnaLazio, ErnestLazos, ChristopherLeary, PaulLeodis, Emmanuel, Irene Thomas & Toula LivanosLeslie LLCLeudesdorf, Arthur & FrancesLewis, BrionLicul, Pino & IrenaLighthouse Point, LLCLoria, PhilM&R North Fork Properties IncM&R North Fork Properties, IncMacDonald, NeilMacfarlane, Robert AMagill, AlfredMahaffy Family Partners, LPManago, VincentMangus, GaryMarcus R. Bryan Revocable TrustMarra, DanielMarshall, JosephMartino, EliseMattituck Park DistrictMattituck Park District - Veterans Memorial ParkMattituck Park District - Wolf PitMattituck Park District (2)Mattituck Park District (3)Mattituck Yacht ClubMay, JohnMazi Holdings, LLCMazza, Joe & LauraMazzoni, HenryMazzoni, Henry (2)McDonnel, Michael & KatherineMcGoldrick, Neil & AmyMcGowan, Jacqueline, Michael & AndrewMcGuire, Eileen TMcManus, TimothyMcMillen, DavidMDC TrustMelillo, CarolynMelrose, Virginia Living TrustMelrose, Virginia Living Trust (2)Mennicken, Charles & JillMercurio, Marcus WMeskouris, James & ChrisMikulas, RichardMilgrim, StephenMill Creek Partners, LLCMiller, WalterMinetti, JosephMitchell, James & MarinaMitchell, Janet CD Rev. Tr.Mitchell, Janet Cd Revocable TrustMitchell, Joseph & Ha Shum C KwockMolloy, ChristopherMonaceelli, GianfrancoMonterisi, FrankMoore, William & PatriciaMoriarty, Amber & Courtney, PatrickMorrissey, Linda & JerryMudd, NancyMurray, ChareneMutsakis, Michael & Capassakis, EvelynN&L PropertiesNassau Point Causeway AssocNesin, RichardNew Suffolk Properties, LLCNew Suffolk Waterfront FundNew Suffolk Waterfront Fund (2)Nicholson, Jan Living TrustNickles, KathleenNOL Associates, LLCNorth Fork Country ClubNorth Road Hotel, LLCO'Ferrell KirkOldenburger, IreneO'Leary, JoanOlsen, Sean & LeslieO'Neill, PeterO'Reilly, Brian POrient Wharf, CoOrient-East Marion Park DistrictOsvaldo Landvik, LLCOut North East LLCOxee, John & ClaudiaOxee, John & Claudia (2)Pad Family, LLCPage, David & Barbara ShinPapadionisopoulos, GeorgeParisi, Joan Lifetime Qtip TrustParsons, Kathryn MPassarello, JohnPatchell, Gayle & ScottPeconic Land Trust, IncPeconic Land Trust, Inc (2)Pequot Point, LLCPerl, Richard & StephaniePeter's Neck LLCPeter's Neck LLC (2)Peters, LeePipes Cove CondoPMA Cutchogue LLCPMV Family, LLCPolidora, Joseph & DeborahPosillicoPower, CarolePrimich, Michael & KarenRaimi Family TrustRasmussen, Christian & Albert SeldenRavn, Daniella & StephenRavn, Daniella & Stephen (2)Raynor, MichaelReardon, John & ElizabethRebell, Jonathan & Levine, NoahRebell, Jonathan & Noah LevineReese, Harold JrReeve, Harold R & SonsRehm, ChristopherRicci, Carolyn & JosephRieger, GerardRivka Schoenfeld Trust c/o Jonathan RebellRivka Shoenfeld TrustRobalino, Douglas & DianeRomboli, Bruce & EdithRosenbaum, JonathanRoss, Christopher & MichelleRuss, DonaldRybecky, PhilipSachs, Richard BSadik, LuanSamaan, SelimSarakatsannis, ThomasSavino, Michael & DanaSbarra, JosephScalza Revocable TrustScharfman, SheilaScharfman, ShielaSchroeder, John & ElizabethSchupler, JosephSchwartz, Justin & AllisonSchwartz, Mark & Praus, LaurenSciotto, Joe & LindaSea Breeze Condominium AssociationSegouin, StephanSeibel, JeffreySeodat, VishnudatSeven Cats Investments, LLCSewell, Catherine & LeeSeymour Schorr Prod. IncSfoglia, GregoryShannon Trust IIIShannon, JoanShannon, Joan (2)Sharko, Emily & JohnSHM Greenport LLCShoenfeld, Rivka TrustShriber, MaxineSiejka, RogerSilverman, HenrySilverman, Henry & MelissaSimmons, StephenSinclair, SandraSKJ Corey Creek, LLCSlade, MichaelSmith, Thomas & JenniferSolinger, LauraSoundhaus Hldgs, LLCSouthold Bay Haven POASouthold Park DistrictSouthold Shores Boat Basin, IncSouthold Shores Boat Basin, Inc (2)Southold Sunsets, LLCSouthold Yacht ClubSouthold Yacht Club, IncSouthwood Property Owners AssocSpencer, JoniSpillane, RonaldSpinaris, AndreaSpreeman, AnnSpreeman, C. AnnStamidis, ConstantineSteffens, DeannaStein, Peter & AllisonStephanides, CelesteSterling Brent Real Estate LTDSternStirling Eastern Shores Assoc.Stratigos, TheodoreStrauel, TheodoreStrecker, MeganStreeter, ErinStritzler Family TrustStronski, Neil & Patricia PerezSullivan, DoloresSummit Estates Homeowners AssociationSV Greenport LLCSvetec, Nicolas & Zhao, LiTeicher, Stephanie LTenedios Ag BarnThirty One East PropertiesTintle, CarrieTiranno, Charles & JanetTloczkowski, MaryTodebush, RogerTreiber, PeterTremaine, Sarah CTri Par CorpTrope, HillelTuthill, LawrenceTuthill-Glueck, NoraUlmet, MarieUyanik, Amy & StevenValentine, Pamela SVan Hengel, Maarten JrVanston Bear LLCVavas, JamesVavas, James & VickyVener, David & Weinstein, EllenVenetis, John & DaniellaVerni Family LLCVickers, ConstanceVigdorchik, JonathanVigdorchik, Jonathan (2)Villanti, BryanVitrano, ScottVoelkel, RobertW. Harbor Bungalow, LLCWachter, Paul & SusanWacker, Robert JrWagner, Stephen & CharlotteWalker, WayneWallace, GayleWanat, Phillip AWeaver, Carl & MarilynWeil, LauraWeild, Drue, QRPTWeinberg, MarciaWeisbach, AndrewWells, CaraWest End Beach Association of Camp MineolaWick, SteveWick, StevenWick, Steven (2)Wickham, Jay PWillow Point Assoc. 2021Willow Point AssociationWilm, Walter & DeborahWilmerding, HaroldWong, Anthony & SomniWyandanch RE CorpZakarin, Eileen & GaryZhang, VivianZimmer LLCZimmer, Carol & ChrisZukowski, Tracy & Martina CheungZupicich, AtilioZupicich, Atilio (2)